lol father of three. Love my three boys more than anything in this world. Respectfully, I don’t need to advertise that to anyone with a hat.
According to u, and ur option is cheeks. Sorry kids, I'm sure your mom would love me wearing it tho. I wouldn't say your girl because yall are all probably little kids who wear skin tight pants and hats and clothes that say drippy. Any respectful father would wear a hat like this with honor. Maybe when some of u kids become adults and have kids to love and care for then, I'll see some of u in these type of hats. Stay drippy tho

They skimped on the Quilted material on the back of the tongue, 🤦🏿‍♂️
I noticed that in a review. I just assumed it was to remove the slippage that occurs from the all quilted guts. Now that you say that it may have been to cut cost. The 5’s had that same interior throughout but I do like the all quilted on my white pair. Will have to wait till my black pair arrives to judge.
Wouldn't want to be in the room with you,
We on 2 different levesl of maturity. But go ahead and do ya thing and live yo life. Yall kids 2 drippy for me anyways, also im not a bully. So go ahead my lil shein warrior.At the end of the day these 3s are fire or drippy
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I noticed that in a review. I just assumed it was to remove the slippage that occurs from the all quilted guts. Now that you say that it may have been to cut cost. The 5’s had that same interior throughout but I do like the all quilted on my white pair. Will have to wait till my black pair arrives to judge.

Subtle differences go a looooooong way. It sucks they skimped on the tongue liner but they made up for it in the boxing. Id still take the quilted liner
Subtle differences go a looooooong way. It sucks they skimped on the tongue liner but they made up for it in the boxing. Id still take the quilted liner
I kinda like the material behind the tongue. If you look closely it’s the A logo repeated over and over. Extremely subtle but cool touch. Same pattern as the insole.
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lol father of three. Love my three boys more than anything in this world. Respectfully, I don’t need to advertise that to anyone with a hat.
Congratulations and that your choice. But I choose to wear it and 2 me those hats are fire also a gift from one of my kids. I get compliments not that I need them every single time I wear them. If any of these lil kids in nyc, they mom's definitely peeped me. Lol
Luckily mine were wrapped perfectly so the unveiling was actually very nice as intented. The towel was folded over nicely and each shoe was covered by the paper... but I was just lucky enough to have some on the aasembly line that cared enough to do their job properly instead of just quickly.

Yeah my pair was wrapped in the paper & the towel covered that. So luckily no bleeding on mine as well.

Really enjoy this pair.
Not happy I paid $260, but to be honest, I don't see many shoes $220 + that give the impression they should be $220+. These did that for me, with the packaging & details of the shoe.

Matches better than anything you would put together, if you even can get the kicks. Also What does it matter about the brand. I'm sure its many companies out here doing the same thing. I'm also sure ur whole style is swagger jacking other people. But stay up king. Not going to go back and forth with probably a 14 year old . Don't like what I post just scroll past.

Congratulations and that your choice. But I choose to wear it and 2 me those hats are fire also a gift from one of my kids. I get compliments not that I need them every single time I wear them. If any of these lil kids in nyc, they mom's definitely peeped me. Lol

I have no idea what's going on here just stopping by to say this is some of the most transparently insecure **** I've read in a WHILE

I have no idea what's going on here just stopping by to say this is some of the most transparently insecure **** I've read in a WHILE

Insecure lol far from it but hey everyone has is entitled 2 their own opions. But yea I shouldn't be going back n fourth with Lil kids about any kid of style on the internet. I'm sure they have more important things to worry about like they K.D on call of duty.
Insecure lol far from it but hey everyone has is entitled 2 their own opions. But yea I shouldn't be going back n fourth with Lil kids about any kid of style on the internet. I'm sure they have more important things to worry about like they K.D on call of duty.
the lengths you keep going to invent adversaries and then belittle them is not exactly helping your case

anyway, carry on (to your therapy appointment I hope)
It worked pretty well. After I took the picture I noticed more glue but in person it isn’t as noticeable. Thank you 🙏🏼

I think I can live with the dye bleeding on the back tab. It still sucks though.
Take a Q-Tip and dip it in rubbing alcohol, and slowly apply the QTip onto the affected area, that may do the trick
1. These shoes are fire.
2. Wear whatever hat you like with them (matching or not)
3. Here on NT we support the fathers and the childless and whatever sartorial decisions they make to advertise said fatherhood or childlessness
4. We endorse the pursuance of any mental health assistance precipitated by said fatherhood or childlessness
5. These shoes are fire

I don't see how James Whitner can be outside the top 5 of any Collaborator power rankings list. I'm still surprised at how much I hated the first images of these vs how dope I think they are now. And I haven't even seen them in person yet.
Take a Q-Tip and dip it in rubbing alcohol, and slowly apply the QTip onto the affected area, that may do the trick
This. What I do in this scenario is exactly what you said but then I get a pair of tweezers to pull the glue off. Too much rubbing or too much alcohol may pull the color off or change the texture. Goobgone works as well. Probably works the best. but you have to be really careful with that
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