I mean that’s pretty much what Tariq has been selling for the past 2 months though. No tangibles no vote. He’s pretty clear about that. He even made T shirts

That's cool. He's not the head of this movement. Carnell and Moore have said plenty of times now that this isn't a movement to suppress the black vote. Anybody else saying so is expressing their own will and want to do so
That's cool. He's not the head of this movement. Carnell and Moore have said plenty of times now that this isn't a movement to suppress the black vote. Anybody else saying so is expressing their own will and want to do so

there's clearly a lot of misinformation being spread about their goals just judging from this thread alone
Because people like to take kthers words as fact and don't like to research
Yeah their leadership has to get in front of this and distance themselves from some of the bloodsuckers misrepresenting the movement
I agree. I don't think they want to go that route themselves tho. Which is harmful. Theyre gonna need a face for it or someone willing to engage more and represent.
you know what else is dehumanizing?

being forced into slavery

what alotta people don’t get is most slaves weren’t brought to america, they were already here...aboriginal

the land and resources were taken, that’s the whole point of the movement

people really going outta their way to pretend like they don’t understand this

that entire diatribe was tired and baseless in what the cause is truly for
Don't tell people that black people were already here, that's a conspiracy theory and we here at NT do not involve ourselves with such accusations.
Every other group in the history of the world has been paid back reparations in one form or another. Except black people in the Americas.

We didn't come here by slave ships. We were already here.. up and down the coast of South america. Up an down the west indies. Even here in North America from Mexico to canada..

His story tells us that the black history started in 1492. But black history was destroyed in 1492 after the defeat of the moors...

The moors ruled Europe from 700ad -1492

The moors civilized Europe and brought the knowledge and civility to its land. The dark ages are called the dark ages because everyone in Europe lived filthy horrible conditions. The fall of Rome was the primary cause of Europeans decent. They ate raw meat, didn't bathe, slept with animals and had no sewage

You think Europeans built those castles or designed the cost of arms seen throughout Europe?

Why are their black saints in the Vatican or black saint statues all across spain???

I could keep going but this is NT... the place where people believe we landed on the moon with no proof but will ask evidence of a black Europe without doing any research themselves... lol
Honestly, that no vote thing is the only reason this, otherwise fruitful, thread was derailed.

A real discussion could have been had. That no vote concept was soo assbackwards it tore this apart at the pillars.
tangibles black agenda, no vote
if i don't like a candidate, i'm not voting. i need a candidate that will work for my vote and actually advocate for and speak up for policies that positively influence #ados
we're fed up with the BS, with the run around and trickle downs. tired of accepting the scraps at the table because "it's better than nothing"
show that your vote counts/matters, even if that means holding on to it
do not be shamed or scared into giving it away
SHOW that you are serious, and the politicians will act accordingly
how does ados reconcile with africa?

like are ados also descendants of africans?

or is this saying that for those ppl brought over their history and legacy now starts with slavery?
I mean telling blacks to remove themselves from the voting pool would overwhelmingly benefit trump and his cohorts....

not really that big of a leap honestly

even if this was true what has changed from obama to trump for black people?

things have been more open since trump in terms of us knowing who our enemies are

hell, this thread is a perfect example

like the whole segregation thing, no black person should want to live there whether that went thru or not

but I already know the same group of guys here will prop your post

as a whole we are in the same situation as we’ve been in for 100’s of years

I wasn’t looking for meager differences

but the next few response will be i was provided with answers and ignored them

it’s just the same cycle of circular rhetoric

more black people were murdered under obama than at any other time in recent history

I’m talking blood on the streets
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