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It would be and arguably a breach of his fiduciary duty to Noel as an agent, but to prevail in the lawsuit (if it goes to court, which it won't), Nerlens will have to prove that actually was the case with evidence other than just hearsay stories from third-parties. I'm sure the Klutch camp is going to outright deny the allegations Nerlens made in his complaint and force him to prove all of it.
But if rich Paul is really disliked, it won't be hard to find people to try and get him outta there. People from teams would testify they tried to contact him about nerlens and had their calls forwarded.
But if rich Paul is really disliked, it won't be hard to find people to try and get him outta there. People from teams would testify they tried to contact him about nerlens and had their calls forwarded.

going be more than that.. Emails, phone records, text messages, other correspondence

I assume it settles out of court unless rich comes up with something to justify whatever actions he took with regard to his client

deals can fall through, happens all the time, but it all depends on how the job was done or if the job just wasn’t done
But if rich Paul is really disliked, it won't be hard to find people to try and get him outta there. People from teams would testify they tried to contact him about nerlens and had their calls forwarded.
It’s true, but if they all go too hard after getting Rich/Klutch out the paint they run the risk of having unfavorable stuff about themselves exposed because pretty much everyone in that business has done some dirt.
how much do you think Nerlens would settle for? suing for 58 mill, what would he consider a victory to end this quick?

the dog in me would say, we can settle, just write me a check, for 58 mil.
^^* Way less. If he was set on ending up with $58 million, he would have sued for $110 million.
We got NBA personnel that won't put their names on trade rumors, but we expect them to speak up in a courtroom? :lol:

I don't think Nerlens really expected money out of this. He just wants to drag Rich and Klutch in the mud in the public eye.
It’s true, but if they all go too hard after getting Rich/Klutch out the paint they run the risk of having unfavorable stuff about themselves exposed because pretty much everyone in that business has done some dirt.
If there’s too much misconduct by Rich Paul and it has competitive implications, that would be horrible for the nba in general. No way they’d allow that to come out.

I took a cursory glance at the numbers for Top 3 SGs of all-time (Jordan, Kobe, Wade) as well as some modern day foul baiters. This stat is in a league of its own despite it only being a 61 ‘make’ difference throughout this 12 year career. Everyone I looked at except Trae Young (only 3 years experience) is at least 1000 FGM > FTM. Trae is on this trajectory but damn. He was really getting it in at the line in Houston :lol:
I took a cursory glance at the numbers for Top 3 SGs of all-time (Jordan, Kobe, Wade) as well as some modern day foul baiters. This stat is in a league of its own despite it only being a 61 ‘make’ difference throughout this 12 year career. Everyone I looked at except Trae Young (only 3 years experience) is at least 1000 FGM > FTM. Trae is on this trajectory but damn. He was really getting it in at the line in Houston :lol:
Professional flopper
I took a cursory glance at the numbers for Top 3 SGs of all-time (Jordan, Kobe, Wade) as well as some modern day foul baiters. This stat is in a league of its own despite it only being a 61 ‘make’ difference throughout this 12 year career. Everyone I looked at except Trae Young (only 3 years experience) is at least 1000 FGM > FTM. Trae is on this trajectory but damn. He was really getting it in at the line in Houston :lol:
Maestro :pimp:

Tell em stop fouling :lol:
Super important man. Coupling with the agent talk, financial literacy and all of its subsectors are the biggest example of this.

I wouldn't have a clue about how to manage my finances if I didn't work at a bank. None of this was information I sought out on my own. I had to know it. And it's by design that it's this way cause it's an easily fixable thing.

But "rich people" can't exist without "poorer people".

Why are humans the only species that pays to live on Earth? How is that advanced? Simply beinag live has a tax associated to it. You don't see giraffes doing that. It's stupid.
Friend of mine from high school founded this amazing company that starts teaching kids financial literacy via a score for chores completed at a young age. Equifax just partnered up with him too :pimp:

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