Air Jordan 5 2013 "Elephant print" 23rd anniversary

Might not be the most attractive design but people will still go and get it. After seeing people get the Jordan XX8 that i think are the least of my favorite, i'm sure there can't be anything worse. 
how bout you crybabies with nothing better to do than make the same lame *** "this is an ugly shoe" comments, go to a thread where your comments are welcomed! If u dont like them why are you in a thread strictly about them? Seem thirsty for attention.

Aww somebody is going to cry
there are a hell of a lot of spots getting em for a 20,000 pair shoe....but then again each spot can get only a handful of pairs so we'll see if nike and em jus said limited to open the floodgates....hmmm...we shall see!
ladies and gentleman we have an attention *****

Seriously grow up. Act like a man son. If people do not like the same shoe as you dont throw a fit and get all upset. This shoe looks like two stuffed zebras on your feet. Now you might like it to get some sort of attention if being different but dont throw a fit and get upset because we all do not have the same opinion.

If somebody says a shoe is ugly you shouldnt cry like somebody just died. Man up and move along
Seriously grow up. Act like a man son. If people do not like the same shoe as you dont throw a fit and get all upset. This shoe looks like two stuffed zebras on your feet. Now you might like it to get some sort of attention if being different but dont throw a fit and get upset because we all do not have the same opinion.

If somebody says a shoe is ugly you shouldnt cry like somebody just died. Man up and move along
ha looks like ur mad old good...if you so grown you would know the difference between stating your opinion like a man or just  being a jackass that wants attention by stating your opinion over and over.....move along like u said Son
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My fault man. Indianapolis. Just posted bc It was only 1 store in state getting them and now I found out at least 1 finishline and maybe 1 more.
heard the same thing... I'm from INDY too.. believe Castleton Square and Greenwood both getting them.. is that what you heard too? 
Yes castleton finishline for sure, footlocker is raffle at greenwood and finishline at greenwood said the we have an email to not let any info about shoes til tomorrow so more than likely they are gettin bc why would they say they got an email not to let anyone know til tomorrow. Have you got j's from castleton before and if so what is best place to line up at?
That is crazy based on the fact that Indy is HQ for Finish Line...smh.
Yea I know. It might be bc people are crazy here. Theres been a couple times where people have camped in mall til they close and robbed the whole shipment of J's the day or 2 before release.
Yes castleton finishline for sure, footlocker is raffle at greenwood and finishline at greenwood said the we have an email to not let any info about shoes til tomorrow so more than likely they are gettin bc why would they say they got an email not to let anyone know til tomorrow. Have you got j's from castleton before and if so what is best place to line up at?
when i picked up Playoff XI's from FL @ Greenwood last year, had a couple connects tell me to just head to Castleton b/c they said screw it w/the raffle and were givign out first come, first serve... it was just all lined up on the side and they are the Monopoly shoe place at that mall so i know they always get generally the most out of any in the state. i've never had to worry about lines or waiting on anything since then b/c i have not tried to get anything but its been first come, first serve from what I know still.. Champs @ that mall does that for almost 99% of their releases too
Yea I know its FCFS there but when I asked earlier they said they just line up outside all the doors and rush in at open and its whoever gets to front of store first and thats when all the fightings and shootings happen. At greenwood they have to line up at certain spots then they open door in morning and hand out the size cards. With it being such a limited release theres gonna be a lot of fighting.
These shoes are ugly as **** but I still like them. Elephant print always looks cool when faded/worn, will def beat these up. 

ok. the NT fashion police are in the this thread so i gotta go........something bout a dude telling me whats hot dont sit right with the individual purchasing i reserve the right to wear these ***** wit pajamas if i feel like it. keep styling ya "homeboys" chief, im good!

Great post, these with pajamas at Walmart grocery shopping is a must at least once ( I do this with each shoe I buy for some reason) I just hope no one offers me food stamps again.

But yeah your right " If you don't like the shoes, kiss my *** so what."
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