
Lebron or not(most likely yes) I just want to watch a run and gun team that actually run. I watching the last two years 4 guys run to the 3 point line and Lee coming down the middle the only one that was below 20 ft from the basket. Duhon doing the same pick and roll play slowing down the offense. God I dislike Duhon

But T Doug should have the chance to start this season
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

If he doesn't sign with us I'm grounding my kids until they are 18. I don't think he wants that on his hands

post of the year

i'm getting too hyped with the melo talk. stop it dudes are gonna gimme a heart attack/ first lets get bron.

how does it leak that melo was talking to them?
The phrase "Empire State of Mind" doesn't exactly excite me since the guy who made the track is the part owner of the other team.
Lebron or not(most likely yes) I just want to watch a run and gun team that actually run. I watching the last two years 4 guys run to the 3 point line and Lee coming down the middle the only one that was below 20 ft from the basket. Duhon doing the same pick and roll play slowing down the offense. God I dislike Duhon

But T Doug should have the chance to start this season
Let's count how many "sources" say he is going to different teams from now until the announcement... It's gonna get out of hand!
I'm down for this msg summit.
LOL tweets from Jared Dudley

  1. That's what I'm hearing.. I don't care where he goes lol.. I personally thought he would stay in Cleveland..14 minutes ago via Echofon
  2. http://s.twimg.com/a/1278...mages/sprite-icons.png); background-position: -176px 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">#
http://s.twimg.com/a/1278...mages/sprite-icons.png); width: 15px; height: 15px; display: block; cursor: pointer; visibility: hidden; background-position: -32px 0px; ">
Breaking News!!! My sources tell me Lebron will announce that he will be goin to the NY KNICKS tomorrow on ESPN.. This is serious.. WOW!!!!18 minutes ago via Echofon
If we get lebron, I wanna see Heats sign some players like Boozer, Ray & Raja Bell, Re-sign jermaine or Shaq

Wade-Raja-Beasley-Bosh- Jermaine or Shaq

that would be good

vs whatever we do before the season start

I think lebrons only option is to come to NY & Play with Amare...

Cleveland would now have to face Heats.. & Wade/Bosh as a top 2 option is enough to make it to the finals

I wanted this to happen so we pressure Lebron.. 
Jared Dudley aka Amar'e former team mate just tweeted:

Jared Dudley JaredDudley619

Breaking News!!! My sources tell me Lebron will announce that he will be goin to the NY KNICKS tomorrow on ESPN.. This is serious.. WOW!!!! 2 minutes ago via Echofon
mousebudden : I know u had a rought few years @eddycurry , but you're making this Free agent thing more difficult than it needs to be 4 us .. just retire
With a televised decision coming tomorrow night on ESPN, sources today continue to indicate that LeBron James is leaning toward New York.

Sources say that James will make the announcement at an undisclosed location and all parties involved are trying to keep the details secret. This lines up with the rumblings that the Knicks have been planning a large Thursday press conference that would also involve Stoudemire.

Sources confirmed that Stoudemire and James have been in contact in the last twenty-four hours and have discussed teaming up in New York. While the duo of Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh is dominating the headlines today, don't be surprised if the LeBron-Amar'e star tandem takes the stage tomorrow, both literally and figuratively. More on this as it develops.
It's official...anybody in the celebrity world or in the NBA knows it's LeBron to NYC


We %%++!+% made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think a summit is in order tomorrow somewhere
Brandon Tierney

I think alot of people in the media are guilty of having an anti-NY sentiment. They talk about the Gallinari and Wilson Chandler like scrubs,but then they treat the Heat like they have pieces" ..."I think they've disrespected Donnie Walsh, the New Yorkers and the Knicks" ..."I think a lot of people had a agendas with this, and it's weak."

here ya go. a person who works for ESPN finally said it. i thought we were making thinggs up???
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