Are 'Mixed' People Black?...

Race is a sociological concept. As it is described by the English/french europeans, if you have a drop of black blood you are white: reason being that there are more slaves that way (and there's some stuff in there about "purity" and what not).

As it is described by the portuguese/spanish europeans, if you have a drop of white blood you can be considered white. Reason being is because in the colonial days they imported SO many slaves that when black people and mulattos earned rights they dominated the middle class (crafts men and shop owners) and farming classes. So to split them up they said anyone with a drop of white blood or more was spanish. Thus creating the fierce rift we see today between black latinos and mixed latinos and white latinos.
why is it always "I'm Black and Indian", or "I'm Black and White", "I'm White and Dominican"?
You usually hear/read that type of talk from self hating thots. A girl will be dark as night talking about she 1/3 French, 1/8 German, 1/16 Russian, etc..
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I think The Rock identifies as Black. Pretty sure he has said "kiss my Black ***" before.

Rashida Jones and Nicole Ritchie are THE examples of the 1 drop rule that favors the non-afro genes. In cases like that I just consider you mixed, but if you want to be called Black I'm cool with that too.

I think if you strongly favor one race/ethnic group's traits compared to the others you're mixed with, you're typically associated with that unless you choose otherwise. But even that may be difficult:

Tracee Ellis Ross (half black, half white) -- "I tried calling myself white, but that didn't work out"
Culturally or racially it likely differs.

How one perceives him or herself and how society perceives that person will more than likely differ.

The One Drop Rule was an actual LAW in several states, fyi. It's different in other countries as far as the one drop thing but in America, generally any lil bit or if one looks noticeably Black then you're Black.

Most of the people OP listed identify as Black. Society as a whole identifies those people as Black. Only one I'm not sure about is Vin Diesel.
if you live in latin america, your whiteness is determined by your socio-economic status. If you are rich, you are white, regardless of your physical features
Here's a opposite (and funny) example of this to me.

When Rita Ora first came on the scene, everyone was trying to call her out for denying she was Black (or of Black decent) and claiming herself as Albanian.

Then pictures of her family came out and people are like "...oh"

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To your list usually it's gonna be looks like halle and lenny kravitz, others it might be the music they make or even the people they hang around with. Like why do I see the president as black? he looks black, has a black wife, lives on the southside of chicago, goes to black barbers, plays black music etc vs Vin diesel, i dont really know too much about him, his wiki page he states he is of ambiguous ethnicity.
Pretty sure The Rock has said he's black publicly before. Think it was on IG recently.

He did. But wrestling is racist and they have yet claim the Rock as a black champion. They plug in his samoan family lineage at every given opportunity.
To your list usually it's gonna be looks like halle and lenny kravitz, others it might be the music they make or even the people they hang around with. Like why do I see the president as black? he looks black, has a black wife, lives on the southside of chicago, goes to black barbers, plays black music etc vs Vin diesel, i dont really know too much about him, his wiki page he states he is of ambiguous ethnicity.

I thought vin diesels intro to acting was a self made biopic about being interracial?

if not that, check vin diesel break dancing on YouTube and tell me that nappy head fro having sideways worm dancing dude ain't black.
Here's a opposite (and funny) example of this to me.

When Rita Ora first came on the scene, everyone was trying to call her out for denying she was Black (or of Black decent) and claiming herself as Albanian.

Then pictures of her family came out and people are like "...oh"

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I figured she was one of those racially ambiguous chicks :lol:
I've come across a few Albanian chicks that look Black/Hispanic. Everyone's mind was always blown when they found out they were white :lol:
Watch Halle Berry Oscar speech. You will clearly see what she identify herself as. A keys also considers herself to be black. I didn't even know Kravitz was mixed. I feel like he identifies as black also. But to add to what homie said, if they weren't famous, people would automatically identify every celeb in this thread as black. Hell, we wouldn't even had known the President was mixed if he didn't tell us.
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Yeah, like both of her parents are far from Black. I guess the features she pulled from (her dad's upper face and her mom's lower face) combined makes her look like that. Similar to colored people in South Africa.

Side note: I think South Africa is the only place that recognizes Black and Colored as 2 distinct races.
Peep Game Peep Game I thought Jhene Aiko was straight asian and got offended when she was saying ***** in a schoolboy q song.

Then I saw her sister and was "oh I guess she is Black"
I'm mixed and I embrace both of my ethnicities, I think it kinda boils down to your upbringing and who you surround yourself with, whether you're mixed or not(white dude with from the hood/black dude from a white neighborhood).


I'm mixed. I'm black. Was raised by my black grandfather, in a black household, in a "black" neighborhood.

I never thought I wasn't honestly.
Nicole Richie and Rashida Jones are the only two mixed people I genuinely see people think that are white.

-I always fascinated by this discussion cause back on my island, people always try to rep their black roots

This is the opposition leader on the island, dude's mom was white, his dad is creole, and one the lightest skinned black dude's you'll eve met. And he will tell you point blank he is black.

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This is how he looks, and that's wit his tan. :lol:
Or do we just want them to be for whatever reason?

We know that there was once the antebellum south, "one drop rule" (if you had one drop of black blood you were "black"). So with that, the black community welcomed mixed people with open arms as one of our own. In 2015 no one (besides a racist) cares about a one drop rule. But I'd like to pose a question, do mixed people themselves consider themselves black?

We consider the the following people "black" even though they themselves have never came out and said they are:

Mariah Carey
Halle Berry (maybe she has, not sure)
The Rock
Vin Diesel
Alicia Keys (maybe she has, not sure)
Lenny Kravitz
many more

Example: The Rocks dad is as black is this NT background.  If you were to have a private convo with him what do you think he would say he is? Most likely Samoan (which is like me saying I'm American as my race).

(not that it makes a difference), alot of them have had more romances/marriages with white partners than with black partners, at least as a celebrity

Not that they should, nor should we require them too, but you never hear these "black" people speak on any current "black" community issues, and maybe they don't want to be bothered and have to deal with them because they are rich celebrities.

I am wondering if we should stop slapping the black label on mixed people if they don't consider themselves that to begin with.
Him claiming Samoan same as you claiming American? Foh with that BS..
As a Tongan/Polynesian cat being raised here in America, we try are damb hardest to cling on to our culture.
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Him claiming Samoan same as you claiming American? Foh with that BS..
As a Tongan/Polynesian cat being raised here in America, we try are damb hardest to cling on to our culture.
Yeah that was an uneducated statement. Samoan/Tongan/Polynesian is an ethnicity.
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