About a Girl... Another Update, pg 1.


okay, I need some more advice.
So, the first night I tried to call her but she didn't answer and I got the machine, it was late though, I left a message.
Then the second night I was sleeping when she called my house (I don't have a cell btw
Then yesterday I seen her, gave her a hug then she had to dip. Didn't really get to talk to her

Then last night I called her talked to her for about two seconds then she asked if I could call her back in little while.
So I waited like a good 20 minutes then someone called and my older sister was on the phone for a good 40 minutes
As soon as she got off I called the chick and she didn't answer and I left a message explaining myself.
Now, today she hasn't been on Myspace at all.
Is she ticked off at me?
What should I do? Call her right now even though it's kind a late?
Or should I just wait till tomorrow?

And would it be out of the question to tell her how I feel about her?
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

okay, I need some more advice.
So, the first night I tried to call her but she didn't answer and I got the machine, it was late though, I left a message.
Then the second night I was sleeping when she called my house (I don't have a cell btw
Then yesterday I seen her, gave her a hug then she had to dip. Didn't really get to talk to her

Then last night I called her talked to her for about two seconds then she asked if I could call her back in little while.
So I waited like a good 20 minutes then someone called and my older sister was on the phone for a good 40 minutes
As soon as she got off I called the chick and she didn't answer and I left a message explaining myself.
Now, today she hasn't been on Myspace at all.
Is she ticked off at me?
What should I do? Call her right now even though it's kind a late?
Or should I just wait till tomorrow?

And would it be out of the question to tell her how I feel about her?
Bro, she's not mad, and there's no need for you to explain yourself unless she brings it up. Here's a little tip so you don'tsuffer from massive anxiety disorder: don't read so much into the little things i.e. "what if she...? Oh no, I didnt ____, what if shethinks____?"
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Redrum SB
Bro, she's not mad, and there's no need for you to explain yourself unless she brings it up. Here's a little tip so you don't suffer from massive anxiety disorder: don't read so much into the little things i.e. "what if she...? Oh no, I didnt ____, what if she thinks____?"
I'm just kinda worried because I haven't really talked to her at all since I met her.
Man...this is terrible. You're 18 too? I mean, have you ever been to a homecoming or anything? I don't understand your lack of game. I'm not tryingto rag on you, I just don't get it.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Man...this is terrible. You're 18 too? I mean, have you ever been to a homecoming or anything? I don't understand your lack of game. I'm not trying to rag on you, I just don't get it.

Well, most of my life I've been real overweight,
as of today I've lost around 90-100 pounds within a couple years.

But I still carry the same mentality that I had when I was like 250 pounds
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

okay, I need some more advice.
So, the first night I tried to call her but she didn't answer and I got the machine, it was late though, I left a message.
Then the second night I was sleeping when she called my house (I don't have a cell btw
Then yesterday I seen her, gave her a hug then she had to dip. Didn't really get to talk to her

Then last night I called her talked to her for about two seconds then she asked if I could call her back in little while.
So I waited like a good 20 minutes then someone called and my older sister was on the phone for a good 40 minutes
As soon as she got off I called the chick and she didn't answer and I left a message explaining myself.
Now, today she hasn't been on Myspace at all.
Is she ticked off at me?
What should I do? Call her right now even though it's kind a late?
Or should I just wait till tomorrow?

And would it be out of the question to tell her how I feel about her?
Bro, she's not mad, and there's no need for you to explain yourself unless she brings it up. Here's a little tip so you don't suffer from massive anxiety disorder: don't read so much into the little things i.e. "what if she...? Oh no, I didnt ____, what if she thinks____?"
dude your 18. no more shoes till you get a cell phone. trust me home phones get you nowhere especially if you have a sister. im giving up shoes toget some wheels
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

Damn. Dude, just chill.


Dude is having panic attacks and $%**

1) Get a damn cell phone
2) when you see her in school talk to her...if she keeps saying she has to go and $%** then just take the L
Just explain what happened if she asks. And dont explain it like its a big deal, just tell her what went down and keep it movin. Dont come off too emotional.Imo, you should let her know you feeling her, but not in a "pour your heart out" type of way. Once the cards are on the table, you can cut out themiddle man and get straight to the fun stuff. but before you do anything, GET A CELL PHONE!!! ITS 2009 AND YOU'RE 18.
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

but not in a "pour your heart out" type of way.
That's exactly what I was going to do

and eff it, I'm gonna cop a cell phone on Monday.
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

but not in a "pour your heart out" type of way.
That's exactly what I was going to do

and eff it, I'm gonna cop a cell phone on Monday.
Cop a cell
Are you really 18?
But yea you just need to chill..Dont look like you feind for her..Get a phone (blackberry) so you can be up on that AIM business
and just chill..Talk it up etc..If you go to school in NYC, you guys are going to be having a couple half days this coming week so try and set something up fora weekday after school on a halfday
Go see a matinee, try and see if you can kick it at her house..Dont go in with the intentions of smashing, but be prepared (bring a condom) just incase,,safety1st..But just chat around at her crib, watch TV etc..If she wants the meat, she'll take it
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

but not in a "pour your heart out" type of way.
That's exactly what I was going to do

and eff it, I'm gonna cop a cell phone on Monday.

Good man. And just because i said dont be soft doesnt mean you should be all hard and tough. Just be genuine and confident, it will shine thru and take you alot further in the long run. You didnt lose all that weight to take L's did you? Act like it.
damn dude. how you 18 with the game of a 13 year old. baby girl isnt even all that, i can forseethat if she lets you bun her up you're gonna be attachedOD.

but yea go get a cellie. jeez. you gotta be able to text her or else aint nothin gonna happen.
Damn I didn't think people still got nervous like that in high school. But good for you man, avoid the friendzone by flirting every now.
Son you do know that there are BILLIONS of chicks out there in the world don't you? BILLIONS, why are you crying over one?
Redrum, don't take the L too hard. Plenty of other women in the world. Don't get too absorbed over the what ifs. Live for tomorrow--don't live yourdays worrying about what happened in the past.

Rebound chicks FTL.
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