Anyone still playing cod 4 before mw2 comes out?

still the best first person game for ME
Gonna wait for actual real reviews of the prestige edition before I cop. IW said it works up to 50 ft. Would be just cool to have for the hell of it ondisplay. Better than that non wearable halo helmet.
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Only Call of Duty games I haven't played was 2 and WAW.........

Playing MW now.

So is MW2 like 6 of the series or like wth......

2 was awesome. It was better than 3 and WAW is crap. All you need is an mp40 and heavy trigger finger. All my friends how have like a crappy 1.20 ratio andless in cod4 have above a 2.00 ratio in waw thanks to spray and pray. Nazi zombies was dope tho
Originally Posted by Capo617

Just need to run through the campers. You play enough you know where all the camp spots are.

This, and for people complaining about campers...maybe you just...uhhh..suck? Lol jk.
I always play COD4, it's what I mostly play. I have a PS3 tho, JFKTV is the PSN. And I can't wait until the new joint comes out.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by the north west

the biggest thing I hate bout COD 4 is the campers

and to make matters worse the majority of the maps are ideal for camping

Campers FTL.

As soon as I see some camper, I'm throwing three frag grenades in his direction or switching to the UAV jammer.

You have dudes here in NT who like playing Hardcore Search & Destroy.
friggin campers.

hardcore team deathmatch > *
whole clip to kill somebody < 2 shots to kill somebody

This what I'm talking about. You probably camp in some corner or behind some barrel where only your head sticks out and wait for someone whodoesn't have the patience to camp like you (because he actually wants to have fun with the game) to pass by and you kill him with two shots.

If COD4 didn't have a regular deathmatch and domination, I would've stopped playing it after two days.
Originally Posted by the north west

the biggest thing I hate bout COD 4 is the campers

and to make matters worse the majority of the maps are ideal for camping

not only this but i hate the guys who come onto the headquarter matches and all they do is try and get kills. like this is an objective game. if all u want todo is get kills than play deathmatch. like why am i the only one tryin to get the headquarter? it sucks
Unfortunately, from what I've seen in MW2 videos, they didn't exactly make MW2 LESS camper-friendly. Quite the opposite. SMH.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Crazy EBW said:
hardcore team deathmatch > *
whole clip to kill somebody < 2 shots to kill somebody

This what I'm talking about. You probably camp in some corner or behind some barrel where only your head sticks out and wait for someone who doesn't have the patience to camp like you (because he actually wants to have fun with the game) to pass by and you kill him with two shots.

If COD4 didn't have a regular deathmatch and domination, I would've stopped playing it after two days.
didnt your parents ever tell you its not good to assume, because you make an !#+ out of you and me? i used to play regular everything, until itried hardcore (nh) and fell in love. granted i hated it in the beginning but ive grown to love it.

i actually dont camp. im always running around the map exposing campers. my dad who was in nam always says to me "you should just wait until they come toyou instead of going to them" plus im more pissed at the teammates that invade the other teams spawn. like why would you go over there and get like 2-3kills then they start spawning behind us. just sit back and let them come to you. hell ill even shoot my teammate if i see them creeping into their spawn
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Unfortunately, from what I've seen in MW2 videos, they didn't exactly make MW2 LESS camper-friendly. Quite the opposite. SMH.
bigger maps more campers just like the WaW maps
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Unfortunately, from what I've seen in MW2 videos, they didn't exactly make MW2 LESS camper-friendly. Quite the opposite. SMH.

yeah but they also have a bunch of counters such as the heart beat monitor and perks just for this. The death streaks are also gonna give noobs a nice helpinghand. Any of you guys browse the mw2 YouTube vids? Saw this one dude with marathon(let's you sprint forever) and lightweight(makes you sprint faster).That's just damn beast especially if you can add dead silence. If anyone with at least a 1.50 k/d or above wanna play add me. Filthyjiujitsu
dam, I havent played modern warfare yet but I hope the camping issue isnt really that serious

what exactly happens? I know in gears if you camp and fire at someone who just spawns it doesnt do damage
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Unfortunately, from what I've seen in MW2 videos, they didn't exactly make MW2 LESS camper-friendly. Quite the opposite. SMH.

a 1.50 k/d or above wanna play add me. Filthyjiujitsu
i have 2.20 to i meet the requirements
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Unfortunately, from what I've seen in MW2 videos, they didn't exactly make MW2 LESS camper-friendly. Quite the opposite. SMH.

a 1.50 k/d or above wanna play add me. Filthyjiujitsu
i have 2.20 to i meet the requirements

Don't let K/D ratios fool you. I finally got mine back up to 1.2 but I routinely am in the top 3 of any match I play. But all I play now is zombies. CODeventually gets boring, and I was bummed out with this last MP.
cosign on the k/d ratios. i think im under 1.0 , but i stay in the top 3 of every map in hardcore team death match though. straight carrying my team.
Originally Posted by r0yalty

Originally Posted by 10eazye

GT: LRG IS LEGIT hit it up!
You can't be serious

I made a backup profile because I wanted to play with my friend. Then later on I stumbled across those free xbl points websites. My OG GT was teneazye but Ithat gt jacked since I put my info into that fake site. The Lrg GT still have xbl on it so I just play on that profile.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Unfortunately, from what I've seen in MW2 videos, they didn't exactly make MW2 LESS camper-friendly. Quite the opposite. SMH.

a 1.50 k/d or above wanna play add me. Filthyjiujitsu
i have 2.20 to i meet the requirements

I was going to say 2 or above but I know that's a tiny list of nters
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Unfortunately, from what I've seen in MW2 videos, they didn't exactly make MW2 LESS camper-friendly. Quite the opposite. SMH.

yeah but they also have a bunch of counters such as the heart beat monitor and perks just for this.
The death streaks are also gonna give noobs a nice helping hand.

Any of you guys browse the mw2 YouTube vids? Saw this one dude with marathon(let's you sprint forever) and lightweight(makes you sprint faster). That's just damn beast especially if you can add dead silence.

If anyone with at least a 1.50 k/d or above wanna play add me. Filthyjiujitsu

The heartbeat monitor only works from close range, even closer than the UAV from the vids that I've seen. This isn't going to work for a lot of campersthat are far away. The other thing is that the maps in MW2 will not only be bigger horizontally (and therefore more camper friendly), but they will also bemuch more complex vertically. They're gonna have many more maps like Pipeline, which has several floors. And the heartbeat monitor (or the UAV) won'thelp you much. And oh yeah, another thing: They're actually going to add silencers on the snipers. Plus they also reduced the 3 x grenade perk (one of themost effective methods against campers) to 2 x grenades. Not to mention the shields shields, which will certainly come in handy for the campers. And from whatI've seen in the videos, it takes a little less to kill your opponent, a little fewer bullets than in MW1. The less you have to shoot to kill the guy, themore it pays off to camp in some corner so that you can kill some guy who happens to run beside you.. All these things will make MW2 one big party for thecampers. Although I hope and pray that I'm dead wrong.

Death streaks are a great idea to compensate for your frustration, especially if the connection is lagging, but noone is actually going to GO for a deathstreak.

EDIT: Oh yeah, they've also added that re-spawn perk, so that if you finally kill some guy that has been camping all game, he can respawn in anothercamper-friendly spot.
finally silencers on snipers. ill be able to go to work with the 50cal and not worry about exposing my position.
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