3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation

"i knew something was wrong when a little, pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms, something is wrong here"
:rofl: quote of the year!

jokes aside, such a sad story. the world kept moving without these girls for 10 years. :smh:
I was :rofl:
h3at23 man, that's wild! Can't beat yourself up at all though.

Wild story, glad the kidnapped are alive and being treated properly. No way can they mentally overcome this, just no way :smh: .

That's what I'm saying.

I heard people on the radio today talking about how they're "hoping" that those kidnapped can regain some semblance of normalcy to their lives. I just don't see it happening. 10 years of their lives GONE...and no one knows what was going on in that house.

:smh: So sad

*on a lighter note, that Charles Ramsey 911 call is straight up comedy....if the story wasn't so sick, he'd probably be up for a web redemption on Tosh.0
They said they only reported to the crib twice, contrary to what heat23 said about his boys calling after hearing screams. ThAt means pd never even looked at it.

This presser is just one big pat on the back for themselves. Theres really no new informayion
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None of this is shocking anymore in these times wish you all would stop acting like its out the normal. Sadly thats the way things are smh
None of this is shocking anymore in these times wish you all would stop acting like its out the normal. Sadly thats the way things are smh

I don't know anybody that do **** like this. How is this normal? Yeah terrible things happen everyday I get it, so we shouldn't appalled at these terrible things?

Yall sometimes man :lol:

dont mean to derail this thread but if you fast forward to about a minute into the video and watch it for about 10 seconds you can see the type of mind ******g sirens do to people.. dude was shook for a good 5 seconds.

lmao at the slave talk at the end..
Charles Ramsey :nthat: :nthat: :nthat: dude is a hero for what he did, no doubt *Rock Clap gif*

He kept it allllll the way real too, my man KNEW not to call the cops from that house, "would've done this sh** a long time ago with my goons" Hope he doesn't turn into the new "aint nobody got time for that" cuz dude legitimately did something very brave and should be applauded
in on epic thread

How was the inside of the house?

Was the guy cool to talk to?

His daughter was said to be insane. It could have been the kidnapper messing with her head. They could have really been trying to kill her all along but since she was labeled crazy no one believed her. The part with no jury and just the judge kept alot of their family info out of the light.

So he wrote an article about the missing girl... In order to do this he interviewed the family members. Getting details from every perspective. IF they were on to him he might have known some information and run for it.

movie stuff right here
Charles Ramsey.....played by Samuel L. Jackson
In thinking about it, how disgusting is it that she gave birth in that home with no doctor's assistance?

Despite Charles Ramsay's justified animation, he really did give a good interview.  He was very clear about what happened
I hope folks don't turn him into a joke

Me either, he just kept it real and wasn't even trying to be funny..that was just straight up excitement, sincerity and exuberance. They're lucky he was the one who heard and found the first girl too....cuz not a lot of people are going to let a random stranger in hysterics into their house like that. He said he thought something wsn't quite right with that house too, even though he ate with the guy....one of his friends told him not to mind and he's just being weird..crazy how our instincts are usually on point with things like that
There have been news helicopters flying around all day.  I work 2 minutes down the street from this house, pass it damn near every day.  Crazy to think they were so close this whole time
Glad the girls were found, even after all this time.  Don't know if or how their lives will return to a sense of normalcy but I hope they manage to find peace and comfort somehow.  The kidnapper will definitely get what's coming to him, and in the worse way. 

As for Charles Ramsey...........
.  He's obviously NT's new hero of the month if not the year and rightfully so.  Too many quotable's between the video and the 911 phone call. 
I swear older black men are THE coolest most interesting cats on the Planet.
This is the story on his one daughter, Emily. Who was my wife's BF growing up

25 years for baby's slashing
Rebecca S. Green | The Journal Gazette

DId she live in the house with her pops when she cut her daughters throat? If so why didn't Child services come to the house and investigate what was going on there? Maybe they could have seen something that was off about that family.
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