2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

And yet on the flipside, you are posting BSO as a breaking news source and getting way ahead of your own self.

Sorry but you lose the benefit of doubt when you have a history of beating your pregnant girlfriend.
There's no coming back when certain lines are crossed.

Tbf other sources have posted similar info as well from the police reports.

I think it's possible for Tyreek to still be a POS for past incidents and still not be involved in this (or maybe he was?)

But we'll see how this unfolds

man, you stuck up for POS Jamies. Be quiet


“The evil media” is responsible for tyreke hill beating his pregnant girlfriend now.

Whether it turns out Hill was involved in this latest abuse incident or not, posting some pathetic superfan whining about “the media” has nothing to do with me calling out BSO as a terrible source for you to get your news.
The problem is two-fold. First, Tyreek Hill completely lost the benefit of doubt after choking and punching his pregnant GF in 2014 while at OK State. People make mistakes, we're all human, but on the spectrum, that's a horrible one to make. I hope he's learned from that incident and changed his behavior to become a better man. However, it's not far-fetched to believe many if not most abusers repeat their behavior over a lifetime.

Secondly, the media is in a constantly rushed state for a big scoop and to be first in reporting it. It's always been like that, whether it be Hollywood or the sports industry. Heightened in the social media age and outlets like TMZ. Nothing can be hidden anymore. We saw it with Rap, jumping the gun to report the AB to Buffalo news which obviously turned out to be false. Although his incident didn't hurt anything except his own credibility as a reporter. Same as the reporter who quickly rebutted Josina's scoop about Landon Collins cleaning out his locker and leaving the G-Men. I believe he publicly apologized with a tweet after the fact.

A lot of us dreamt about becoming star athletes as kids. But be careful what you wish for. Sure, many of the top athletes live glamorous lives. Beautiful cribs, fast cars, nice jewelry, surrounded by gorgeous women. But a price comes with that too. You will never again have privacy in your life. Celebrities across all industries must assume everything they do will be reported in the news. Good or bad. Because of that public scrutiny, athletes will be judged differently than the average human being. Same way politicians in public service are held to a higher moral standard. The average person might make certain mistakes, but we expect our athletes, politicians, sometimes heroes to be better than us, the common man.
The problem is two-fold. First, Tyreek Hill completely lost the benefit of doubt after choking and punching his pregnant GF in 2014 while at OK State. People make mistakes, we're all human, but on the spectrum, that's a horrible one to make. I hope he's learned from that incident and changed his behavior to become a better man. However, it's not far-fetched to believe many if not most abusers repeat their behavior over a lifetime.

Secondly, the media is in a constantly rushed state for a big scoop and to be first in reporting it. It's always been like that, whether it be Hollywood or the sports industry. Heightened in the social media age and outlets like TMZ. Nothing can be hidden anymore. We saw it with Rap, jumping the gun to report the AB to Buffalo news which obviously turned out to be false. Although his incident didn't hurt anything except his own credibility as a reporter. Same as the reporter who quickly rebutted Josina's scoop about Landon Collins cleaning out his locker and leaving the G-Men. I believe he publicly apologized with a tweet after the fact.

A lot of us dreamt about becoming star athletes as kids. But be careful what you wish for. Sure, many of the top athletes live glamorous lives. Beautiful cribs, fast cars, nice jewelry, surrounded by gorgeous women. But a price comes with that too. You will never again have privacy in your life. Celebrities across all industries must assume everything they do will be reported in the news. Good or bad. Because of that public scrutiny, athletes will be judged differently than the average human being. Same way politicians in public service are held to a higher moral standard. The average person might make certain mistakes, but we expect our athletes, politicians, sometimes heroes to be better than us, the common man.

Champ Costas

We need the draft to come around quick.
Eifert re-signed with the Bengals. Forgot all about him. When's the last time he played? :lol:
One-year deal makes sense for both parties. Last played against the Falcons end of September '18. Season-ending surgeries three seasons in a row. Crazy. Eifert has never played a full 16-game season. Ankles and back problems for days. Man's can't stay healthy.
Champ Costas

We need the draft to come around quick.
My man. NBC sacrificed Costas because he wouldn't stop addressing head injuries and concussion-related symptoms. Some people find him snooty but I rock with Costas.

Yes, sir. *Bart Scott* can't wait. NFL offseason already been fireworks.
Vikes have the worst cap space in the NFL. They should go on ahead and trade us Diggs. His guaranteed money is only 16 mil, 22nd in the league at WR. So it would only help a bit but still.

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