Am I tripping out for no reason?

my realtor said that the previous owners denied it was their picture, so she called the realtor that they hired to sell the place. He's claiming that he placed it up there out of boredom during an open house...i dont know whether to believe him or not. so right now my options are to stay put and get it blessed, or to sell it, my realtor said she wouldn't charge me but i'd be losing money on a land transfer tax i already paid, and i'll be penalized by the bank, unless i use them when i buy the next house which i probably would anyways. so...not sure what i'm gonna do at this point, i'm still pretty crept out by it, and i dont know if i wanna believe that other realtor or not. because, i told my realtor that if that was his picture that he should be able to get me another picture of that lady, and then i'd believe him. but he said that he was cleaning a friends house and took that picture from them, it's all too coincidental.
Not much scares me but the thought of ghosts, spirits, etc freaks me the %%#! out. I'm not trying to mess with you OP but if that was me I'd be outta there for real.

Side story:
When I was younger me and my parents were gonna move and we went and looked at this beautiful house. As soon as we walked in the door my mom goes "I don't like this place. Someone died here and it wasn't natural" and she shows me her arms and she has goosebumps all over. My parents called the realtor the next day and he said he knew someone had died in the house but not sure how. So my mom looked the address up and found out a man killed his wife and child in the garage with a shotgun and then took his own life.
Haunted houses aren't my thing at all. I'd be freaking out the moment i saw that !@#.
I'd bounce. You're never going to get an answer that pleases you from anyone involved. The home is now spoiled in your mind. That is going to be hard to erase. You'll be anxious every moment of every day you spend there for the next five years. Just not worth it IMO. If you can't sit down in there and watch "A Haunting in Conneticut" or "The Strangers" by yourself without being seriously creeped out, bounce.
dude, if you wouldn't have painted you would have never discovered that picture and would have gone on with your life like nothing happened.

but like rojanjon said, the house is now spoiled in your mind. no matter what anybody tells you it won't change how you feel about it. no need to stay in a place you're not going to enjoy.
Originally Posted by King Au

Originally Posted by oidreez

you can't be serious

i'm totally serious, no trollin.  I don't mess with spirits and stuff like that.

Originally Posted by Kingtre

 @ a haunted house can that be proven? how could somebody ever win that case?

at the end of the day its on you to fix the problem in YOUR head...they can feed you whatever bogus story which may or may not satisfy you but that doesnt mean certain things werent practiced in the house...

it could be innocent or could be some voodoo type stuff...but youll never really know so just take it in stride-

if it helps i know alot of people that put little angel figurines, crosses etc on the molding/bases of certain doorways to keep evil spirits away

Originally Posted by King Au

I'm just hoping its nothing satanic and hopefully it's innocent

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

lol first of all calm long have you been in the house before you even noticed this...?

did you notice any other weird stuff?

are you religious? if so did you bless your house beforehand?

New houses >
 lol congrats tho.

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

play the new rick perry ad 4 times with all the windows open...

That should scare away any spirits that may be hiding

Originally Posted by CWrite78

dude, if you wouldn't have painted you would have never discovered that picture and would have gone on with your life like nothing happened.

but like rojanjon said, the house is now spoiled in your mind. no matter what anybody tells you it won't change how you feel about it. no need to stay in a place you're not going to enjoy.


The amount of HERP-DERP in here is disgusting 

This is why I keep feeling compelled to comment on this sort of pseudoscience and spiritual hogwash. 

OP. No ghosts. You're fine. Stop being spooky. If you're not comfortable, you never will be. But theres nothing're just looking for excuses to MAKE things that way. 
I was expecting another girl problem thread. I dont like reading !!*$ like this at night.
I just heard a loud !$# bang like a door slamming. Everyones asleep...
man what the +#!% OP its 3:30 and im reading this BS
brb turning the lights on 

NT going in with the spoilers

Is OP dead, possessed, or does he have a cool Boardwalk Empire looking broad as his ghost companion/sidekick?
Did the "haunted house clause" work?
1. move
2. leave behind a picture of yourself above the same door frame to troll the next owners
3. ????
4. profit?
man, smart move with that haunted house clause, and yea i wouldnt want a house that had satanic worshippers as previous owners either, i dont mess with the astral
It's already too late b...

It's already started for you and everyone in this thread that looked in the eyes of the lady in that picture...
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