Animal Kingdom series

- Nice wrap up to the season
- Craig leaving is probably a good thing -- he really has no major storyline going
- Baz isn't dead yet -- next season will focus on who shot him -- easy way out is it was Lucy's brother
- Nicky is just annoying and is literally turning into Jay's mom -- an addict
The ending really almost made it seem like she set Baz up.

She literally went and got the jewels anyway and probably sipped to Mexico.

Can't believe Jay did that. Smurf got him hooked on them aged yambs to get him to do that.

I doubt he has a heart, just knows Pope would be his only Ally. Also getting Pope's love and loyalty to switch from Smurf would hurt her more which is his goal. Both Smurf and Baz know what makes Pope tick and they take advantage of him.
Maybe. I can see that angle but I don't think Bad is that smart.

I do believe him when he ultimately blames Smurf. Pope would never do anything like that own his own even though he was tight Baz stole his girl. Smurf manipulated Pope in to killing her.
I dont think Jay did it. I'm putting my money on Lucy or Pope. Crazy how Pope and Baz kinda switched places in 2 seasons, I used to think Pope was a cold hearted psycho and Baz was the decent one..
I thought smurf already hired someone to murk baz. No need for jay to do it unless jay decided it on his own to do it because he saw baz as a major problem. SMH at him for pushing the old man. Nasty nikki is only going to cause him more problems.

renn looking sexy AF in that bikini. :evil:
Good Finale - Pope and Baz talk was genuine at the end Smurf is the one who wanted it and set it up

Baz girl clearly set him up IMO Lucy is the boss of her crew / family she had all the info about the money and stuff

Nikki :sick: :smh: Jay :smh: :lol:

Craig wins the season for leaving with Renn
I think that money was for her prison protection unless I missed when they clarified it.

I thought the envelope was for her protection and to hire a hitta. I think there was a scene in the episode before and one last night where smurf said she'd take care of baz. Maybe that meant she already hired someone or her plan was for pope to get him.
This season was good strong 8.5/10

Jay really coming into being a dual threat , dude out there laying the murder game .

either Jay did the hit or Lucy , she went straight to the stashed house with her brother .

Not gonna lie I don't feel one ounce of pain by baz death , dude was a scumbag & a deadbeat .

What's the angle with Pope girlfriend? After he confessed everything to her .

And somebody please kill that bird brain Nicky , Jay so damn whipped on that P his uncle smashed it's not even funny . Weird A*** family man .
Funny how Baz tells Lucy all his business but he don't know any of hers, she doesn't tell him anything, he has no idea about her running kidnapping schemes etc.

Jay stays going along with Nikki's horrible idiotic plans like this last one, she's dumb and snorts too much blow
Gotta be Lucy who set baz up. Her brother is conveniently nearby to rob the stash house. Killing baz would be way out of character for Jay at this point.

The writing and story development was on point this season.
^ The most obvious is Lucy/her brother setting it up.

They can really do any angles: Jay + Lucy/her brother + Pope + the next "villain" of next season
I was thinking she's a medium size boss but if she's setting up her bf to get shot up and take his money she must still be small time. She needs to kidnap wealthier kids. Coldblooded as hell since baz could easily die in that situation.
I say the same thing every time I see a new ep commercial for it.

Shonda caking.
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Show will be weird without his character. Guess a new, similar character will be introduced.
Show will be weird without his character. Guess a new, similar character will be introduced.

Actually thought his character was running out of time even before the shooting

Only so long he could be at odds with Smurf like that
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