"african american is the worst race in the world..dont blame the white man" vol boosie

At the end of the day I'm a citizen of this planet so I try not to get caught up in a label or a culture for that matter. Our true culture has been systematically destroyed and now were viewed as thugs, gangsters and criminals regardless or whether your a ***** in the street or a Stanford graduate. They view u the same way. when in reality it's their culture who are the origininal thugs, gangsters, murderers and violent oppressors. It's replete with that bs. Black ppl are way to divided for us to ever organize and stop the propetual madness we've been put in. Now the white man can just sit back and watch us kill eachother as intended. And FOH to anybody who wants to make the argument that the president is black because that's a joke. Smoke and mirrors. I can't even speak on this kind of thing without taking heavy ridicule and looked at as a "conspiracy buff" which I'm used to so whatever just my 2 cents
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Who had a problem being african, but whats the point of calling ourselves african american when we havent been there for hundreds of years, why cant we just be american,obviously we are black so we have african in us

& yes i know technically haitians & jamaicans are "african-americans" but tell them that & they will look at you stupid

The point is it ties us to our ancestry that came from Africa. I'm proud to be the descendant of those kidnapped/enslaved African people. Without those people we would not be here today.

Just becasue a few hundred years have passed that doesn't change that fact.

If a brazilian moves up here is he a south-american-american or considered brazilian-american

Brazilian/Brazilian American or if they so choose we could simply call them American.
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so is it better to use "black" than "african american" then? 
Whatever floats your boat.

Neither would be "wrong".

Actually, Id rather "African American", because Im not black. #TeamBrownskin
ive met people that would rather me use "african american" and others "black"

to me they both mean the same thing, just something to describe a visual trait of a person
100% agree with her though.

The the label African-American is complete bull ****. Millions of black ppl in this country do not know their ancestry, some can't trace their origins back past their grandparents. I mean before AA, negro was the politically correct term, so was Afro-American, colored was deemed okay by society, and of course before that n-word was just fine. It's just a list of labels white ppl have decided to call us and say was politically correct and socially acceptable.

Why do we get the whole damn continent attached to our label while others can pinpoint the country? Some can pin it down to the damn village.

And to get more to Raven's point, it's nothing wrong with rejecting labels. Plenty other black ppl actually agree with her on the whole I'm just American thing cuz unfortunately they never had the chance to learn about their roots. While they can at least trace some of their known history a few generations back in America. AA for some is just another reminder that your ancestors were slaves cuz it wasn't slaves from Nigeria or South Africa, they were just African slaves.
Why is anyone even interviewing Raven Symone?

She's done nothing lately.
It's Oprah and I think the show or segment was about child stars and what they're up to now. If you watch the full interview she makes some references to the situation of Lindsay Lohan ( a former roommate) and I guess Amanda Bynes and all the other child stars crashing and burning, then also the whole thing with everybody thinking she came out the closet when they passed a gay marriage law but her saying she doesn't identify as gay.
This is from someone on how they feel about the subject:

"I've read and also heard many comments including "not all Africans are black" or "not all blacks are from Africa". Many "blacks" from the Caribbean or elsewhere dislike being referred to as an African American but in that same disgust label Africans, as African Americans. Africa is a continent not a country of origin and in no shape or form the bases for why one should be called an African American. Making the comment that one from Africa, in America would be or is called an African American is incorrect.

As a Ghanaian, I like many others dislike being referred to as African Americans. Africans are who they are based on their origin, and more specifically their tribe. That speaks volume. It's a reason why many Africans do not join in the debate of race,which is only an issue in America. The argument on race or African American sounds foreign. It hits a nerve when I am called African American because it erases who I am, my identity and says nothing about me or where I am from, and not because it's a bad term to describe me. comments like I am Caribbean so don't call me African American due to facts that I know nothing of Africa, only parts of me have African ancestry, or I am mixed race but then calls someone like me an African American makes no sense to me. if you call me African American because I am from Africa then what would call one like me in France, Britain etc

Black does not mean African, neither does African mean black. The issue of race is so complex and only found in America. The rest of the world sits in aww while we watch this unending debate march on. If not to be referred to as an African American is on the bases of being mixed or from different ancestry, then many whom you call African Americans also have Native American, White and Indian ancestry etc. Never have I witness people make the same mistakes that they accuse others of.

Ask me who I am and I would say that I am a Ghanaian, an Akan and from the Fante tribe. That gives you an insight of who I am am, the type of food or cuisine, music, dance, language, art etc. Africa is a continent with a vast array of history, languages, art, culture, custom. It's not one huge place. If not the most, it is one of the most diverse continents on the planet.

Believe it or not, the issue of race is only in America. A Ghanaian, Moroccan, libyan, Egyptian, Nigerian, South African etc, in UK, France, Spain etc is never referred to as something different from who they are. Most think of Africa as "black" and couldn't never wrap their mind around counties like Egypt, Chad being in Africa. Has anyone every looked at those from Papua New Guinea? Guess what they also have features as "blacks" in Africa. It was said that they resemble those from Guinea hence the term Papua New Guinea.

African American is a term coined to describe Americans with full or partial ancestry from Africa, but they themselves are not African. During the trade, there were those who ended in the Caribbean, South America, North America and so fourth.

You're Jamaican, French, British, Canadian, Panamanian, Haitian, Dominican, Cuban etc because that's where you're born or originate. Though you may have some ancestry from Africa. Like wise there are those who wouldn't mind being called African American, black American or simply American. They know nothing of the continent, it's people, languages, culture etc but are American. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly fine. Let's not make it a bad term.

Maybe the term African before American furthers their identity. It tells of their story, the history of their forefathers and what they endured, their culture, struggle, achievements etc. African American is a term on its own, and with its own history. It certainly does not mean an African, in America. Those are two different and I may add separate things, and leaving everything else out, history. It's an identity of its own. I, an Akan from Ghana like many others have a totally different history from that of an African American. I cannot relate or understand the struggle that their folks endured because it's not mine. Maybe taking the African out May also be dismissing their heritage, history or most importantly their identity.

It only becomes an issue when all are grouped in one category. Call people what they want to be called. Just ask them first and never assume"
That African is an idiot for saying it's only an American issue. European countries are filled with folks who are tired of African immigrants coming over. Italy being the main one. And while Africa is obviously majority black you have different tribes in certain areas who are prejudice against each other. Don't let them mogs fool you with that "we have no problems it's just america" ********

And they love to pull that "African Americans want to claim everybody" negro please WHITE folks group us all together. They created this ****...just last night at the cardinals game you had Darren Wilson supporters telling AA to go back to Africa.

Also th problem with Caribbean folks is that some blacker than me and claim not to have African roots. Like that **** is so stupid that it doesn't make sense to be so ignorant about who you are.
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That African is an idiot for saying it's only an American issue. European countries are filled with folks who are tired of African immigrants coming over. Italy being the main one. And while Africa is obviously majority black you have different tribes in certain areas who are prejudice against each other. Don't let them mogs fool you with that "we have no problems it's just america" ********
I don't think he was talking about the issues people are having with immigrants. I think he's just speaking about the classification of people.
That African is an idiot for saying it's only an American issue. European countries are filled with folks who are tired of African immigrants coming over. Italy being the main one. And while Africa is obviously majority black you have different tribes in certain areas who are prejudice against each other. Don't let them mogs fool you with that "we have no problems it's just america" ********
in the post the guy says he's from ghana, for someone that says he doesnt like the term "african american" and how it is a generalization why do you refer to him as "that african"?
That African is an idiot for saying it's only an American issue. European countries are filled with folks who are tired of African immigrants coming over. Italy being the main one. And while Africa is obviously majority black you have different tribes in certain areas who are prejudice against each other. Don't let them mogs fool you with that "we have no problems it's just america" ********
in the post the guy says he's from ghana, for someone that says he doesnt like the term "african american" and how it is a generalization why do you refer to him as "that african"?

Cause he's african...just like I refer to a white person as European...I'm not respecting that ignorant ****** for pinning everything on america when it occurs other places too
Master Zik Master Zik

So you agree that we should reject African American becasue we don't know the precise location in Africa our ancestors are from? I think a person of African decent who CHOOSES not to identify with their ancestral roots is ignorant. We may not know of a specific tribe, but there are many things within African cultures you could and should be able to identify with.

A person who doesn't have know their cultural history is lost person. Which is probably why a person like Raven Symone or Boosie as well as other African Americans act the way they do. They have no knowledge of self. All they know is the white supremacist American culture. Africa has been demonized to the point where us in America think its a mark a shame to be African.

And there is racism against African people all over the planet. It's not just an American issue. As mr marcus mr marcus stated, some of the worst racism is found in Europe.

Lastly, the reason I don't prefer to be called black is becasue it's too ambiguous. Black doesn't mean you are African. You have black people in India and other indigenous tribes throughout the world who are black who don't have African ancestry.
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"Believe it or not, the issue of race is only in America. "

Lmaoooo ok bruh

Got a lot of love for native Africans but they got some ignorant ones like this mog here

They throw ******* bananas at black soccer players but only America has a race issue
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From my perspective on this particular issue, I know that I have African descent. It's just that I have no connection to it at all because we're so far removed from it. I'd feel as if I'm being disrespectful to their culture if I identify myself as wherever it is I can be traced back to. That person who was born there speaks the language, eats the food and all that. Not that I would be ashamed to be known as that, it's just a bit confusing to me what to correctly identify as. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.
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From my perspective on this particular issue, I know that I have African descent. It's just that I have no connection to it at all because we're so far removed from it. I'd feel as if I'm being disrespectful to their culture if I identify myself as wherever it is I can be traced back to. That person who was born there speaks the language, eats the food and all that. Not that I would be ashamed to be known as that, it's just a bit confusing to me what to correctly identify as. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

Thats all im saying

Why be called african-american just because thats where our ancestors come from

Why cant we just be americans since we been here for hundreds of years already
Master Zik Master Zik

So you agree that we should reject African American becasue we don't know the precise location in Africa our ancestors are from?
I agree that you should choose for yourself. I don't rock with it. I'll reject it for the reasons I've stated. Not just cuz of the precise location but the blanket approach it takes in trying to be a catch all for all black Americans.

African American isn't some label we should now be proud of when it's just another name given to us.

I think a person of African decent who CHOOSES not to identify with their ancestral roots is ignorant.
This is where we'll disagree the most. Accepting the title of African American does not mean you're choosing to identify with your ancestral roots. Those two things are not equal imo.
We may not know of a specific tribe, but there are many things within African cultures you could and should be able to identify with.
I'm not against finding things in common with African cultures or wanting to identify with some but in doing so I'm not gonna pretend Africa is just one big country with no differences. There's a lot of African cultures.

A person who doesn't have know their cultural history is lost person.
Yes and deciding to accept the label of AA doesn't suddenly mean you're not lost.
Which is probably why a person like Raven Symone or Boosie as well as other African Americans act the way they do.
I disagree with equating Raven and Boosie.

I mean look at the thread title. African American is not a race. It's a label for black Americans :lol: :smh:
They have no knowledge of self. All they know is the white supremacist American culture. Africa has been demonized to the point where us in America think its a mark a shame to be African.
While true I'm not gonna pretend that black history and black culture does not exist within American culture and shouldn't be celebrated or is something to simply dismiss and forget.

And there is racism against African people all over the planet. It's not just an American issue. As mr marcus mr marcus stated, some of the worst racism is found in Europe.
Of course. I never said or implied otherwise and I wouldn't.

Lastly, the reason I don't prefer to be called black is becasue it's too ambiguous. Black doesn't mean you are African. You have black people in India and other indigenous tribes throughout the world who are black who don't have African ancestry.
Hey that's fine and I can understand that. We each have to find our own way. If you prefer AA or some variation that's fine.
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From my perspective on this particular issue, I know that I have African descent. It's just that I have no connection to it at all because we're so far removed from it. I'd feel as if I'm being disrespectful to their culture if I identify myself as wherever it is I can be traced back to. That person who was born there speaks the language, eats the food and all that. Not that I would be ashamed to be known as that, it's just a bit confusing to me what to correctly identify as. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

You probably have a lot more connections with African culture than you know. A lot of what the slaves brought over here are remnants of African culture. From the hair styles, to the dance, even how we conduct church.

I personally don't feel I am disrespecting native Africans when I call myself African. If a native African feels disrespect it just shows their ignorance and colonized mindset. My ancestors who went through slavery earned the right for me the right to claim my African ancestry.

In fact, I hope that by embracing our African ancestry that is something that brings us together with those native Africans. We need to be working together anyway, becasue last time I checked we are both being screwed over.
From my experience native Africans that immigrated to America are very open about sharing knowledge. Most assume we don't care but if they know you have an interest they'll teach you so much.

Most of the ones I've talked to were from Sierra leone (my lady fam and fam friends) or Gambia.

Edit: by the way west african food is so ******* good
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How can I be African American? I have no link to any african lineage, I am not even remotely connected to african culture in any form, My great great grandparents aren't even african, I mean...it's just silly to me. Ultimately, I feel as though that "labeling" boils down to who you truly identify with and culture and background lineage determines that. One of my buddies in college is on vacation in africa right now, although he is american, he has the african culture, he eats the african food, he knows his african lineage, HE is my definition of an african american and if he's an African american, then there's no way I can be that.

Would much rather be called a black american or quite simply an american.
Master Zik Master Zik
So African American is too much of a blanket approach, yet you subscribe to being called American.... which is just as ambiguous and whose origins have ties to Europeans. The same Europeans also gave YOU the term American, they gave US the English language, they gave US their religion. Do you reject those as well?

Seems like "black folks" continue to bring up any excuse in the book to avoid being an African.

What should we chose to call ourselves then? Because "American" don't past your litmus test either.

Lastly, you are right... simply calling ourselves African American is not something that means you're culturally aware... but its a start. And I will continue to lump Boosie with Raven Symone on this matter becasue they both equally ignorant and culturally lost.
How can I be African American? I have no link to any african lineage, I am not even remotely connected to african culture in any form, My great great grandparents aren't even african, I mean...it's just silly to me. Ultimately, I feel as though that "labeling" boils down to who you truly identify with and culture and background lineage determines that. One of my buddies in college is on vacation in africa right now, although he is american, he has the african culture, he eats the african food, he knows his african lineage, HE is my definition of an african american and if he's an African american, then there's no way I can be that.

Would much rather be called a black american or quite simply an american.

Are you not a not a person whose ancestors were people kidnapped from Africa? How do you know if you have no cultural connection from Africa, have you done research into African cultures?

I'm started to think some of us reject African culture becasue we are ignorant of the real history of African peoples. You choose not to know, therefore you reject who you really are. If you are not African who are you?

What is an American? What language does an American speak? Seems pretty ambiguous to me....
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You probably have a lot more connections with African culture than you know. A lot of what the slaves brought over here are remnants of African culture. From the hair styles, to the dance, even how we conduct church.

I personally don't feel I am disrespecting native Africans when I call myself African. If a native African feels disrespect it just shows their ignorance and colonized mindset. My ancestors who went through slavery earned the right for me the right to claim my African ancestry.

In fact, I hope that by embracing our African ancestry that is something that brings us together with those native Africans. We need to be working together anyway, becasue last time I checked we are both being screwed over.

My AA History professor was from Ethiopia and opened my eyes to how much of black culture in the US are not just remnants, but are directly from Africa. I agree that the term African American is a broad brush to paint ourselves with, but I don't think the debate is worth the time it takes to have. What we call ourselves is less important than our collective cause.

Imo, that cause should no longer be fair treatment by people that will never accept us. That's a huge waste of time. What we should focus on is spending our money between and among ourselves. We don't have to agree on one name or category. That's a far fetched idea for any group. What we can do is support an economic system for our benefit that makes us more of force to be reckoned with. If we can vote in unprecedented numbers and make or break an election like we did in 2012, we can definitely demand some respect by being more conscious of our spending habits.
Master Zik Master Zik
So African American is too much of a blanket approach, yet you subscribe to being called American.... which is just as ambiguous and whose origins have ties to Europeans. The same Europeans also gave YOU the term American, they gave US the English language, they gave US their religion. Do you reject those as well?

Seems like "black folks" continue to bring up any excuse in the book to avoid being an African.

What should we chose to call ourselves then? Because "American" don't past your litmus test either.

Lastly, you are right... simply calling ourselves African American is not something that means you're culturally aware... but its a start. And I will continue to lump Boosie with Raven Symone on this matter becasue they both equally ignorant and culturally lost.

Can you go to africa right now & visit family?

Do you even know what part of africa your ancestors are from?

So why should we be called african american? Because of something that happened 400+ yrs ago
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