3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation

Crazy man. :smh:

Also, I'm not hearing much about the Michelle Knight woman. Most of the news is about Berry and Dejesus.

See that house in the background? That's my boy weechi's grandma house. That field next to it is where we use to ride Ariels 4 wheeler on. On the other side of that field is where I lived. 2 houses down is where this piece of $#@! had those girls. Right under our nose

Oh snap heat23, I forgot you stayed over there for, how you been man, this JJ, when I was a younging you use to stop by Aurora farms all the time
No one thought there was a connection at the time, due to the fact that there was a year or two difference in the time of the kidnapping. Only thing that made it very interesting was the place of where these girls were kidnapped (w105th and w110th). They were both abducted within 1 mile from each other. Yes, billboards were up since their abductions and the billboards actually stayed up until recently - but pictures and photos of them stayed up around the city. A year ago, someone called the police saying they knew where Amanda's body was buried. The cops did an extensive search and came up with nothing.
This is the worst thing about the whole situation. Her mother passed with no justice or peace. That **** pschic Syliva Brown that was sponsored by Montell Williams told the mother that her daughter was dead and she envisioned her body in water. Crazy part is the mother truly believed that, and died 6-8 months later due to heart failure.
I don't know how the FBI and the police didn't link the cases together with the kidnappings only  5 blocks from each other.   The first thing that would of popped in my head is that we have a serial killer or rapist on the loose.   Just think how rare it is for 2 girls to get kidnapped only a few blocks apart in a 25 to 50 year period let alone only a year or 2 apart. 

Thank God these girls were found safe.   The sad thing is these girls had children with these rapists.  When they look at their own kids they are gonna see their rapists everyday in them from their looks and mannerisms and what not. 
  I pray these girls are able to over come this and that they get all the help and support that they need.   I hope the rapists get whats coming to them once they get to prison.   
i still wanna know why those broads aint book it da first chance they got....
probably scared they would be killed.  It looks like those guys had the house set up so it would be hard for them to escape.    After a couple of months the girls were probably brainwashed and raped so much that they just accepting what had happened to them. 
  Truly a sad story.  The more I think about it I hope these guys get life in prison and I hope they get handled and tossed in the pen once they hit that yard.   Everyone in there is gonna be waiting for them whether they're in pc or not.  
i still wanna know why those broads aint book it da first chance they got....
Maybe after all this time, this was the first time they had a legit chance to dip.  Maybe the kidnappers got lax and finally slipped up.  Guess we'll find out eventually.

I really want to know why only Berry escaped at first.  Like if I'm the other girls and I see her outta the crib, I'm O-U-T.  I'm not waiting for anyone to come in and get me.  Then again, I've never been held captive for almost 10 years, so who knows what was going through their heads.  
Kinda crazy, I went through my little brother's yearbook this morning and we found a pic of Gina when she was going to Wilbur Wright:


First row, second from the left..
i still wanna know why those broads aint book it da first chance they got....

I'm not sure they definitely suffered from Stockholm Syndrome, but that may have played a part in this too. These three women relied on their captors for everything, food, clothing, survival. If any form of kindness was ever exhibited by these three scumbags, I think sympathy and empathy would be somewhat expected.
this is the worst story ive heard in a long time. can't imagine the torture these poor girls went through for 10 years.

hope these MFers get the worst possible torture and for 10 years straight.
i still wanna know why those broads aint book it da first chance they got....
This WAS the first chance they got bruh.
10 years?! naw b......

i aint buying it.

and its not like it was just 1 girl where after alwhile your just alone with your

thoughts and your whole mental starts to break down..it was 3 of em all talking

to each other all da time...im glad they all alive and such, but da human spirit is hard to break....

i would've risked death to get freedom...i can't imagine being held in da same place for 10 years plus...
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10 years?! naw b......

i aint buying it.

and its not like it was just 1 girl where after alwhile your just alone with your

thoughts and your whole mental starts to break down..it was 3 of em all talking

to each other all da time...im glad they all alive and such, but da human spirit is hard to break....

i would've risked death to get freedom...i can't imagine being held in da same place for 10 years plus...
Not everyone is like you.
Like dudes stated earlier they were probably scared that if they get caught trying to runaway he'll kill them. And instead if risking their lives they lived off hope that the cops will find them soon.
They could have came up with crazy elaborate plans to escape but backed out last minutes on the fact that they could be killed if it doesn't work it.
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10 years?! naw b......

i aint buying it.

and its not like it was just 1 girl where after alwhile your just alone with your

thoughts and your whole mental starts to break down..it was 3 of em all talking

to each other all da time...im glad they all alive and such, but da human spirit is hard to break....

i would've risked death to get freedom...i can't imagine being held in da same place for 10 years plus...
Not everyone is like you.
Like dudes stated earlier they were probably scared that if they get caught trying to runaway he'll kill them. And instead if risking their lives they lived off hope that the cops will find them soon.
They could have came up with crazy elaborate plans to escape but backed out last minutes on the fact that they could be killed if it doesn't work it.

im afraid im gonna hear some real horror stories from this, like they were knocked up and forced to kill da infants, etc.
I just want to see where they were in this dudes house.

You gotta think 10 years so they had to be fed, and had a place to go to the bathroom .

Plus they gave birth while there (raped).. :smh:
This **** is crazy.

Were they drugged? You trying to tell me dude never slipped a centimeter in 10-12 years? How could the police not find them blocks away from their own house? Did they know they were so close to home?

I'm sorry I would've died trying to get away. Whats the point of living if it isn't even your life?
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