Andrew Tate. DONE.

And what would that observation be?

Because calling the singer rebellious for describing herself as a boss ignores all the women of the bible who did behave as bosses (lots of stories in the OT).

The aggressive lady is showing her own ignorance of the religion she pretends to defend.

it doesn’t seem to me to be a contradiction that the bible or any religious doctrine would point out that there are coexisting power structures and that women do have their own influence such that they can wield power & lead. i’m not a religious scholar but i think it is very interesting that people will claim a religion/religiosity but not really adhering to most of the tenets, picking a choosing what parts apply & when…now obviously i don’t know how the woman in question actually practices her faith but even what you reference would seem to imply women of power/status & in leadership of men to be the exception/exceptional rather than the rule…

the thing that i always find interesting is that all these women that claim they are/aspire to be bosses also want their partner to be a boss type that is able to lead them? i guess i get it, but if one is a boss, wouldn’t they want to be in that seat of power at all times?? can one really choose to turn that off???

Why is she speaking for men? Men love women who are bosses or able to generate their own money.

People need to stop listening to idiots and taking advice from idiots. Be your own person. Formulate your own ideas

depends on what you mean by the statement
Men love women who are bosses or able to generate their own money.

i find it disingenuous when people make arguments in bad faith, to say that men actively would pursue women on the basis of their financial status is not a good faith argument (because most men can’t even execute on such a preference) and a man that would is probably not the man that women would prefer or are thinking of, but since so many women think that how they evaluate men is how men also evaluate women they fall into that mode of thinking.

while i know women can/do/will ‘wife’ men that they choose…it isn’t norm, it typically doesn’t last (especially if that man doesn’t convert on whatever timeline of potential value that women sees) and often becomes an anecdote for why the woman won’t entertain such an arrangement going forward; which isn’t to say there aren’t exceptions but given all the data around dating/relationships/marriage today any man banking on finding a women that is more economically viable than him taking him serious should, quite literally, not quit his day job…

saying that men don’t care at all about what/how a women contributes financially, is definitely a gripe i have with those that are of the opinion that women in that ‘girl boss’ position aren’t attractive it just doesn’t tend to be nearly the same attraction trigger for men as it is for women. in 2023 most people will need dual incomes so it isn’t the case that most men could even entertain these ‘pillow princess’ types but it certainly isn’t the case that most men would either qualify or disqualify a women on the basis of income they way women do
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…. You’re calling the white lady a culture vulture, yet saying it’s cool for black women to have processed and colored hair. Make it make sense :lol: :lol: :lol:

Our women need to stop trying to adopt that Eurocentric look. That’s why they’re mentally messed up in the head anyway.

All those black people on that show are clowns because they’re contributing to that white lady. You understand?

I just don’t understand how y’all subscribe to these people. You know the black dudes name so you’re clearly a fan.

not for nothing but it literally has man name tagged in the clip? being observant = fan?
You accused me of jumping to “conclusions” yet I based all my information off of what YOU stated. How is that jumping to conclusions?


Take it easy Fam.

I know it's unheard of these days actually watch a whole video vs. react off of a clip but context/nuance is still important for some of us.

You seem really invested in having a back-and-forth about this for some reason. Nerves must have been touched.

Rather zesty of you if you ask me but hey - I aint gonna hold you. :lol:

FWIW - "Jump to conclusions" = judging people (black women) by their hair/making claims you can't support based on your own conscious bias.
I looked into Tate since he's been arrested. Very interesting person. Huge cult of personality and it's very easy to see why he is as popular as he is. A lot of people seem to take "the good with the bad" with the things he says. It's tricky since he had completely tone down his more misogynistic rhetoric when he became really popular. Champions working out and being your best self with much dark elements throw in.

Doubt he's had done the things he was arrested but giving some past deals with women, I don't doubt he's has done borderline things that mirror his current charges.

got a couple of his books on my reading list, evolutionary psychology is an interesting & a bit confounding subject

I looked into Tate since he's been arrested. Very interesting person. Huge cult of personality and it's very easy to see why he is as popular as he is. A lot of people seem to take "the good with the bad" with the things he says. It's tricky since he had completely tone down his more misogynistic rhetoric when he became really popular. Champions working out and being your best self with much dark elements throw in.

Doubt he's had done the things he was arrested but giving some past deals with women, I don't doubt he's has done borderline things that mirror his current charges.

exactly my sentiments, the dude is charismatic/has personality, successful, and portrayed living a jet set lifestyle that many men dream of, then throw on top that he also relatively articulate & was willing to be stand on being ‘misogynistic,’ offensive, sexist; often openly but also by implication with intentionally provocative language…

most of thing he says, when stated with less hyperbole, are things that aren’t even controversial but given the dearth of depictions of overtly unapologetically masculine men, it is jarring; but his appeal as a character should be expected if not understandable. i don’t know whether he’s done the things he is being accused of but i do know that he baited himself into this position by flouting that he was above the law in a country that he touted the corruption of and now regardless of his guilty or innocence, he is kinda living the result of that claim

was trying to find another article but stumbled across these gems from the past:

Thoughts on the last name convo?


my wife wanted to keep her last name so she has 2 last names now. her maiden name then my last name.
at first, she tried to float the idea of not changing her name but i told her it's the very least sign of commitment you can show when im buying rings and all these other traditional symbolic things men have to do. i didn't want to have a wedding and do all the pageantry.

i basically said you want all the other traditions except the one men take the most pride in.
then she got it.
what i think is even more important is our daughter just has my last name.
Honestly couldn't care less about my last name. I quite like the idea of a split last name, with the - inbetween (name example-example).
Thoughts on the last name convo?


1stly, is this a particularly commentary of/on black men? the hyphenate name thing seems to be much more common outside of the black community 🤷🏿‍♂️…that said i think the phenomenon generally is just a result of people being more willing to be outside of/question traditional mores, such that men & women alike are open to non-traditional/unconventional arrangements.

family is/has always been important to regardless of gender it’s just now women have agency to challenge the traditional, and historically if women were from elite/noble/powerful/royal lineage they would combine/keep their family surname, and there would even be cases where men would adopt the woman’s surname if her name held more weight/could increase his status
Interested in how this saga plays out. Wonder if they'll try a Carlos Ghosn or sit and fight the charges. Will be watching closely.



: social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line
broadly : control by men of a disproportionately large share of power

: a society or institution organized according to the principles or practices of patriarchy



: a family, group, or state governed by a matriarch

: a system of social organization in which descent and inheritance are traced through the female line

Same dictionary.

Two very different definitions.

See what they did there?

Taking a man's last name is literally the definition of patriarchy yet somehow in 2023 its "a display of power and supremacy" :lol: :smh:
I once had recently married customers who took half of each of their last names and made a new last name… that was interesting.
Some of you really want this to be the new Kevin Samuels, so I’ll say here what I said there:

As a reminder: this thread is about the death of Kevin Samuels.

It’s not about “type Kevin Samuels into Youtube and let autoplay take the wheel.”
It’s not a meeting of “NO MA’AM.”


Users who persistently post off-topic will be removed from the discussion.

This thread is about Andrew’s Tate’s arrest. That’s it.

If you’re a bitter old single man/incel and you’re looking for a place to air your grievances with “modern women,” try Twitter or reddit. That’s not the discussion you’re in and it’s not one we’re interested in hosting.
Welp he and his brother has been released and harbors no ill will against the country of Romania
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