America's Best Dance Crew Season 2 Thread

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by Rafool

boogie bots isnt even that great real should ahve been saved and not boogie bots. im not a fan of so real, i like super crew but they didnt do so well last time but boogie bots plain out sucked last time. so real should ahve been saved.

yeah, but its pretty obvous that americas favorite groups are boogiebots, fannypack, and supreme soul. because they scream to death whenever fannypacks name is called, and whenever theres a negative comment about SS or BB, they crowd gets hella angry.

and those are the groups with the most votes lately.


they get the most votes.

dude, everyone i know that talks about this show just goes on and on and on about supreme soul. if its not supreme soul then its fannypack, and if its notfanny pack then its jozar from boogiebots
they really shouldnt let the fans vote like that.
its ridiculous, they end up forcing the judges to vote some of the better teams off
I didn't watch the ending but I'm pretty sure A.S.I.I.D or A.S.I.D whatever went home, right?
wow honestly soreal did the worst this week.....and i do vote for boogie bots cuz of joesar...lmao super crew = <3
my allegiance to supercr3w will never die . bboys will always get love from me on these shows
i actually liked soreal's performance this week but boogie bots really didn't deliver the way they probably should have.
yeah i liked soreal's performance too. and my favorite crew of course super cr3w.

i also agree on boogie bots not doing so good.
Originally Posted by dope like louboutins

I wasnt feelin fanny pack's performance but oh well. I'll miss seeing A.S.S.I.D. perform

i missed Fanny Pak's performance so i guess i'll watch that during the rerun right now.
Originally Posted by patrickcakes

Does MTV strategically place the Asian girl with the rack behind Slater every ep or something? Nothing that I'm complaining...

yes i recognized that too.

ive been on a televised show and at a mtv beach house shooting. they always put hot and pretty girls right where the camera would be on purpose.

they're not gonna put ugly fat chicks right behind slater and the judges
Originally Posted by iswearimcool

to be honest asiid did better than supercrew BUTTTTTT
you can obviously tell the judges comments are biased against asiid.
imagine how many viewers the shoe loses if supercrew goes home
I respectfully disagree. Super Krew killed it.
so with seeing Fanny Pak's performance i agree that it wasn't as intense as their previous ones but it looks like that was because they focused more ongetting the hand/arm movements down properly.
fanny pak is

super crew finally did a good job.
boogie bots should have been in the bottom and got booted.
so real was good.
asiid didn't do their thing tonight.
supreme soul was okay, but not great.

shane and lil mama going at it!!

and did anybody catch jc saying, "no no no.." when shane was saying that so real cru's performance was the best of the night??

the judges are definitely starting to voice their opinions some more..
^^ i think shane is right about there's being the best performance of the night..they killed it!
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