A lot of strange discussion lately. VOL. Most jaw dropping?

Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

only vid i've seen was 2 girls and 1 cup.

i'm going to play it safe and not search for any of the mentioned videos in here...

but i do want to know whats the info on this dolphin
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

only vid i've seen was 2 girls and 1 cup.

i'm going to play it safe and not search for any of the mentioned videos in here...

but i do want to know whats the info on this dolphin
I'm sorry but I need a palette cleanser after reading these descriptions.
I am not about that life.

I don't even want to submit myself to some of these vids. Some things just shouldn't be watched.
I am not about that life.

I don't even want to submit myself to some of these vids. Some things just shouldn't be watched.
Started to watch the guy who jumped off cliff and just couldn't do it. I have a weak stomach and I know it would be game over if i viewed it
Started to watch the guy who jumped off cliff and just couldn't do it. I have a weak stomach and I know it would be game over if i viewed it
Beheading video's that circulated while I was a high school senior stick out the most
Beheading video's that circulated while I was a high school senior stick out the most
That one vid where a karate master beats a guy that refuses to fight because of his religion or something, i believe he died, they dragged him out like nothing

this world man . ..
That one vid where a karate master beats a guy that refuses to fight because of his religion or something, i believe he died, they dragged him out like nothing

this world man . ..

Literally cannot think of a thing I have not seen because of the internet. Discovered Rotten and Ogrish young. I'm on /b/ more than NT. I've seen any and everything you could think of basically.

Only thing I CLEARLY remember shocking me is Unknown Russian Soldier, and that's probably because I was like 15. Nothing since then has had any effect except the movie August Underground Mordum.

To give you an understanding of how much this stuff effects me, 3 guys 1 hammer was like watching Spongebob or some #$** to me. I just sat there and watched, waited til the end, clicked the X on the Firefox tab, and went back to Dat Piff like nothing happened. And I'm completely fine with that. I figure why be disgusted and afraid of reality.. *shrug*

And the dolphin vid people are talking about is probably the Japanese dolphin mass killings. The pig x chainsaw beheading video is worse.

Literally cannot think of a thing I have not seen because of the internet. Discovered Rotten and Ogrish young. I'm on /b/ more than NT. I've seen any and everything you could think of basically.

Only thing I CLEARLY remember shocking me is Unknown Russian Soldier, and that's probably because I was like 15. Nothing since then has had any effect except the movie August Underground Mordum.

To give you an understanding of how much this stuff effects me, 3 guys 1 hammer was like watching Spongebob or some #$** to me. I just sat there and watched, waited til the end, clicked the X on the Firefox tab, and went back to Dat Piff like nothing happened. And I'm completely fine with that. I figure why be disgusted and afraid of reality.. *shrug*

And the dolphin vid people are talking about is probably the Japanese dolphin mass killings. The pig x chainsaw beheading video is worse.
ya'll are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soft.

not saying im some tough guy... but i hope you guys realize that for everything caught on tape, there is 100X MORE things that never get caught.

it should help to serve as a wake up call that $!+% AINT SWEET.
i looked at thousands and thousands of pictures of car accidents with cats split in half, whole families crushed in the whip...
made me a much safer driver cause im looking out hella hard cause im not going out like that.
3 second wait after a green light. no running red lights... anyways...
stop being soft you softies.

most jaw dropping thing i ever saw that stuck with me is this big %$% F350 truck pulling a GIGANTIC mobile home trailer.
it was pulling up to pump gas, but the mobile home was taller than the concrete "roof" that covered the gas pumps.
it hit the roof and the entire like 10 ton concrete roof started to slide forward and crushed the entire truck in like 3 seconds flat.
i was in SHOCK cause thats that BS.
lol now i keep a good eye on everyone driving in the gas station... just in case.

also i watched 3 guys 1 hammer like 4 times.
just to try to understand how the guy felt when he was dying.
like what could you be thinking about....
ya'll are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soft.

not saying im some tough guy... but i hope you guys realize that for everything caught on tape, there is 100X MORE things that never get caught.

it should help to serve as a wake up call that $!+% AINT SWEET.
i looked at thousands and thousands of pictures of car accidents with cats split in half, whole families crushed in the whip...
made me a much safer driver cause im looking out hella hard cause im not going out like that.
3 second wait after a green light. no running red lights... anyways...
stop being soft you softies.

most jaw dropping thing i ever saw that stuck with me is this big %$% F350 truck pulling a GIGANTIC mobile home trailer.
it was pulling up to pump gas, but the mobile home was taller than the concrete "roof" that covered the gas pumps.
it hit the roof and the entire like 10 ton concrete roof started to slide forward and crushed the entire truck in like 3 seconds flat.
i was in SHOCK cause thats that BS.
lol now i keep a good eye on everyone driving in the gas station... just in case.

also i watched 3 guys 1 hammer like 4 times.
just to try to understand how the guy felt when he was dying.
like what could you be thinking about....
the dud on wshh who was stabbing those cops,,and the dude on wshh missing some of his head flesh
the dud on wshh who was stabbing those cops,,and the dude on wshh missing some of his head flesh
another vid was jaw dropping to me was a vid I seen on youtube a couple years ago. It was a guy who I think robbed a store or something(I don't really remember cuz I only seen

one time) but he got caught by the cops. the cops tried to make him surrender, but the guy refused and as he starts walking away, the cops start shooting at him. the cops musth've hit him like

7 times maybe more and he was still walking like nothing happed taking em like scooby snacks(word to cam). he finally fell down though after taking so many shots. I was like
when I seen it. if I find I'll post it.
another vid was jaw dropping to me was a vid I seen on youtube a couple years ago. It was a guy who I think robbed a store or something(I don't really remember cuz I only seen

one time) but he got caught by the cops. the cops tried to make him surrender, but the guy refused and as he starts walking away, the cops start shooting at him. the cops musth've hit him like

7 times maybe more and he was still walking like nothing happed taking em like scooby snacks(word to cam). he finally fell down though after taking so many shots. I was like
when I seen it. if I find I'll post it.
Originally Posted by JumpMan Jam

That one vid where a karate master beats a guy that refuses to fight because of his religion or something, i believe he died, they dragged him out like nothing

this world man . ..

He was mentally challenged(special ed), and he was invited into the dojo because he said he was an elite m.a artist (he really wasn't though, probably never had a day worth of training in his life) but little did he know he'd be going up against a ruthless real martial artist
Originally Posted by JumpMan Jam

That one vid where a karate master beats a guy that refuses to fight because of his religion or something, i believe he died, they dragged him out like nothing

this world man . ..

He was mentally challenged(special ed), and he was invited into the dojo because he said he was an elite m.a artist (he really wasn't though, probably never had a day worth of training in his life) but little did he know he'd be going up against a ruthless real martial artist
I thought ya'll were talking about that .gif of a dude sucking off a dolphin
Some bastard NTer here posted that joint somewhere else. I know some people here have seen it, too
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