Anyone Have Suicidal Thoughts?

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

I think how someone who is suicidal would think, but not for one second have I ever though of offing myself. I could think about how certain worries would go away, how I would never have to think of the problems in my family and the world, but they are things that everyone thinks about. Not once have I ever though of seriously killing myself though, because it causes others a great deal of pain and then I think about all of the beauties of life. Life is a Beautiful thing, enjoy it.
try to think about killing a mouse instead of yourself and you'll be fine.

I often think about it, and when I'm in that funk, I get through it with a lot of prayer. Knowing that God has plan for you, and that there is somethingbetter prepared for you after this life keeps me from ending it all.
my god-brother merked himself 2 weeks ago...

I gotta fly back up to oakland for the funeral this coming weekend...

When nothing around you is bringing you out of the feelings you have you should find somebody to talk to...
I think I might need meds for depression. Everyday I get depressed. Like roller coaster status smh

smoking helps tho when it gets bad
I never have those type of thoughts. It's just not in my nature. I'm in a beautiful place within myself even though I might not be in the best place inmy physical form.

Maybe I dont have those thoughts because I KNOW there's much more to live for beyond what's on this earth. Take that how you want to.

If you need to talk, hit me on AIM: SeekoGT
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

I think how someone who is suicidal would think, but not for one second have I ever though of offing myself. I could think about how certain worries would go away, how I would never have to think of the problems in my family and the world, but they are things that everyone thinks about. Not once have I ever though of seriously killing myself though, because it causes others a great deal of pain and then I think about all of the beauties of life. Life is a Beautiful thing, enjoy it.
It's not that simple......people who commit suicide are not in the "state of mind" to make these considerations. I'm not apsychiatrist but I can see how profound depression + chemical imbalances in the brain drive people to suicide. It easy of us as mentally stable individuals topass judgment and question their thought process (or lack thereof). Suicide isn't supposed to make sense.
everyday when im drivin to work, what a hell hole. not my job itself just the nazi pricks i work with. then when i leave for the day im fine
I haven't had those thoughts in a really long time. This past year has been tough and emotional, but I just keep reminding myself that I am in control andI am going to make it better.
One of the things that starts to happen when you are depressed is you really feel like things are spiraling out of control and you don't have the power tostop or change things. At that point you really have to start challenging all the negative thoughts that you really start believing. If you don't everquestion all of it then it becomes truth and it leads you nowhere but further into depression.

Just remember "This too shall pass". It's something my HS teacher always stressed too me when things were crazy and something I use as a reminderthat tomorrow can be a better day if I let it be.
You're a $@!%@ if you kill yourself...plain and simple.

Theres nothing wrong with feeling that way....but to act out and do it. LAME
Still around to see another day, very draining ordeal but I made it thru 10/26. Let's see hhow tomorrow goes...
I get through it by knowing that if I did off myself, people will pity me. I dont want pity, I want respect. Respect through making myself that much betterthan those who would pity.

Dont die with pity, die with the respect of your peers.

Also, how would your mother feel about burying her son? No parent should have to bury their child.
i think about it, but those thoughts dont really last that long. just like what-if scenarios.

take some time off and drop whatever you were thinking about that puts you in that situation.
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