Did you buy the Blacktoe XIII aka He Got Games

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This thread is entertaining. I don't care if I didn't get my pair or not I can count on coming in here for at least a laugh a day. :D
its actually a rule on NT and i do it all of the time. i dont care if hes your family, i did it and thats it. mikey is good people for sure and i have no issues with him.

Hey boss, could you please delete these pics too then:

3 pairs on this one, he might be selling to friends, cause who needs 3 pairs?

This one too, we don't want anyone in the community to see this hotel room full of J's... that's no good :smh:

Get off your power trip, bro. No one cares for it.
This thread is entertaining. I don't care if I didn't get my pair or not I can count on coming in here for at least a laugh a day.
So true
Ordered from Champs Sports, upgraded to 2 day shipping. although i got a confirmation... still no shipping info yet.

From Customer Service chat:

ME: It's a bday gift for my dad on the 23rd thats why i wanted it before saturday... if you said it was backordered, my purchase last saturday is not a guaranteed pair?
Nalisee H.: I am very sorry for the inconvenience. All orders placed for this product was on backorder. The shipment has arrived and we are processing your order at the warehouse. Please allow later on this evening for further updates. We will also send you a confirmation when your order has finished.

Is everyone have the same experience?
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Well my pairs just came in and of course I'm let down...Glue stains everywhere, bad threading and the white doesn't even look white.

EDIT: Also FNL didn't send me a branded box surprisingly...Which I can't complain about.
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Wholy politics batman!  This is worse than the automotive forum I was apart of for years.  Although this is making for good entertainment, I'd rather talk about J's and read people's experiences on certain releases in aftermath threads.  I want to see what hell folks went through just as I did. 
Wholy politics batman!  This is worse than the automotive forum I was apart of for years.  Although this is making for good entertainment, I'd rather talk about J's and read people's experiences on certain releases in aftermath threads.  I want to see what hell folks went through just as I did. 
Hes speaking the truth. 98% of you guys don't have the heart to stand up for what is right. all you care about is you re post count. Some PEOPLE need to be fair, if not they need to give that position to someone that would exercise those rights across the board.
Damn, here we go again. every thread I go in this dude Is fighting with someone

Got to be the most annoying person on NT.

Today is Spike Lee's birthday, you'd think that might be a good reason for a cheesy site like FNL to put some of these up...
if you pay for overnight delivery your order is normally one of the 1st picked out the warehouse to be if theres a chance of cancellation it will more than likely happen to an order with the cheapest shipping option
Yeah I'll pass on that. have never had my order cancelled and I wont be paying d*** near $30 extra to make sure it doesnt get cancelled. NDC or whoever else. I will stick with what ever free shipping option there is or the cheapest. Im in no rush because I dont wear the shoes immediately when i get them anyway (usually a week or two maybe more). Just seems like anyone wanting to overnight rush deliver their shoes is trying to be first one out the door with the new release on their feet. Personal point of view I'm sure someone wont like it ...
is there a way to block posts from certain users?
Yes, you can.  Unfortunately you guys are always quoting him when you're fighting with him so I see his posts anyway.  But you go to his profile and can choose to block member.
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Damn, here we go again. every thread I go in this dude Is fighting with someone

Got to be the most annoying person on NT.
Lovin that avy.  Two of my all time favs right there.  My dad gave me his OG 6's back when i was a kid.  Those 6's with that colorway are arguably my favorite style.
Picked mine up today. Had two in my size at a local spot , so I examined both pairs , quality could be better (stitching and bit of glue) however on feet these are fuego so I'm good.

Good day it was.
if you pay for overnight delivery your order is normally one of the 1st picked out the warehouse to be if theres a chance of cancellation it will more than likely happen to an order with the cheapest shipping option

Yeah I'll pass on that. have never had my order cancelled and I wont be paying d*** near $30 extra to make sure it doesnt get cancelled. NDC or whoever else. I will stick with what ever free shipping option there is or the cheapest. Im in no rush because I dont wear the shoes immediately when i get them anyway (usually a week or two maybe more). Just seems like anyone wanting to overnight rush deliver their shoes is trying to be first one out the door with the new release on their feet. Personal point of view I'm sure someone wont like it ...

wont mean anything until it happens to you and they hit you with the "Sorry but we oversold the inventory" email. Happened to me on Doembecher 6s and Red Foamposite Ones.
Wasn't trying to brag/show boat (thats not me) with my pic, was just posting in here cause its the "black toe 13" thread, but it's ok I won't post pics like that anymore I guess. I'm not even mad i was just asking why my pic was deleted. A pair went to a fellow NT'er if that matters.
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