About a Girl... Another Update, pg 1.

^ chyeahh i hate to say it but that has happened to me a few times. the friend zone is like the spot chicks will put u in unless u spit game rightt off thebatt. lett herr know ur interested. but dont be pushy, be subtle. tlk to her bout her classes. if she has hard classes ask her y shes taking them (i.e. do uwanna b a doctor lawyerr etc...) nd i like the bring a friend idea. shell think ur cool and u hv lots of friends. nd ask her what shes doing over the weekend.thats always easy cuz u could set up a make out / smash session which (if done correctly) would start a long interesting convo.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

are you people seriously giving out advice without pics?
there's pics on the first page
I knew I was wrong.

Get it don bruh. Ask a tonne of questions because birds LOVE to talk themselves and she will think you're such a good guy.
Take her to subway or some !*!!. I don't really know what kids do for dates...

Make sure by the end of your conversation you got some digits and make sure you ask her out on the weekend like bowling, movie or w.e

and whip it out.
there pics on the first page man

to the op: just be yourself, tell her some jokes, talk about school: who her friends are, wat classes shes taking and give her some tips on the classesyou've taken that she is taking
good luck bro
wait what do you mean you dont know what to talk to her about..what have you been talking about with her online???
talk about school...what classes she's in, how come you've never really came across her before...just small talk your way til' you start to get toknow her a little better man..just be yourself, she's obviously digging you enough to wanna meet up with you...be confident homie, thats 80% of the battleright there

make her smile/laugh, and you win...
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by fiendxxx

Don't complain about anything to her, cause its not cool, she'll think your just a whiney cat.

I guess I effed up then.

Damn dude how you 18 and this is happening?lol
Dont let it happen again, cause seriously you just met her. She dont wanna be hearing about your problems and stuff you dont like,etc....
Ok heres my advice and it works if done correctly, Talk about random stuff but not crazy stuff. I mean random by jumping from one topic; favorite color tojumping to cereal to jumping to photography to spanking to shoes to movies. The idea here is by talking to her about anything random and being playful you cancarry it anywhere you want to go (mean sexually) with out it coming off weird. It just comes off natural since shes never met you before so how you start offlets her know thats just how you are. Ive noticed by doing this I can get away with asking a lot more then normally. If you cross the line you will notice ispretty fast and you can just jump threads quick and talk about sharks.

My tips for this type of talk is keep religion and politics out for a while unless they are really important to you, dont ask too sexual question right awaybut dont keep them out (dont want to get friendzoned). If your interested in a girl sexually you need to make them think about you sexually too, if all youtalk about is small talk that anyone talks about and never create sexual tension shes more then likely not going to think about you in that way unless shesreally interested or you have looks.
Tell her you didn't know what to talk about so you went on an online forum and asked for advice.
You might as well not show up real talk,

since you had to ask NT what to talk about when u meet her, 9 times out of 10 you will lock up when u see her which will lead to an even bigger L

im not trying to be mean or nothing, im just sayin
if she was down to chat with you on myspace for the whole weekend then it should be easy.. just be yourself like how you would be if your talking to her onmyspace.. this s easy, just be cool with her and youll be smashing or be in a "relationship" in no time..

but the way you approach the situation you sound like your the one thats 16 y/o.

ask for her number through myspace, talk to her before you go back to school to get alittle more comfortable.
statutory rape. ur 18 and she's 16....watch out. but when u see her, open up by saying hi, (duh), then ask her how her weekend was and take it from there
Originally Posted by kidUFC

but the way you approach the situation you sound like your the one thats 16 y/o.

ask for her number through myspace, talk to her before you go back to school to get alittle more comfortable.
Yeah, I know bro, I was never quite the lady's man.

And she did give me her number, but I don't know if I should call her before school, I want to meet her first
Originally Posted by De La MONEY

statutory rape. ur 18 and she's 16....watch out.

Nah bro, I looked it up and it's legal in Indiana where I live.

and your avy is still
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