2021-22 NFL Off-Season Thread | Training Camp

Will any teams be forced to forfeit games due to COVID-19?

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They must be brothers
Im not saying what Watson allegedly did was right, Im just saying I don’t care and when this passes all those people claiming they never rooting for The Browns will change their mind if team starts winning

Clearly you love Kobe based on your screen name, RIP to the gawd but I mean he did have rape case but the chick didn’t want to testify so it was dropped and he later had to settle a civil suit

Guess witnesskb24 witnesskb24 a distant relative as well along with few other screen names in here who aint giving them 2 chips back that he won after the settlement

apologizing for making her feel uncomfortable means what? that he is guilty of forcing her to do things? that he is lying that when he said he never disrespected any woman? how so?

if I go to get a massage and then ask the woman if she is willing to offer a hand and she is offended and declines, i'm what? rapist? should go to jail? should pay millions to her? labeled as a man that is disrespectful to woman?
thats one possibility that i don't feel is disrespectful to woman in that situation. imo

maybe just maybe he took her hand down there and made her touch it and said finish me off, well thats def out of line and disrespectful to woman.

Unless anything was on camera, this is all just possibilities, not facts
I'll throw another monkey wrench into the Deshaun conversation: Mob mentality is a thing. I've both seen and experienced the fact that people will join in on something with little and sometimes even no information.

Let's assume none of you have done anything sexually inappropriate at work (side note: Some of you have done and/or said sexually inappropriate things at work and you know it but you're pretending like you could never, but that's another conversation). Let's pretend you are pristine, but someone at work walks into HR, says that you are extremely inappropriate and they give examples Someone outside the office hears this, and they go back to their department and start telling people to watch out for you.

Some of you are clutching your pearls right now. "Ska, how could you! You're saying women are making it up when they say they've been raped?! You traaaash!!"

No. I'm hypothetically saying that in this hypothetical I created, you did nothing, but "Well I heard..." and mob mentality will have you in a very bad situation, quickly.

Assume nothing more than the words I've said.

And I reiterate something I've already said, but I probably need to say it with every single reply for any new person reading: I'm not actually defending Deshaun Watson. If it gets proven beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that he did what he's accused of, or actually worse, nobody can come back to me and say see "See! Imagine defending this scum like you did."

I am in no position to either defend or vilify him.

I'm simply pointing out:
1. I don't know what happened in those rooms.
2. You don't know what happened in those rooms.
3. America has a long history of dragging (literally & figuratively) black men.
4. Yes, America has a long history of hearing of women taken advantage of sexually, and looking the other way.
5. Mob mentality is a thing.
6. Sexual dominance by males, (in the form of unwanted groping, sexually inappropriate comments, rape, and many other things), is a thing.
7. Sensationalism is a thing.
8. People who read 3, 5, and 7 and think 'That doesn't mean he's innocent!' would do well to remember #2.
9. People who read 4 and 6 and think 'So you're saying he did?!' can refer to #1.

Funny, this thread hated big ben for years because of his 'alleged' sexual assault case, but folks are now reneging and saying they can separate the player from the person in Deshaun's case and analyzing every loophole possible. Really hilarious how that works.

Funny, this thread hated big ben for years because of his 'alleged' sexual assault case, but folks are now reneging and saying they can separate the player from the person in Deshaun's case and analyzing every loophole possible. Really hilarious how that works.
Receipts? Because I remember a lot of the same language, "Did he really?", "We don't know", and "Well I still love my Steelers."


Yea, but unfortunately for Ben, some people in here didn't keep the same energy as "I'm not looking for morals from people who tackle each other" as what is being applied for Deshaun.

I mean EYE know why, but I'd rather not go down that route. I ******* hate big ben and I think he's a POS and glad he's retired. But yea, a lot of folks in here playing both sides and they know it lol
Receipts? Because I remember a lot of the same language, "Did he really?", "We don't know", and "Well I still love my Steelers."


I don't have time to really go through all of the threads since I've been posting on S&T the last 6-7 years to find all the comments about dude being a rapist. Were people saying stuff like "did he really?" "we don't know" back when all of that **** hit the fan? Possibly, but I know the narrative has changed over the years to where Ben constantly has that **** thrown in his face and for good reason. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy that some of the same folks quick to ridicule ben, are sitting here defending Deshaun.

I mean, a dude like tyreek hill has beat the **** outta his girl and his son, multiple times. Didn't really see that being thrown around when the news broke about the recent trade with the dolphins.
Funny, this thread hated big ben for years because of his 'alleged' sexual assault case, but folks are now reneging and saying they can separate the player from the person in Deshaun's case and analyzing every loophole possible. Really hilarious how that works.
There's no loophole. He was investigated and a grand jury found that there wasn't an enough evidence to suggest he did anything and a lot of people are ignoring that they found majority of the stuff he was accused of not to be criminal. Not gonna pretend I know too much about Ben's case but wasn't there physical evidence, victim intimidation, and corrupt police involved in his case? Genuinely asking
I don't ever remember anyone defending Ben, it's been nothing but rapist jokes on here for years, IIRC. Not sure why anyone would defend Deshaun.
No one's defending Deshaun but there are a lot of people, myself included, saying that we aren't gonna condemn a dude if there is nothing to suggest he did anything wrong. For some reason, us given Deshaun his just due upsets folks.
I don't ever remember anyone defending Ben, it's been nothing but rapist jokes on here for years, IIRC. Not sure why anyone would defend Deshaun.


Oh wait they didn’t defend Ben? Damn that doesn’t work then

And here people were saying no one wants to sign with the Jets


Oh wait they didn’t defend Ben? Damn that doesn’t work then
Y'all white boys are so passive aggressive... Instead of being snarky, pm or quote me directly for a better understanding of exactly what I mean. I would hope you're at least smart enough to know that the term white America is not to be taken literally and doesn't encompass every single white person in America.
Wait is the argument Big Ben’s allegations were swept under the rug in comparison to Watson’s?

Because if so that’s facts.
“I have no dog in this fight” (Thats my new favorite phrase, learned it from the Ukraine thread)

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I know the narrative has changed over the years to where Ben constantly has that **** thrown in his face and for good reason.
If it pleases you to assume that this will definitely follow Deshaun for years, I think that's a safe assumption. You can rest easy knowing this isn't going anywhere. Kobe's allegations only died down for a short time after he died, but they're coming back around, too, even in this thread.

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