2018 NBA Playoffs Thread

Who will win The Finals

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what you described is elements of what the league should be and could be.. and yet it is predictable

the dynasties you speak of at least had challenges along the way.. i will be impressed if this warriors team reaches a game 6 in a series

also, because teams have realized the value of the 3, you have teams jacking up way too many and people who shouldnt be shooting them firing away

also the officiating is an absolute joke, which isnt a new problem.. but it still hasnt been properly dealt with
I agree with most of the issues you're bringing up (not so much the 3 one).

But compared to the issues the NFL has... It's basically a zero.
Bull****. If I damn near know what the outcome of the NBA is going to be every single year, then it isnt a superior product. The NBA has a serious competition problem right now. In any given year, only one to three teams stand a real chance of winning the championship.
The best team in the NBA almost always wins in a given year. Personally I like that. You can't luck your way into a championship.
I'm not getting caught up in anything. You're countering me saying "There was a big gap between the #1 and #2 on the Mavericks" by saying "Yeah but if you combine the #2-#8 they did a really good job." Again that's not my point.
I’m countering you by saying that you’re completely ignoring half of the group project when you’re handing out grades :lol:
Bull****. If I damn near know what the outcome of the NBA is going to be every single year, then it isnt a superior product. The NBA has a serious competition problem right now. In any given year, only one to three teams stand a real chance of winning the championship.

That’s the nature of the league and sport where one or two players have that much impact on winning. Other than conference realignment....the game is in a great space right now as far as product goes.

You can argue the competition angle...but from a sheer entertainment product and growing sport....it’s a hell of a product right now.
Bull****. If I damn near know what the outcome of the NBA is going to be every single year, then it isnt a superior product. The NBA has a serious competition problem right now. In any given year, only one to three teams stand a real chance of winning the championship.
it's always been like that tho .

I don't care . NFL season means more for obvious reasons and only big games and the nba playoffs are really entertaining . The 80 nba games is od . Nba has trash officiating and it has been an issue for awhile .NFL is much better officiated.

Couldn't choose between them tho.love them both the same. It's not a competition or a I have to choose one or the other. I could give a rats as which is more popular.
Bull****. If I damn near know what the outcome of the NBA is going to be every single year, then it isnt a superior product. The NBA has a serious competition problem right now. In any given year, only one to three teams stand a real chance of winning the championship.

When has it not been like this?
I’m countering you by saying that you’re completely ignoring half of the group project when you’re handing out grades :lol:
It's just like, how much value is concentrated in one player versus spread out among a bunch of different players. How many net points does one player get you. Dirk has to be the biggest gap between player A and player B on a championship team since at least '03 (as you suggested). I think that's really impressive. I am not downplaying the contributions of the role players on that team.

But the difference between role players and stars is role players are interchangeable and are not consistent. They don't need to bring it every night at a star level. Dirk had to bring it every. damn. night.
The best team in the NBA almost always wins in a given year. Personally I like that. You can't luck your way into a championship.

you cant luck your way into a championship in the NFL either.. the format does allow for the better team to be beat, though.. since it's 1 and done

for example look at the '01 nba finals, the lakers were obviously the far better team but the 6ers won game 1

baseball, you need to be playing well come the playoffs and WS

but right now, you have 4 all nba-ers on the same team.. how many teams even got 2? houston?
what you described is elements of what the league should be and could be.. and yet it is predictable

the dynasties you speak of at least had challenges along the way.. i will be impressed if this warriors team reaches a game 6 in a series

also, because teams have realized the value of the 3, you have teams jacking up way too many and people who shouldnt be shooting them firing away

also the officiating is an absolute joke, which isnt a new problem.. but it still hasnt been properly dealt with

Last year was the only time in the warriors run that it was a foregone conclusion :lol:. Don’t forget 2016 when they came back from 3-1 against okc in the WCF...only to get beat after being up 3-1 on a last second shot in game 7 of the nba finals.

That is greatness. As much as I hated that moment cuz F-Bron 24/7....that’s a hell of a....product. You want to see the best at their best in the highest stakes. We’ve gotten that for the better part of the last few years...as well as the game expanding and revolutionizing.

We’re at a point where actual skill and concepts are at a premium in basketball. 5 best players on the floor that can all shoot/pass/dribble/rebound/defend is what you see at the end of games. That’s what we’re trending to, and it’s good.
Right now the NBA should shorten the season or shorten the playoffs. There really is no point of having a 7th or 8th seed anymore. They very rarely win. They should also shorten the first round back down to 5 games.

Right now the 82 game season basically means nothing. The good teams coast through it and the bad teams tank for the last half of the season.

Other than competition, the NBA has plenty of other problems (as does all leagues, especially the NFL) such as reffing with superstar treatment, tanking, length of the season and playoffs, and flopping.

No league is without its faults, but the NFL is far and away the most popular sport in the US.
you cant luck your way into a championship in the NFL either.. the format does allow for the better team to be beat, though.. since it's 1 and done

for example look at the '01 nba finals, the lakers were obviously the far better team but the 6ers won game 1

baseball, you need to be playing well come the playoffs and WS

but right now, you have 4 all nba-ers on the same team.. how many teams even got 2? houston?
Yup it's about the 7 game series. The best team is rarely beat in that format. Plus basketball is just not a sport with as many wild swings in variance like baseball.

I don't really care if the Warriors win every year (not written in stone btw, they've won 2 of 3 but people act like this is 6 in a row). I'm just here to appreciate beautiful basketball being played. And basketball is a beautiful sport.
it's always been like that tho .

I don't care . NFL season means more for obvious reasons and only big games and the nba playoffs are really entertaining . The 80 nba games is od . Nba has trash officiating and it has been an issue for awhile .NFL is much better officiated.

Couldn't choose between them tho.love them both the same. It's not a competition or a I have to choose one or the other. I could give a rats as which is more popular.
NBA officiating has been disgusting for a while. Remember that fuss over the replacement refs in the NFL a while back?
Like that **** is every day in the NBA. Aint no one making that big of a deal over bad calls because we've all learned to deal with the nonsense.
I do like the ability to challenge BS calls that the League has but with the NBA constantly looking to speed up the game I doubt we'll ever get something like that in the NBA.
but right now, you have 4 all nba-ers on the same team.. how many teams even got 2? houston?

Okc has 3
Houston has 2
Cavs have 2
Boston (injuries 3)
Spurs 2 current + hofers
Toronto has 2
New Orleans has 2
Minny has 2

Etc etc. That’s just off the top of my head.
NFL also full of clown *** racist owners with overseer mentality that don't give a damm about the players. They've showed their *** for too long and people are starting to turn away.

NBA is where it's at.

Did Donald Sterling not happen?

I will give the NBA credit for banning that racist ******* permanently though
Last year was the only time in the warriors run that it was a foregone conclusion :lol:. Don’t forget 2016 when they came back from 3-1 against okc in the WCF...only to get beat after being up 3-1 on a last second shot in game 7 of the nba finals.

who said i forgot any of this?

you're talking about the warriors team that ONLY had the 3 all nba-ers and won 73 games

i think that was the last time the league had an opportunity to be what you described.. the last 2 seasons ive viewed as pointless

even without steph, they have had what 1 tough game in this playoffs so far? how many did they have last postseason?
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