Abandoned Island in the middle of NYC (Pics)

im surprised one of the super rich people havent bought the island and built a massive house. Y live in a 60 million dollar penthouse when you can live on your own island in NYC

If i hit the lottery, i'm buying this joint and turning into my private beach house

Im surprised the city didnt try to clean this up and turn it into a haunted house type deal. I could see them charging $250 per person or something outrageous like that 

or make a six flags type of amusement park
Are those bullet holes in the door?

Wonder how many bodies are buried there?
Post pics when you go OP.  I'm hitting up NY in two weeks, but not even thinking about going to this shutter island ****...

I actually live like 20 mins away from the hospital where they filmed part of that movie.
It's closed now but there's always a patrol cop just guarding it.
And where zombies will start after they get a mutated, 100 year old typhoid hybrid disease.
The existence of that island has been about housing the undesirables. There's a reason nobody is bidding to buy that island, it has a history of negativity.
considering I just inquired on facebook about it and was told by friends who have been there that the only way to go without attracting police attention is to kayak or row boat over there (and my swimming is atrocious) i don't know if i'm about that life.

i have no problem going onto and exploring the island, i just don't want to drown on the way after i get blown by, by a speedboat.
Even more reason for me not to go, I almost drowned in a wave pool, so I'm not about that swimming life
Post pics when you go OP.  I'm hitting up NY in two weeks, but not even thinking about going to this shutter island ****...
I actually live like 20 mins away from the hospital where they filmed part of that movie.
It's closed now but there's always a patrol cop just guarding it.
Where is the hospital?
I'm amazed that there isn't any graffiti over it.

I give it 20 days until the whole island smells like urine and stale pretzels.
And this is where the zombie apocalypse will originate...............................................
To think that there are millions of self loathing people just across the waters. Disgusting.
If I like felt writing up a proposal for a grant to search the island with about 8 people for research. I would do it but I don't have time for that. But it would be nice!
Nice to see someone else is up on Christy Mack.

Otherwise, this is interesting. Governors Island and Roosevelt were just like this at one point. I'm not kayaking or rowing across the river to get there though.
I'm 90% sure there HAVE to be homeless people living here already by the way.  I don't buy this "totally deserted" thing one bit.

Unless they swam there or stole a boat, I highly doubt it


I mean not all the homeless in the city are dirt poor or resourceless.  There's guys in Washington Sq. Park with new mac books.  You don't think they could hustle up/steal a kayak?

I see what you're saying. But ain't nobody going over there b. Even though it's not a long distance, nobody here is kyaking that :lol:. Homeless people with macbooks? That must be good living then :lol:. I should pay more attention next time I roll by Washington Square park then.
Interesting. I wouldnt go because it might be some type of dormant disease just chillin
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