About a Girl... Another Update, pg 1.

Congrats homie

You know what to do next
am I the only one who couldn't stop laughing when I read this:

"I noticed a couple of girl's giggling about two tables away from me. They were looking my way, whispering to each other. This made me really nervous.My leg started to tap faster like a jack rabbit's."


Congrats making a friend man, hopefully u don't get friendzown'd lol. next comes the date
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

can we have day by day updates of how this progresses? this could be the new internet sensation
If anything happens that has any significance, I'll make an update.

And if this became a internet sensation then my cover would be blown

btw, I called her a little while ago but I got the machine. It's kinda late right now she's probably sleeping
I left a message though.
Thanks ReliantJ,

and I had no idea that this thread would grow this big, it has potential to be EPIC.
don't talk to her for 2 weeks. if she is feenin she'll get at you. if not then it means you woulda been friendzowned and you wouldn't have wastedyour time
. Don't y'all feel as if you're talking to your little brother in this thread?
+1 for the number though. Now take her out on a date.
Redrum SB wrote:
Update 1/21/08

As I promised you guys, I have a positive update.
I felt a little nervous, but all day before I met her I was telling myself positive things, just motivating myself. I didn't think about the things that could go wrong. Then I went to the library, and she arrived. She looked pretty good imo, even though she's kind of short in person, but there's nothing wrong with that. I complimented her and asked how's it going. Then I just started talking to her about stuff you guys mentioned (interests, sports, school stuff like that). Made her laugh a lil bit, she has a really nice smile
. I do admit though that I was nervous at first, but then I eased up. I did mention my interest in sneakers, but I didn't talk about it much. I also didn't mention anything about yesterday. I found out she's pretty into sports, and she's also a white sox fan (like me)
. She's plays soccer btw. Time flew by real fast and as soon as I knew it the bell rang. So I asked her for her number, and before she got a piece of paper she took off the hoody (she was wearing. She was wearing a polo that showed off some of her cleavage
). Anyway, she gave me her number, I hugged her and I dipped to class.

So it went pretty good, Thanks NT for the advice and encouragement. and a Shout out to kidfiasco, good lookin out bro

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

. Don't y'all feel as if you're talking to your little brother in this thread?
+1 for the number though. Now take her out on a date.

i was just thinking that
Originally Posted by King Will

* cue the rock clapping gif *

Good job gettin back in the game kid ...

Now the trick is to balance being yourself & not a thirsty poon deprived 18 y/o.
Originally Posted by rtz13

don't talk to her for 2 weeks. if she is feenin she'll get at you. if not then it means you woulda been friendzowned and you wouldn't have wasted your time
Should I really do this?

wouldn't she think that I'm a d#ck?
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by rtz13

don't talk to her for 2 weeks. if she is feenin she'll get at you. if not then it means you woulda been friendzowned and you wouldn't have wasted your time
Should I really do this?

wouldn't she think that I'm a d#ck?

Don't do that... hit her up but dont look thristy...a few nights of late night jonesing and some hug and laughs in person and youll be in there my manTRUST
My 14 year old brother got more game than you.
You 18 years old andnervous about talking to a 16 year old?
Just be yourself yo. Don't stresstoo hard. You sound all sensitive and sh*t.
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