anyone in your life youd take a bullet for?

right now I don't think so
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY


but the only other person that comes close is my brother.
makes no sense unless you are implying...........
My sister, couple friends, cousins, Keri Hilson, and I'd say my parents...but I don't think they'd want me to do that. They'd rather see melive.
Thinking about it probably my kids if I have any. I thought about it hard and you really dont know who you would take a bullet for unless you were actually inthat situation. If I assessed the situation and it looked like I had a better chance of surviving a shot than someone else...I probably would risk it forfriends and family.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

My sister, couple friends, cousins, Keri Hilson, and I'd say my parents...but I don't think they'd want me to do that. They'd rather see me live.


back off tho
I'd take a BULLET for 9/10s of the people I know under heroic circumstances. I'd take an execution style headshot on payday for my dad, my 3 siblings,a few special cousins, 3 particular friends, and my lady.
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