2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

She definitely has some very cringeworthy hits though, but arguing music is an exercise in futility. Cause like you say, it's mostly about what cup of tea you prefer...or some ****.

I'll never forget I went to a bob fest when I was still in high school.. had all these rappers and sh performing and then couple other artist

Easily the best live performance was from Erykah badu.. all the rappers were garbage.. most of the reggae artist were solid, except Sean Paul who was also garbage

It's had for me to use trash when you see what she does live especially when you considering what majority of other artist can't do
Using this as a proxy beer thread. elpablo21 elpablo21 , what’s good with Elysian Dayglow? I’m a big fan of Space Dust. Usually crush a couple at Citi Field for Mets games.
Got you, bruv. Heard there’s a lot of pineapple flavor in there.

Cracking Ommegang Three Philosophers as we speak. Slainte.
Gotta add that to the list.

Been on Voodoo Ranger for a good minute
Bet he love Cari Underwood :lol:

He's the type where you just know that I was referring to before..

Clearly he's well aware of what he was saying or he wouldn't have cleaned it up.. and obviously he's been around black people so he can't use THAT convenience

But still he continued
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