"african american is the worst race in the world..dont blame the white man" vol boosie

So we're just not going to address these statistics?

Social determinants of health bros, violence is one of them, as well as stress, poverty, disease, lack of education, racism etc. 

Next thing we're going to be arguing that diabetes, hypertension, cancer, obesity aren't more prevalent amongsts black people. Let's just turn a blind eye. The undeserving....

People are quick to cry institutionalized racism and have NO clue what it is. GTHO :lol:  

The root of all of this is poverty. The reason you're trying to deflect all that is being told to you and turning to skewed data is due to the fact that you don't want to acknowledge that whites control the economic system in this country. The system has been set up to benefit whites and keep blacks below them. From hiring applications to how high blacks can climb the corporate ladder. Look at how many whites in this country are benefiting from old money? Blacks have none of that. Some complain, some make there own avenue to better there future for there families but don't try and act like it's not prevalent. It's all around us. But of course you won't acknowledge it, you're benefitting from it....
I said this like 4 posts ago...let me go look for it. You people like to argue to save face instead of dealing with the root of your problems. I never said being black makes you inherently more violent, I've been harping on institutionalized racism as a cause of black kids killing each other more but naw the same dimwitted NTers who pick and choose when they throw around that word are contending nothing.

Walk on home, you lost.

:lol: look at you fam. Why are you so hostile?Are you here to educate or gloat about how you're white and know better than everyone else?
yall arguing with him cuz of who he is.

dude is agreeing with yall and people are getting mad cuz of the presentation :lol:
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I'm seeing a lot of blacks do this blacks do that but not enough 'here's what needs to be done to fix the situation'. Just because black people aren't perfect doesn't give someone the right to generalize and degrade them. ************* been through hell and back in this country.
I mean if you don't think there's a problem you already lost.  Some people are still in the precontemplation phase.

And when did I say there wasn't a problem? Everyone already knows there is a problem, you parroting the same damn thing every reply isn't moving this conversation anywhere.

Now me and everyone else hear would like to hear your solution to the problem since you seem to have everything figured out... if not then View media item 1216341
I'm seeing a lot of blacks do this blacks do that but not enough 'here's what needs to be done to fix the situation'. Just because black people aren't perfect doesn't give someone the right to generalize and degrade them. ************* been through hell and back in this country.

It's what happens when they let fools in a classroom & they rub a few elbows with Whites. Give em a little education & all of a sudden their **** doesn't stink and it's remarks like "you people". Hilarious. All them so called degrees and still an idiot with a poodle heart.

Don't know why ya'll continue to argue with Anton. Buddy been parading around here with a t back under that trench coat for years. Let that clown die already.
Jeez people are kinda testy in here, mi like.

The best part is I've seen everything I've said echoed by the same NTers in other threads. You guys are disingenuous and don't deserve ANYTHING. You remind me of the same people you accuse of oppressing you, it's disgusting.

Ok brah off you go now

View media item 1216356
Blacks kill more because of poverty and drugs. What hasn't been addressed is the root of the poverty and drugs. Would you care to speak on the White privileged system you're benefiting from @LIONBLOOD or are you gonna say its a figment of our imaginations?
It's been addressed several times in this thread. SEVERAL, in fact I think I mentioned the role of institutionalized racism and poverty in fostering an environment that leads to blacks being nothing but statistics. Education, comprehension and denial is also at the root of the problem.....*kermitgif*

I've never denied white privilege, any white person who denies that is an A-HOLE. In fact any rich person who denies that is part of the problem. I have privilege, I acknowledge it. I'm lucky I was born into a more of less ideal situation although my life is far from easy. Even globally being American is a privilege.

So if you're agreeing with everything I have been saying along with other posters why are you so adamant in arguing?
Why are other posters adamant about arguing? Especially you, lame k. We've already established there are several comments I made in here you OBVIOUSLY agree with but decided to follow the other black sheep. En tu jaula papi.

All I've been saying for the last 3 pages is that black people statistically are dying in this country from violence and various other causes, a few NTers actually caught on. You are slower than most NTers, that's saying a lot.

You were in here showing statistics of how blacks kill other blacks and the such. I along with others wanted to know what your point was in displaying this information....especially when you have a bit of a reputation on NT......
Lionblood is a Major League Rustler, I would suggest not engaging with him. :lol:

pretending this there isnt a higher rate of poor black people compared to poor white people...

and poor/poverty is the MAIN factor in killing...

its like... "come on, famb"... :lol:

but kittyblood over there ignoring the facts... or he knows and just wants to rustle jimmies.


Violent crime rates have more to do with poverty levels in a neighborhood than with the race of local residents, new research has found.

A study of Columbus neighborhoods found that violent crime rates in extremely disadvantaged white neighborhoods were very similar to rates in comparable Black neighborhoods.

The violent crime rate in highly disadvantaged Black areas was 22 per 1,000 residents, not much different from the 20 per 1,000 rate in similar white communities.

a study from villanova

http://www88.homepage.villanova.edu/lance.hannon/Forthcoming in the Journal of Poverty.pdf

In contrast, the few neighborhood-level studies on this topic have been relatively
consistent in their findings regarding racial invariance in the cross-sectional relationship
between disadvantage and violent crime. These studies usually conclude that the effect
of economic deprivation is similar for blacks and whites. In their seminal cross-sectional
study of census tracts in Columbus, Ohio, Krivo and Peterson (1996) compared the effect
of socioeconomic disadvantage on violent crime for areas that were predominately white
(70%+) and predominately black (70%+). Employing a dummy-variable interaction
effect analysis, Krivo and Peterson (1996, p. 633) concluded that their results supported
the argument that “structural conditions of disadvantage affect black and white
communities in the same manner.”

another study from villanova

http://www88.homepage.villanova.edu...the Relationship between Poverty_Homicide.pdf

but it's a black problem, right?


View media item 1215404
Why do y'all keep going back and forth with the same idiots?

You're not going to get different results.
you moon walk better than the late great Michael Jackson, kittyblood.

White people don't kill each other as often as blacks do. It's a pandemic in the black community. If a white person kills another white person, it's news. Most black on black crimes don't make the news because of how often it happens/people just don't care.

Pandemic in the black community... or in poor communities?

statistics don't lie, I'm not gonna argue that with you. There are numbers out there, white kids do not kill each other at the rate at which blacks do. That was my point plain and simple. That isn't up for debate.

This is what people mean when they bring up black on black violence not getting enough attention. the rebuttal of what about white on white violence is flawed because white people don't kill each other NEARLY as much as blacks do. When I live in the suburbs I don't have to worry about drive bys and shoot outs.

what about poor white kids?

and poor white people kill each other just as much as poor black people...

LOL so one Columbine every 10 years is like little black kids killing each other DAILY in Chicago right? People will reach so hard to not admit wrong.

There's nothing you can do to convince me that white on white teen DEADLY violence occurs as much as black on black. That's just foolish. Apparently its hard out here in the Hamptons.

Well just so happens that blacks are usually of a lower socioeconomic status than white, you ran your mouth spewing so much bullcrap that you ended up indirectly proving my point. Poverty is associated with criminality, thank you Captain obvious.

Yea blame the media, because the issues and the truth is too much for you to bare. Naw blacks ain't killing each other, that's the media. Apparrently all these kids getting killed left and right are just phantoms to you. Black only acknowledge violence if its at the hands of an outsider.

what about a poor white teen compared to a poor black teen?


View media item 1215404
View media item 1215404
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This fool been rustling jimmies for 8 years on who knows how many different SNs with his roundabout conversations. He has no point, don't eem engage him.
Poor white teens are also prone to criminality and a lack of education and resources. What else does this thing want me to say?

I'm convinced it just likes posting that gif lulz.

because the gif is LULz. especially used when it's some lame trying to rustle jimmies.

i just quoted 3 of your posts about you focusing on black people instead of poor people... making it seem like it was a black problem, and not a poor problem...

then, when you get called out, you MJ moonwalk and say "poor whites are prone, too"...

get outta here, boy /dcyoungfly voice

View media item 1215404
View media item 1215404
In typical NT fashion it's apparent that most people in this thread are more concerned with the messenger than the message. Instead of getting defensive, lets put our personal biases aside and try discussing the issue itself.

Trying to remain as objective as possible here... Anton mentioned homicide rates, not violent crime.

There is undoubtedly a correlation between poverty and crime regardless of ethnicity. Still...As much as we may not like to admit it; mortality rates, particularly those due to homicide, in our black communities are alarmingly high compared to any other ethnicity. While there are certainly a number of factors at play, I regularly see people wanting to turn a blind eye to this fact instead of having an honest and open dialogue about this epidemic.
If you want to to talk about the issue, talk about the right things. If poverty correlates to high crime, shouldn't we talk about how to get these people out of poverty instead?

And why are ya'll calling this dude by his govt name?
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