America's Best Dance Crew Season 2 Thread

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

SS will be gone next week

boogie bots

nah they killed it tonight.

assid might or MAYBE boogie bots
The dances weren't all that tonight but

Fanny Pak and Supreme Soul ripped the show *word to Shane Sparks*

Can't wait for next week with Janet Jackson songs!
I can't understand why SS keeps getting voted in the bottom consistently. I felt like they ripped the "Touch" routine in half and even though thejudges didn't think so...I thought the "Elevator" routine was very clean also. I can't understand it. Ahh well....I don't vote so Ican't complain.
This episode reminded me of last year's when they had the stage set up like a garbage dump. And like that episode, this one will probably be the worst ofthe season. SS is good at dancing but their choreography is kinda ehhh. And I think tonight they may have copied some moves from last year.
i hated fanny pack too...but i actually liked their performance today....i actually liked every crews performance
I like Fanny Pak, Supreme Soul, and ASIID. Super Cr3w is overrated I think and their performance tonight was subpar.

Fanny Pak is by far the cleanest and most creative group and ASIID goes the hardest.
I don't like Fanny Pack, but they were the best of the night,,they actually had a story behind the song unlike the other crews..the slow, transition, andfast parts were all on point..

ASIID and SS were close behind.

Boogie Bots are done the next time they get in the bottom 2..last week was dope but they are way too inconsistent.

I still got Super Crew, SoReal, and either SS/Fanny Pack as the top 3 in the end.
Originally Posted by dapimpjuice4ya

I can't understand why SS keeps getting voted in the bottom consistently. I felt like they ripped the "Touch" routine in half and even though the judges didn't think so...I thought the "Elevator" routine was very clean also. I can't understand it. Ahh well....I don't vote so I can't complain.

Because everyone loves Jabbawockeez and SS came as the cocky crew saying that they had beaten the Jabbawockeez and that is why no one is really behind SScrew. If they wouldn't have said that then they would be a crowd favorite.
i dont know why everyone was hating on super cr3ws performance today. I personally thought it was pretty dope along with the whole concept of it. And what thehell was that dude from nsync saying that they only did like 30 seconds of dancing? get the hell out with that that was certainly not true.
as we have seen, none of these crews are coming close to touching jabba or even kaba modern. the general competition is better b/c most crews are close thesame level so no clear-cut favs like last yr with kaba and jabba.

but jabba and kaba would be top 2 again if they competed in season 2 and jabba would still win it.
I just had to come in here and say Ailyn aka Alien is OFFICIAL!!!! That body roll was one of the sexiest things i've EVER seen. Damn that girl is
i know i'm in the minority on NT with my opinion, but this week fanny pac was the best overall this show.
fanny pak, soreal, and supreme soul were the 3 best crews tonight. but goddamn outside of fanny pak, even soreal and supreme soul were mad sloppy.

these crews need to clean up their choreography.

PS - how cocky are these fools from supreme soul? what have they won? did they win best dance crew in the world or something? seriously, that shirt is onlygonna piss off the casual fan.
Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by dapimpjuice4ya

I can't understand why SS keeps getting voted in the bottom consistently. I felt like they ripped the "Touch" routine in half and even though the judges didn't think so...I thought the "Elevator" routine was very clean also. I can't understand it. Ahh well....I don't vote so I can't complain.

Because everyone loves Jabbawockeez and SS came as the cocky crew saying that they had beaten the Jabbawockeez and that is why no one is really behind SS crew. If they wouldn't have said that then they would be a crowd favorite.
CO @**%%#* SIGN dapimpjuice4ya. SS has KILLED every show cept for the first episode. It's pathetic how they get so much hate.

Rafool hit it right on the head. The ONLY reason they are not getting votes is cause everyone D rides Jabba and since they said they are "rivals"all the little Jabba stans got all butt hurt so they disregard the talent of SS.

Anyway, some of y'all buggin if you think Fanny ain't doin the damn thing. They STAY killing it. Tonight Fanny and SS were the best BY FAR!!!

And once again, Alien from So Real can get it can the bootleg Keri Hilson from Fanny.
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