anyone in your life youd take a bullet for?

My 3 sisters and mother, my dog and probably my girl but she wouldnt do the same for me.
are we talking about taking a bullet to the dome or taking one to the leg? i would get one in the head for my imediate family except my dad. i would take anon lethal shot for most my friends.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

Anybody that I care for.
Except pops even though i do care for him. I'd take one for any child under any circumstance to. A kid dying is the saddest thing in thisworld
My immediate family (mother, father, and younger brother) and my closest cousin-family (my aunt and 3 younger cousins who are essentially brothers and sistersto me)..
I would give my life for anyone... But, some people I wouldn't even think twice about giving my life for are my nuclear family: My brother, my sister, mymy mother, and my father in no particular order.
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