3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation

YO Charles Ramsey :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This got me wondering about this guy that lives 2 houses down from me. Normal white guy, nothing all that exciting about dude either, got this one mustang he never drives anymore, every now and then a rotation of the 2 or 3 women come by, no other family, about 2 winters ago when it was snowing real bad he cleared up the snow for the whole block in his snowmobile.

Now I'm suspicious of everybody :nerd: :smh:
This story is crazy and sad. 
  These scum bags had kids with those girls.   They are gonna need a lot of love and support to get through this.   I hope these 3 guys get life in prison.
Of course this was the first guy interviewed
I thank God these girls were found alive and now their safe.

On a lighter note.  This dude Charles Ramsey is gonna be the man of the year.   His 911 call and this video
  Someone from Niketalk should call him and interview him and post it. 
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"there was nothing exciting about him, well until today"

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10 years? hmmm..at some point i be feeling like maybe they just got comfortable there like that broad who was locked up in a dungeon.

this chick was working customer service for business of da guy who kidnapped her, had kids with da dude too.
wow that 911 operator who handled amanda berrys 911 call should and probably will get fired...
who's trying to call joe ramsey?
This story is intriguing , as all kidnap cases/ missing children are. I see it evrrywhere (on tv, telephone bootbs, light poles) but it never hits home until you think about the devestation the families suffer through.

This story is just crazy because of the proximity to everything these women were kept it. I need to see the timeline and facts once the police get some of this stuff sorted out. And to the heatfan NTer who lives on the block, please give us more information as its being released and the scene on the street.

So sad and infuriating that these girls were raped probably coutless times. They said berry had a 6 yr old with her so thats probably the result of one of those incidents. Apparently castro conspired with his brothers. I need to see information of how they were kept there . Those cribs dont rven look that bjg to be housing no abduction chambers. But some questions though:

Did he live by himself? If he worked he must have left the crib alone for a while. And having parties in the crib? Son this whole story is a mess. the Nter that lives on the block, please update us cause i cant believe any of this is true. Crazy world

I haven't lived there for yrs. I'm getting updates from my boy that still lives on the block. He says but is not 100% sure that they found 4 infant bodies last night. He also says Ariel walked around with that lil girl and used to say she was his girlfrinds daughter smh
Edit-my boy says they called the police in 2011 after hearing screams coming from the house. Police did NOTHING! He's going on telemundo soon. He's the mofo with no front teeth that was on cnn earlier.
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She probably got convinced of love then snapped out of it...

or the one convinced the other to free themselves
Damn thatd be a huge turn of events if 4 infants were found. Just so surreal how ppl in the hood had no idea. but whats. This with amanda working for him? I dont have a TV so im relyin on yall for updates
^yup, that's him
in on epic thread

How was the inside of the house?

Was the guy cool to talk to?

His daughter was said to be insane. It could have been the kidnapper messing with her head. They could have really been trying to kill her all along but since she was labeled crazy no one believed her. The part with no jury and just the judge kept alot of their family info out of the light.

So he wrote an article about the missing girl... In order to do this he interviewed the family members. Getting details from every perspective. IF they were on to him he might have known some information and run for it.

movie stuff right here
We were cool with eachother. He was a down to earth man that used to come on the porch while we were chilling there. Everybody on Seymour between w. 25th and Scranton ave knew each other (or atleast we thought we did). The whole block is in shock. We used to use his 4wheeler on an empty lot all the time. He would bring it out almost everyday
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The people in his house had to know..How you have 3 people living in your crib for 10 years that you don't know about? 
Damn man this is crazy.

But i wonder what the physiological effect was on the girl. She must have tried to escape at least a couple times over a 10 year period. I wonder if she just gave up trying or got comfortable or what happened.

Glad she is safe though.

That dudes interview is classic though
^did you know the stories on his daughters? Did they live in the house with him ? She must have been in on this thing the whole time and just refused to say anything about it. I honestly just cant wrap my mind around how three women were kept imprisoned in a residential home. Its mind boggling and judt want to hear statements from the press conference
sorry but elizabeth smart's dad is on cnn and the dave chapple skit came to mind. Glad the three girls was able to get out the house after 10 horrible years. Waiting for more info now.

The daughters lived with their mother in indiana but would visit ariel during the summer.

What makes this so crazy is that when Amanda & Gina went missing, both stories were big and to have them found together is whoa. This Mother¡%\~¿ was kidnaping these girls right under our nose
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Explains more bout the daughters. Had to be some rough summers. I'm still looking for pix etc on where exactly these girls were kept.

It's crazy cuz I moved to Cleveland in 2010 but remember hearing the story bout Gina when I visited my dad out here as a kid.

This guy is obviously sick but jail will not be easy for him I'm sure.
Presser at 9 . Hopefully we get some answers and not some BS from The PD to cover their ***** on such poor investigations
h3at23 man, that's wild! Can't beat yourself up at all though.

Wild story, glad the kidnapped are alive and being treated properly. No way can they mentally overcome this, just no way :smh: .
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