2021-22 NFL Off-Season Thread | Training Camp

Will any teams be forced to forfeit games due to COVID-19?

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Another thing I've noticed is that I don't think the people assuming Watson is guilty actually paid attention to the proceedings of the cases. Whenever I bring up the things listed on the documents they act like they have no idea what I'm talking about. Which leads me to believe these dudes are just paying attention to headlines. If y'all cared to be objective in even the slightest of way you'd see the credibility of a lot of the accusers is shaky.
innocent until proven guilty, god bless America.

do I think its possible he is guilty of wrong bad illegal things to these women? 100%.....POSSIBLE but not fact

I also think its possible, that he being rich, powerful, good looking didnt have to do much convincing by requesting a hand and got what he wanted for a fee or free.... then 1-3 of these women got pissed for some reason. (jealously? short on money? not more sessions for $? one and done? off to next better one?). then snow ball effect happens.....if you can put yourself in a room with him for massage, you can put yourself in the civil case......

so 22 women he did illegal things to.....he is that brazen to do this all over town.....and if so can't be just 22, so what 30-40? and he thought it would never get out? I just don't buy it.

anything is POSSIBLE, possible is NOT facts
We're gunna see what Mahomes can do.

Keep the same energy that was had for Lamar is all I ask.

This whole Deshaun situation ain't smell right from the jump. That lawyer basically put out a flyer telling women come join the lawsuit. Then it was a lot of other women that spoke in support of Deshaun. He was definitely sloppy dealing with all these females but he ain't deserve this. This is forever on his name, can't undo it.
Yep if we wanna take it the tinfoil route.. The lawyer for those women was close friends with the Texans owner before he passed, this was the same guy who was recorded saying "you can't let the inmates run the asylum" in reference to all the protesting players were doing at the time so if any billionaire family wanted to make an example out of someone it would be them. The moment Deshaun requested a trade all of a sudden he's a predator. Interesting timing to say the least. You're right tho once a black man's name is muddied in America there is no coming back from it. White folks still hate Vick, white chicks were on Twitter celebrating Kobe's death, and the feds legit stated they were investigating Michael Jackson over a decade but couldn't find proof of him touching kids but you think that stopped white America from calling him a pedo? I'll be rooting for the browns this year.
Only white dudes get offended by the "white America" part... But anyways y'all sound just like the white dudes on Reddit with the "it's hard to prove" trope. We know but my question to you and C CP1708 is since we know it's hard to prove, we know there's no evidence, and we know people with money targeted for crash grabs why automatically assume the dude is guilty? Y'all still won't provide an answer for this. Also, I see no one's addressed another big factor of them choosing not to proceed with charges that I mentioned earlier is that he was having sex with 8 of the chicks after the fact, 7 of them continued to massage him on separate occasions after the fact, at least one of them is being investigated by the feds for blackmail, and 5 bragged to others about getting money out of this. This is all in the court documents btw. And since y'all want to convict him based on hearsay, what about all the massage therapists that spoke in his defense when questioned by authorities? Are they any more or less credible then the ones who accused him? I'm trying to paint the picture that it's all hearsay and I'm asking why is white America assuming guilt when the accusers themselves seem to be shady?

We ALSO know that women are abused in this country as much as Black Men are. (If not more) For ****s sakes man, our own government feels the need to control what women do with their own bodies. Women get assaulted or worse daily.
There's tons of rich dudes in the country, why they don't have 22 cases against them? I said it pretty clearly already, if this was ONE case on Watson, I'd be right there with ya. TWENTY TWO? Stop man. Just stop. That's 22 with others that didn't want in on the case, like the woman that talked to Sports Illustrated when this whole thing dropped.

we know people with money targeted for crash grabs why automatically assume the dude is guilty?

Tell me a number. How many women do you need to feel like dude may be guilty? 30? 50? 75? Like what number do you need him to get to before you switch sides? Cuz I'm tellin ya, at 3-4 I was kinda like ehhhhhh, bout the time I needed a second hand to count, I was out. By the time I ran outta toes, I damn sure wasn't on his side anymore. You need another dozen or two before you get worried, or you feel these complete random strangers all somehow got together and chose him, outta all the rich people in this country, they drew his name out of a hat or somethin?

Also, I see no one's addressed another big factor of them choosing not to proceed with charges that I mentioned earlier

Actually, I did. You realize if they press chargers, do you know what his defense team does? They completely drag every single male she's ever known into her case. SHE on trial. SHE IS. Not him. Every boy she ever kissed, touched, so much as smiled at gets interviewed. "she wanted it" "She liked it" You want her parents sitting in that courtroom listening to his lawyer go on and on about every boy she ever been intimate with? You think you got somethin cuz they didn't prosecute. No sir, they know EXACTLY why the DA couldn't get them to fully come forward.
innocent until proven guilty, god bless America.

do I think its possible he is guilty of wrong bad illegal things to these women? 100%.....POSSIBLE but not fact

I also think its possible, that he being rich, powerful, good looking didnt have to do much convincing by requesting a hand and got what he wanted for a fee or free.... then 1-3 of these women got pissed for some reason. (jealously? short on money? not more sessions for $? one and done? off to next better one?). then snow ball effect happens.....if you can put yourself in a room with him for massage, for you can put yourself in the civil case......

so 22 women he did illegal things to.....he is that brazen to do this all over town.....and if so can't be just 22, so what 30-40? and he thought it would never get out? I just don't buy it.

anything is POSSIBLE, possible is NOT facts
Joel Kinnaman the guy from suicide squad just had his name cleared where an obsessed woman he slept with accused him of rape, it was a cash grab. Trevor Bauer well we saw how that played out, shorty asked for rough sex then he gave it to her. She texts him asking him for more, he gave it to her, then all of a sudden she claimed he raped her... Dude luckily kept his texts which contradicted her story, it was a cash grab. Just recently a chick accused Chris Brown of raping her, turns out she was a groupie Chris had slept with and got mad cause he ghosted her so she said he raped her. Thankfully Chris has cameras in his crib and he kept texts so the police saw the video of them having consensual sex and also the texts of her getting more and more upset the more Chris ignored her. All those cases can be looked up by the way, Chris's case just happened within the past month I think. Anyway my whole point in all that is there is an amazingly large amount of people who flat out believe women are above lying about stuff like this for money, not saying the women in Deshaun's case are. People can be ******, both men and women. Imo you definitely a different type of dude if you just blindly believing allegations for the hell of it. If your only reasoning is "bu bu but 22 women wouldn't lie" then you're a lost cause in my eyes.
got a whole a#&*$ Supreme Court justice who they refused to call witnesses on

and people in here defending deshaun like we ain’t well aware the system is broken and women are out in terrible positions even when they do come forward

Yes, 22 random strangers around the country all got together to frame dude. :lol:

Pro athletes use 40+ massage therapists.....routinely. :rolleyes
I’m fully aware that people have tried to railroad black men for ages, but people need to stop using Watson as an example of that lmao. This is a situation of a freaky deviant dude that successfully and unsuccessfully had women get his rocks off in a way that can only be proven if it was recorded. None of those women kept semen stained tables and semen on their skin for two+ years nor did they keep Watson rectal cavities. The only person that made Watson guilty in public opinion was Watson himself. He should’ve stuck with women like Mia Khalifa instead of regular citizens.
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I don't think it's so much defending Deshaun as much as it is reminding that literally none of us TRULY know (fact 1), and fact 2: America has a long standing history of a falsely accusing black men.


also has a long and terrible history with how it treats women

Agreed it is predatory behavior if it's true. We have no way of knowing one way or the other which was my original point about white America presuming he's guilty. As a black it doesn't even take evidence, just allegations for them to see us as guilty. I guarantee if Peyton Manning was in this same situation and there wasn't any evidence that he did anything the same white America would be saying how they can't call him a predator without proof. The double standards just get exhausting for some point. What's worse is if you dare to be objective in this situation, they'll claim you hate women for not believing random strangers accusations. I know this because the white dudes on Reddit keep throwing this my way

I think Peyton Manning actually did have some weird allegation when he was in college and it kinda never got put on blast.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong though.
got a whole a#&*$ Supreme Court justice who they refused to call witnesses on

and people in here defending deshaun like we ain’t well aware the system is broken and women are out in terrible positions even when they do come forward
I keep seeing this sentiment. So what's the alternative? Assume guilty? That's a genuine question btw. People are legit mad that people don't wanna blindly label people predators with no proof. And B4 y'all say "bu bu but it's hard to prove" again I ask, what's the alternative? Blindly believe accusations?
I think Peyton Manning actually did have some weird allegation when he was in college and it kinda never got put on blast.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong though.

yea he did some juvenile shh with a trainer at Tennessee

I think Peyton Manning actually did have some weird allegation when he was in college and it kinda never got put on blast.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong though.
Yes. He put a trainers head or something in his groin area. Speaking of Peyton that time he got caught up in that steroid scandal, it was obvious he did it but I never held it against him cause he was using them to come back from his neck injury but anyway the story broke and I remember vividly the NFL countdown crew on ESPN were upset they even had to talk about it and stated they'll never speak on it again. That was the first time I had ever seen analysts protect a player's image like that. You'll never see them doing that for a black athlete. Black athletes or people in general will never get that benefit of the doubt it "wait till the facts come out" rhetoric that their white counterparts receive. Whenever we highlight things like this we get called crybabies or they throw out their usual lines like they did in this thread. "Bu bu but it's not about race" "Bu bu but you guys always make it about race" I really dislike speaking on anything racial with white people most of them just don't understand racism unless it's that in your face racism or they just downplay it and claim we're playing victim.
I don't think it's so much defending Deshaun as much as it is reminding that literally none of us TRULY know (fact 1), and fact 2: America has a long standing history of a falsely accusing black men.
also has a long and terrible history with how it treats women

I know it can be tough keeping up with threads but I said this a few hours ago that speaks to the point in the conversation you and I appear to be stuck at:
Here's the thing: There are 2 common dynamics at play here, both of them ugly as s***:

Creating a scale where the least harmful form of sexual harassment is on one side of the scale and rape on the other side, every single woman in this country experiences one of those 2 sides if not both sides, or something in between.

Every single black person in this country is falsely accused of something at some point in their life.

Both of those things can be true in this very case.

yea he did some juvenile shh with a trainer at Tennessee

Archie also tried to smear her by implying that she couldn't be trusted because "she goes out with a lot of black guys"

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