Antoine Dodson won.

This video basically sums up what these people do.

Just replace Don Imus with anything these people bring up.

It's sad.
im glad dude posted the pics of the white dudes in dresses.. its been satire for dudes to dress in dresses forever.. i think benny hill made it popular.. a british dude.. stop throwing race into everything.. its not necessary. Chappelle is one of those dudes that deeply believes in Pro-black rights, so he's got a point, but he's also a bit of a conspiracy theorist like most you NT'er'ss
im glad dude posted the pics of the white dudes in dresses.. its been satire for dudes to dress in dresses forever.. i think benny hill made it popular.. a british dude.. stop throwing race into everything.. its not necessary. Chappelle is one of those dudes that deeply believes in Pro-black rights, so he's got a point, but he's also a bit of a conspiracy theorist like most you NT'er'ss
bijald0331 wrote:
This video basically sums up what these people do.

Just replace Don Imus with anything these people bring up.

It's sad.


bijald0331 wrote:
This video basically sums up what these people do.

Just replace Don Imus with anything these people bring up.

It's sad.


Female roles ,in the days of Shakespeare, were played by Caucasian men. It's entertainment, meant to entertain, whether it achieves this or not is based on the public. Whether the public perceives it to be something else(controversial/bias/helpful/inaccurate/etc), that's the public's perception.

Perception is philosophical.

Everyone has 'confirmation bias', and once they see something that goes with their bias, it is enforced; now if you show them something else, that goes against their 'confirmation bias' it would be blocked out by the psyche.

Darwinism is a theory, whether it is heavily supported or not, in the end it's a theory. Nothing is 100%, just close.
Female roles ,in the days of Shakespeare, were played by Caucasian men. It's entertainment, meant to entertain, whether it achieves this or not is based on the public. Whether the public perceives it to be something else(controversial/bias/helpful/inaccurate/etc), that's the public's perception.

Perception is philosophical.

Everyone has 'confirmation bias', and once they see something that goes with their bias, it is enforced; now if you show them something else, that goes against their 'confirmation bias' it would be blocked out by the psyche.

Darwinism is a theory, whether it is heavily supported or not, in the end it's a theory. Nothing is 100%, just close.
Just to be clear, I'm not a homophobe. I'm not afraid of homosexuals or homosexuality.

My only point is we as a "minority" race in this country have less popular representatives than the "majorities" and it seems that when some of our heroes reach the top, they are then emasculated or assassinated (characteristically or mortally).

Those are my words no need to interpret.

If you're gay, then more power to you. I don't hate gay people.

EDIT: In response to this thread, does this guy really need any more attention?
Just to be clear, I'm not a homophobe. I'm not afraid of homosexuals or homosexuality.

My only point is we as a "minority" race in this country have less popular representatives than the "majorities" and it seems that when some of our heroes reach the top, they are then emasculated or assassinated (characteristically or mortally).

Those are my words no need to interpret.

If you're gay, then more power to you. I don't hate gay people.

EDIT: In response to this thread, does this guy really need any more attention?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Scape-goatism FTW. Distract people from the real issues.

Finding the most ignorant Black person and putting him on TV is an issue.  DC, brought up a legitimate concern earlier in the thread.

That's like saying that people should ignore the flu because it doesn't kill as many people as cancer.  

 Edit:  In addition, the fact that your level of competence leads you to think Imus has any relevance to this topic is the reason why I really have no reason to continue this discussion with you. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Scape-goatism FTW. Distract people from the real issues.

Finding the most ignorant Black person and putting him on TV is an issue.  DC, brought up a legitimate concern earlier in the thread.

That's like saying that people should ignore the flu because it doesn't kill as many people as cancer.  

 Edit:  In addition, the fact that your level of competence leads you to think Imus has any relevance to this topic is the reason why I really have no reason to continue this discussion with you. 
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Female roles ,in the days of Shakespeare, were played by Caucasian men. It's entertainment, meant to entertain, whether it achieves this or not is based on the public. Whether the public perceives it to be something else(controversial/bias/helpful/inaccurate/etc), that's the public's perception.

Perception is philosophical.

Everyone has 'confirmation bias', and once they see something that goes with their bias, it is enforced; now if you show them something else, that goes against their 'confirmation bias' it would be blocked out by the psyche.

Darwinism is a theory, whether it is heavily supported or not, in the end it's a theory. Nothing is 100%, just close.

I think he was making an attempt to argue that homosexuality doesn't promote evolutionary fitness. I hate it when people who know nothing about genetics, genetics of behavior and evolutionary biology attempt to make this argument. 

There are many behavioral strategies (kin selection, eusocialization) that are prevalent in nature tbut appear to have no fitness benefits to the individual. Either way it is natural and they can't help it. what do people in this thread suggest we do about them? Put all homosexuals in a ditch and burn them to solve all our problems?
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Female roles ,in the days of Shakespeare, were played by Caucasian men. It's entertainment, meant to entertain, whether it achieves this or not is based on the public. Whether the public perceives it to be something else(controversial/bias/helpful/inaccurate/etc), that's the public's perception.

Perception is philosophical.

Everyone has 'confirmation bias', and once they see something that goes with their bias, it is enforced; now if you show them something else, that goes against their 'confirmation bias' it would be blocked out by the psyche.

Darwinism is a theory, whether it is heavily supported or not, in the end it's a theory. Nothing is 100%, just close.

I think he was making an attempt to argue that homosexuality doesn't promote evolutionary fitness. I hate it when people who know nothing about genetics, genetics of behavior and evolutionary biology attempt to make this argument. 

There are many behavioral strategies (kin selection, eusocialization) that are prevalent in nature tbut appear to have no fitness benefits to the individual. Either way it is natural and they can't help it. what do people in this thread suggest we do about them? Put all homosexuals in a ditch and burn them to solve all our problems?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And before anyone says, "Stop crying" I just want my people represented in a better light. Just sick of these shows and newscasts that go out of their way to find the WORST representatives of the black community. The same way Italian Americans feel about Jersey Shore's cast members, that is how many of us feel about our music and how we are represented on TV. It isn't fair man, but what can we do when we aren't the "Majority" player in America.

People have to stop watching the stuff but they don't and they won't. Praise ignorance, act ignorant, watch ignorance. Big cycle. It will never get better.

I got a problem with you saying this, DC.

*From the Jersey Shore thread last night*

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn Yuku kills live(taped) events man damn.

Why is Snookie acting like a tough guy now? Knowing damn well she isn't going to throw a punch. Faking because she has J-Wow on her side.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So you are saying you wouldn't at least have mammary intercourse with Snookie? Yea right. Are they real?

Man I can't take another season of this Ronnie and Sammi gushy/mushy nonsense.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn I feel bad that NOBODY wants to be around that Angelina girl man.

What is up with folks on this show rolling over and falling on seats/the floor while in the club drinking? Snookie did it last season. Ronnie last week. The girl that bit Situation just did it and had her butt crack exposed.

LOL @ Pauly D's shower

Vinnie trynna get waves, anyone see that?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn what the hell is wrong with Aneglina man. Seriously, she was just going and going and going. Damn I love this show.

What exactly are you saying? Its cool to watch other races be ignorant as long as its not your own?
Sounds a lot like something Al Sharpton would do.
Have a problem with something relating to the black race but completely ignore when the same thing happens to other races.

You always been pretty consistant with your arguments, but you cant complain about an ignorant person on the news meanwhile being thoroughly enjoyed by 7 ignorant people in a club.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And before anyone says, "Stop crying" I just want my people represented in a better light. Just sick of these shows and newscasts that go out of their way to find the WORST representatives of the black community. The same way Italian Americans feel about Jersey Shore's cast members, that is how many of us feel about our music and how we are represented on TV. It isn't fair man, but what can we do when we aren't the "Majority" player in America.

People have to stop watching the stuff but they don't and they won't. Praise ignorance, act ignorant, watch ignorance. Big cycle. It will never get better.

I got a problem with you saying this, DC.

*From the Jersey Shore thread last night*

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn Yuku kills live(taped) events man damn.

Why is Snookie acting like a tough guy now? Knowing damn well she isn't going to throw a punch. Faking because she has J-Wow on her side.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So you are saying you wouldn't at least have mammary intercourse with Snookie? Yea right. Are they real?

Man I can't take another season of this Ronnie and Sammi gushy/mushy nonsense.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn I feel bad that NOBODY wants to be around that Angelina girl man.

What is up with folks on this show rolling over and falling on seats/the floor while in the club drinking? Snookie did it last season. Ronnie last week. The girl that bit Situation just did it and had her butt crack exposed.

LOL @ Pauly D's shower

Vinnie trynna get waves, anyone see that?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn what the hell is wrong with Aneglina man. Seriously, she was just going and going and going. Damn I love this show.

What exactly are you saying? Its cool to watch other races be ignorant as long as its not your own?
Sounds a lot like something Al Sharpton would do.
Have a problem with something relating to the black race but completely ignore when the same thing happens to other races.

You always been pretty consistant with your arguments, but you cant complain about an ignorant person on the news meanwhile being thoroughly enjoyed by 7 ignorant people in a club.
Originally Posted by cguy610

AntonLaVey wrote:

Scape-goatism FTW. Distract people from the real issues.

Finding the most ignorant Black person and putting him on TV is an issue.  DC, brought up a legitimate concern earlier in the thread.

That's like saying that people should ignore the flu because it doesn't kill as many people as cancer.  

 Edit:  In addition, the fact that your level of competence leads you to think Imus has any relevance to this topic is the reason why I really have no reason to continue this discussion with you. 

No one said Don Imus relates to anything in this thread. I said replace Don Imus and listen to what Whitlock is saying. Polarizing people for no reason; bringing attention to things that don't really matter; pretending it is still 1965.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Scape-goatism FTW. Distract people from the real issues.

Finding the most ignorant Black person and putting him on TV is an issue.  DC, brought up a legitimate concern earlier in the thread.

That's like saying that people should ignore the flu because it doesn't kill as many people as cancer.  


I agreed with DC to an extent, but there are undeniable underlying homophobic undertones in this thread. There are countless, I mean countless threads on NT and the internet as a whole of black people being "ignorant" word to World Star Hip Hop and rap music/black entertainment in general. No one on NT invests this much energy denouncing such behavior. Some of these people promote and praise ignorant rap music but and hypocritically denounce behavior like this. The lack of consistency is what leads me to believe there are ulterior motives and agendas. People are using arguments like "the black man is being emasculinated by the white man" to promote their anti-homosexual agendas. Look at the ridiculous arguments that have been made in this thread especially with the whole cross-dressing thing.

So if this is a conspiracy by white people to turn black men into emasculinated queers, why have they done such a poor job with their own $$**+ trouble? Or is homosexuality a "white thing" and they are trying to introduce the "problem" to the black community?

And what makes you think that was the most ignorant black person in that neighborhood?
 Just a thought.
Originally Posted by cguy610

AntonLaVey wrote:

Scape-goatism FTW. Distract people from the real issues.

Finding the most ignorant Black person and putting him on TV is an issue.  DC, brought up a legitimate concern earlier in the thread.

That's like saying that people should ignore the flu because it doesn't kill as many people as cancer.  

 Edit:  In addition, the fact that your level of competence leads you to think Imus has any relevance to this topic is the reason why I really have no reason to continue this discussion with you. 

No one said Don Imus relates to anything in this thread. I said replace Don Imus and listen to what Whitlock is saying. Polarizing people for no reason; bringing attention to things that don't really matter; pretending it is still 1965.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Scape-goatism FTW. Distract people from the real issues.

Finding the most ignorant Black person and putting him on TV is an issue.  DC, brought up a legitimate concern earlier in the thread.

That's like saying that people should ignore the flu because it doesn't kill as many people as cancer.  


I agreed with DC to an extent, but there are undeniable underlying homophobic undertones in this thread. There are countless, I mean countless threads on NT and the internet as a whole of black people being "ignorant" word to World Star Hip Hop and rap music/black entertainment in general. No one on NT invests this much energy denouncing such behavior. Some of these people promote and praise ignorant rap music but and hypocritically denounce behavior like this. The lack of consistency is what leads me to believe there are ulterior motives and agendas. People are using arguments like "the black man is being emasculinated by the white man" to promote their anti-homosexual agendas. Look at the ridiculous arguments that have been made in this thread especially with the whole cross-dressing thing.

So if this is a conspiracy by white people to turn black men into emasculinated queers, why have they done such a poor job with their own $$**+ trouble? Or is homosexuality a "white thing" and they are trying to introduce the "problem" to the black community?

And what makes you think that was the most ignorant black person in that neighborhood?
 Just a thought.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

bijald0331 wrote:
This video basically sums up what these people do.

Just replace Don Imus with anything these people bring up.

It's sad.



It's all apart if the entertainment industry. They capitalize off of polarizing people on issues that can be fixed in 2 seconds.  I'm really not a fan of political celebrities and also those who associate themselves with real revolutionaries to build their cred. IMO this is equitable to the whole riding biggie and pac in mainstream hip hop. People commercializing off of others accomplishments and struggles. Everyone has their own path to carve. We're in the future now and not in the past that Jesse Jackson and Sharpton keep trying to keep blacks in. All this getting people hot over issues of little substance and getting communitiesmobilized to take political actions which consequently place them in the category of terrorist ( along with them) like dude said in the video does way more harm to blacks. They just setting black folks up most of the time for trouble, the trappers in the political.framework.They just lure people into falling under labels and alleging with non-sense
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

bijald0331 wrote:
This video basically sums up what these people do.

Just replace Don Imus with anything these people bring up.

It's sad.



It's all apart if the entertainment industry. They capitalize off of polarizing people on issues that can be fixed in 2 seconds.  I'm really not a fan of political celebrities and also those who associate themselves with real revolutionaries to build their cred. IMO this is equitable to the whole riding biggie and pac in mainstream hip hop. People commercializing off of others accomplishments and struggles. Everyone has their own path to carve. We're in the future now and not in the past that Jesse Jackson and Sharpton keep trying to keep blacks in. All this getting people hot over issues of little substance and getting communitiesmobilized to take political actions which consequently place them in the category of terrorist ( along with them) like dude said in the video does way more harm to blacks. They just setting black folks up most of the time for trouble, the trappers in the political.framework.They just lure people into falling under labels and alleging with non-sense
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