Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

yes, bill gates worked hard.

it had nothing to do with timing or monopolizing or even stealing technologies...

he worked really hard.


like i said SPOILER ALERT


But he doesn't want to become a millionaire. He is completely complacent and wondering why we want better for ourselves. He already admitted to getting screwed over by the banks, but he'd rather lie down and encourage others to do the same.

Wow, I'm agreeing with enphan. This is weird.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

The irony, we really gonna go as far as criticizing this country and how we are owed more and how there is a millionaire CEO cutting himself million dollar checks, yet we are here wearing 100$ jeans, 300$ shoes, 800$ sunglasses, making these corporations richer and richer and complaining????...seriously????...if you don't have fam outside of the countries borders I understand how naive you guys are, but I won't complaint about this nation while I collect almost 4k every two weeks, drive a 40k car, go out regularly blowing 50$ on dinner, while I have family and friends back home who can only dream of the luxuries I have, you ##+%!! ingrates.

Of course you won't complain. You prick. You can't comprehend anything outside of your little perfect world and you OBVIOUSLY can't comprehend why anyone who has ever had to borrow money to pick themselves off the ground got %%%$@@# on by predatory lending or anyone who put 35 + % down on a house and got raped by corporate greed. But it's their fault right? As long as you collect your checks and brag to your friends and family about your $50 dinners... you got nothing to worry about. 

Oh, and who the hell has $800 sunglasses and $300 shoes? Not anyone worth mentioning in this thread... that's who. You clearly have no freaking clue what you're talking about. Imbecile. 
Encouraging others to do the same???...when did I start a rally against the protestors, all I did was state where I stood in this whole thing and people like Curb took offense, son expects every working American to feel like they are owed something....I walk into the office where I pay my maintanence and all these people are laughing at the show this has become with Millionaire celebs stopping by for publicity and such, mind you these are middle class working Americans....the most +@%*#% over class of the USA.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Guess that higher power picked us!  
 My family and I are part of this minority that found success.  I grew up in the hood.  Lived in a studio apt with my parents and sister. Hell I remember filling up water bottles at my school's water fountain cause they turned off the water at our apt.  
  Those were the days!  Yeah I ate that govt cheese, drank that dried milk, and wore second hand clothes but living in poverty and seeing the pain and suffering surrounding us motivated us to do better.    
We worked hard, save, live frugally and did not go into debt.  My mother worked two jobs her entire adult life till she had a stroke.  My father worked till he was age 72 at the Post Office docks.  My parents are now retired and their net assets are well over a million dollars. My sister started working at age 14 at a Donut shop and now is a Director/Dean at a Private Nursing University.  My first job was a bus boy at a restaurant and now have millionaire clients as a CPA.  

I am more than grateful of the opportunities and success we have achieved here in America and guess what.... I am also the 99%.  
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by ksteezy

The irony, we really gonna go as far as criticizing this country and how we are owed more and how there is a millionaire CEO cutting himself million dollar checks, yet we are here wearing 100$ jeans, 300$ shoes, 800$ sunglasses, making these corporations richer and richer and complaining????...seriously????...if you don't have fam outside of the countries borders I understand how naive you guys are, but I won't complaint about this nation while I collect almost 4k every two weeks, drive a 40k car, go out regularly blowing 50$ on dinner, while I have family and friends back home who can only dream of the luxuries I have, you ##+%!! ingrates.

Of course you won't complain. You prick. You can't comprehend anything outside of your little perfect world and you OBVIOUSLY can't comprehend why anyone who has ever had to borrow money to pick themselves off the ground got %%%$@@# on by predatory lending or anyone who put 35 + % down on a house and got raped by corporate greed. But it's their fault right? As long as you collect your checks and brag to your friends and family about your $50 dinners... you got nothing to worry about. 

Oh, and who the hell has $800 sunglasses and $300 shoes? Not anyone worth mentioning in this thread... that's who. You clearly have no freaking clue what you're talking about. Imbecile. 

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by ksteezy

The irony, we really gonna go as far as criticizing this country and how we are owed more and how there is a millionaire CEO cutting himself million dollar checks, yet we are here wearing 100$ jeans, 300$ shoes, 800$ sunglasses, making these corporations richer and richer and complaining????...seriously????...if you don't have fam outside of the countries borders I understand how naive you guys are, but I won't complaint about this nation while I collect almost 4k every two weeks, drive a 40k car, go out regularly blowing 50$ on dinner, while I have family and friends back home who can only dream of the luxuries I have, you ##+%!! ingrates.

Of course you won't complain. You prick. You can't comprehend anything outside of your little perfect world and you OBVIOUSLY can't comprehend why anyone who has ever had to borrow money to pick themselves off the ground got $@%*$%$ on by predatory lending and corporate greed. But it's their fault right? As long as you collect your checks and brag to your friends and family about your $50 dinners... you got nothing to worry about. 

$800 sunglasses and $300 shoes?!? You clearly have no freaking clue what you're talking about. Imbecile. 

Son I'm bragging!!????...are you !%$@!$ serious!!???? you never enjoyed the luxuries of this country???...come back here wen you want to keep it real...i don't know what goes on outside of my "perfect" world, in reality you have no clue what goes on outside of the states borders besides what you see on TV, if you did you'd be a bit more grateful to have the things you have, even if that's a smart phone or computer to browse NT from, these are things that are luxuries in other places and here are nothing, you got 5 year olds getting ipads for Xmas, yeah this is a terrible place to live in.
Originally Posted by KG21

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Guess that higher power picked us!  
 My family and I are part of this minority that found success.  I grew up in the hood.  Lived in a studio apt with my parents and sister. Hell I remember filling up water bottles at my school's water fountain cause they turned off the water at our apt.  
  Those were the days!  Yeah I ate that govt cheese, drank that dried milk, and wore second hand clothes but living in poverty and seeing the pain and suffering surrounding us motivated us to do better.    
We worked hard, save, live frugally and did not go into debt.  My mother worked two jobs her entire adult life till she had a stroke.  My father worked till he was age 72 at the Post Office docks.  My parents are now retired and their net assets are well over a million dollars. My sister started working at age 14 at a Donut shop and now is a Director/Dean at a Private Nursing University.  My first job was a bus boy at a restaurant and now have millionaire clients as a CPA.  

I am more than grateful of the opportunities and success we have achieved here in America and guess what.... I am also the 99%.  

Yes, because his story is the norm and is a common occurance in middle to lower america. 

As inspirational as his story is, it doesnt change the fact that 40% of the nations wealth is owned by 1% of the population and that 1% accounts for merely 5% of the nations debt. This is the worst wealth distribution in the history of America and people are going about it like nothing is wrong as long as they're doing okay. 
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by ksteezy

The irony, we really gonna go as far as criticizing this country and how we are owed more and how there is a millionaire CEO cutting himself million dollar checks, yet we are here wearing 100$ jeans, 300$ shoes, 800$ sunglasses, making these corporations richer and richer and complaining????...seriously????...if you don't have fam outside of the countries borders I understand how naive you guys are, but I won't complaint about this nation while I collect almost 4k every two weeks, drive a 40k car, go out regularly blowing 50$ on dinner, while I have family and friends back home who can only dream of the luxuries I have, you ##+%!! ingrates.

Of course you won't complain. You prick. You can't comprehend anything outside of your little perfect world and you OBVIOUSLY can't comprehend why anyone who has ever had to borrow money to pick themselves off the ground got $@%*$%$ on by predatory lending and corporate greed. But it's their fault right? As long as you collect your checks and brag to your friends and family about your $50 dinners... you got nothing to worry about. 

$800 sunglasses and $300 shoes?!? You clearly have no freaking clue what you're talking about. Imbecile. 

Son I'm bragging!!????...are you !%$@!$ serious!!???? you never enjoyed the luxuries of this country???...come back here wen you want to keep it real...i don't know what goes on outside of my "perfect" world, in reality you have no clue what goes on outside of the states borders besides what you see on TV, if you did you'd be a bit more grateful to have the things you have, even if that's a smart phone or computer to browse NT from, these are things that are luxuries in other places and here are nothing, you got 5 year olds getting ipads for Xmas, yeah this is a terrible place to live in.
No, fool. Enjoying the luxuries your life affords you is damned near sacred and should be reveled in any chance you get.
Posting this:

but I won't complaint about this nation while I collect almost 4k every two weeks, drive a 40k car, go out regularly blowing 50$ on dinner, while I have family and friends back home who can only dream of the luxuries I have, you ##+%!! ingrates. a thread debating corporate great and wealth is not only bragging, but downright disgusting. Of course you wouldn't see it that way... like many others have said, you have zero perspective outside of what happens in your world.

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

people wanna kill steezy cuz of his opinion lmao

anger leads to the darkside.

mad, thou art

and this post was meant to do what exactly? 
Which one of you isn't allowed to be Mark Zuckerberg, right now? And before you bring up "his family gave him the opportunity to be a programmer because they were white and privileged," see above story from SunDOOBIE.

I did want to say it, but a few of you are masters of self-pity, reach down and grab your balls and see if it hurts....this **@% is #%+%%% sad.

Cry me a #%+%%% river....America in a crisis >>>>> better than half the world at it's best.And
@ you dudes saying I have a perfect world, didn't know a perfect world consisted of 3 jobs, a wife who is struggling to get her life straight, debt of an apartment who is worth less than what I bought it for, I would continue but is cool, you guys know nothing and assume everything.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Which one of you isn't allowed to be Mark Zuckerberg, right now? And before you bring up "his family gave him the opportunity to be a programmer because they were white and privileged," see above story from SunDOOBIE.

And what exactly does this prove? Just because I'm afforded the opportunity (in the most literal sense of the world) to create a billion dollar startup company DOES NOT mean that I have the knowledge, resources, funding and correct timing to do so. 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Which one of you isn't allowed to be Mark Zuckerberg, right now? And before you bring up "his family gave him the opportunity to be a programmer because they were white and privileged," see above story from SunDOOBIE.

And what exactly does this prove? Just because I'm afforded the opportunity (in the most literal sense of the world) to create a billion dollar startup company DOES NOT mean that I have the knowledge, resources, funding and correct timing to do so. 

That sounds like a personal problem.
Originally Posted by Wr

needless to say, but education and teaching in america is an extremely flawed aspect of this corrupt system. Most of these teachers are mad because of the idea that they might end up being paid based on performance and well being of students grades rather than some b/s benchmark. Being unable to get rid of bad teachers is precisely what is wrong with America. Time and time again we endorse mediocrity as a country and slander those who choose to properly gain knowledge and understanding just because they want technical hands on experience rather than some lecture from a tenured professor who could care less about the hand full of students he teaches a year.

the tragedy is how uninformed people are about the education system.

while it is hard to fire bad teachers

right now, as it stands, funding is determined by how close to 75% passing on state exams your entire student body is

nevermind that 2/3rds of your kids are ESL

nevermind that 2/3rds of your kids come in multiple grade levels below

if they dont score 75% on a test, funding literally gets taken from the school.

so now, you dont teach your kids based upon what they dont know

now you teach kids based upon what theyll be asked on a test...literally.

which would be fine, if you didnt have 4th graders coming in on a 1st grade reading level...

you get that 4th grader up to a 3rd grade reading level, 2 grade levels, in one year, and you still fail...currently there is absolutely no measurement of yearly growth as it relates to school funding.

even worse, schools that meet the cutoff, even if they do numbers close to 95%....are expected to improve by a percentage, OR THEIR FUNDING IS TAKEN AWAY....i.e. we had 98 percent of kids pass last year, they want 99.2 or our grade will go down and we will lose funding....

not only do you fail, but now, aides and tutors that worked with those kids one on one, are now layed off from that school and placed at another school which is 98 percent sit on twitter all day.

there are bad teachers...but the overwhelming majority care....and dedicate their lives to the profession. every single teacher in both buildings i worked at spent money out of their own pocket for supplies for their kids.

every single one.

The one "bad teacher" i came in contact with in my 3 years in the system actually ended up quitting. the principal was on her !@+ so hard everyday, she quit. went to another district. that's how you get rid of bad teachers...not through funding and legislation.

this incentives-based funding of public schools is ridiculous. the whole NCLB was a lowkey way to redistribute funds from old inner city, mostly minority schools to newer, suburban schools with a majority of white students.

i literally lived through it.

i was laid off from an inner city school (which was mostly poor white kids)

and got transfered in another position to a school in the suburbs that is 98 percent proficient.

i went from teaching kids the concept of the number making copies for teachers.

hopefully you read what ive typed and change your outlook on the whole situation

but i assume you're going to have some pseduo-witty response to zing me with

based upon something you read or heard

when im telling you the reality of the school system.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I did want to say it, but a few of you are masters of self-pity, reach down and grab your balls and see if it hurts....this !#%! is %$!$#% sad.

Cry me a %$!$#% river....America in a crisis >>>>> better than half the world at it's best.
No offense, but you are a part of the problem. The 1% is banking on people like you, those who have some money in savings, enough to buy a home, and have 150+ sneakers. The sad part is you think you are doing it. Do you think the French had it bad when they revolted? They were one of the Richest Countries IN THE WORLD, prior to the French Revolution. Point is, they are banking on millions of Americans to feel just as you do, "Man it sure does suck that we have a lot of unemployment, but look at SOMOLIA" Get the %@#$ out of here with that bs man. 
I come from a family that has millions in the bank, and we still know, we aint doing it 
. Pops told me from a young age that the best way to even the playing field was the stock market, which if you think about it, really is a white collar casino. How sad. 

I'll be going to law school next fall, debt free might I add (as of now) , and I STILL CAN SEE HOW %%#%+@ UP THE SYSTEM IS. It just bothers me how people can be so concrete on such a human issue. We need the Bourgeoisie if anything is ever going to change, a bunch of unemployed people is a nice start, but I hope this catches on throughout the classes. My poli sci teacher told me in undergrad that this would happen, I laughed at her even though she has forgotten more about the history of revolutions than I could even dream of learning. Looks like I was wrong.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Cry me a #%+%%% river....America in a crisis >>>>> better than half the world at it's best.And
@ you dudes saying I have a perfect world, didn't know a perfect world consisted of 3 jobs, a wife who is struggling to get her life straight, debt of an apartment who is worth less than what I bought it for, I would continue but is cool, you guys know nothing and assume everything.
So what is it man? Are you "That dude" caking off 4k checks and $50 dinners like you BRAGGED before in your other post... or are you the dude working 3 jobs and a struggling wife with an upside down apartment. To any normal, smart person... those two are mutually exclusive.
We assume things based off the information YOU give us and type in this thread, and based off the information given to us you are either manufacturing points to prove a point or simply have no effing clue what you're talking about. 
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Which one of you isn't allowed to be Mark Zuckerberg, right now? And before you bring up "his family gave him the opportunity to be a programmer because they were white and privileged," see above story from SunDOOBIE.

And what exactly does this prove? Just because I'm afforded the opportunity (in the most literal sense of the world) to create a billion dollar startup company DOES NOT mean that I have the knowledge, resources, funding and correct timing to do so. 

That sounds like a personal problem.
So a personal problem is I actually don't have the smarts, resources, and funding to create facebook? What else is new, genius. 
What's that someone said a while ago? "When you can't argue the points anymore... you attack the person"... you've done that plenty of times in this post, only this time... you make absolutely no sense whatsoever. 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Of course you won't complain. You prick. You can't comprehend anything outside of your little perfect world and you OBVIOUSLY can't comprehend why anyone who has ever had to borrow money to pick themselves off the ground got $@%*$%$ on by predatory lending and corporate greed. But it's their fault right? As long as you collect your checks and brag to your friends and family about your $50 dinners... you got nothing to worry about. 

$800 sunglasses and $300 shoes?!? You clearly have no freaking clue what you're talking about. Imbecile. 

Son I'm bragging!!????...are you !%$@!$ serious!!???? you never enjoyed the luxuries of this country???...come back here wen you want to keep it real...i don't know what goes on outside of my "perfect" world, in reality you have no clue what goes on outside of the states borders besides what you see on TV, if you did you'd be a bit more grateful to have the things you have, even if that's a smart phone or computer to browse NT from, these are things that are luxuries in other places and here are nothing, you got 5 year olds getting ipads for Xmas, yeah this is a terrible place to live in.
No, fool. Enjoying the luxuries your life affords you is damned near sacred and should be reveled in any chance you get.
Posting this:

but I won't complaint about this nation while I collect almost 4k every two weeks, drive a 40k car, go out regularly blowing 50$ on dinner, while I have family and friends back home who can only dream of the luxuries I have, you ##+%!! ingrates.

... and you still haven't responded to this little gem of a post. Just bringing it up incase you might have missed it or tried to dodge it hoping nobody would catch it. 
i called dude arrogant, ignorant, self-centered and lacked perspective in like my 3rd post in here.

at the end of the argument he told me he was better than me

he's bragged about how much money he makes, how much he spends on dinners, and mentioned his acrua multiple times in this thread.

he doesnt see the need for outrage because he is living a comfortable life.

those are his words, not mine.

textbook definition of self centered and lacking perspective.

he doesnt see why people are upset because he has it fine.

i tried multiple times to show him a perspective different from the "oh im doing fine, i eat 50 dollar dinners"

but he was much too ignorant to even comprehend that.

he is a have....who doesnt understand why have-nots are voicing their opinion on a national stage.








and lacking perspective.

damn, i hate to say im always right but $$++...

as far as another reference to a billionaire, mark zuckerburg........there are about 30 mark zuckerburgs in the history of civilization, b.

good luck on becoming 31

especially when corporate america is spending your taxed labor on cash bonuses for themselves.


(its funny that you attribute their successes entirely on hard work, when, if you ask these people yourselves, im confident they will thank god (im not religious) tell you a story about how it coulda all never happened (luck) tell you about the help they recieved along the way, and at the end, tell you how fortunate and lucky they are to be in the position they are in....what you WONT hear is the egotistical pride you wanna be millionaires are showing in this post, and say IT WAS ALL ME DOG, I WORKED REALLY HARD AND MADE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ALL ON MY OWN".....thats called perspective. get some.)
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Wr

needless to say, but education and teaching in america is an extremely flawed aspect of this corrupt system. Most of these teachers are mad because of the idea that they might end up being paid based on performance and well being of students grades rather than some b/s benchmark. Being unable to get rid of bad teachers is precisely what is wrong with America. Time and time again we endorse mediocrity as a country and slander those who choose to properly gain knowledge and understanding just because they want technical hands on experience rather than some lecture from a tenured professor who could care less about the hand full of students he teaches a year.

the tragedy is how uninformed people are about the education system.

while it is hard to fire bad teachers

right now, as it stands, funding is determined by how close to 75% passing on state exams your entire student body is

nevermind that 2/3rds of your kids are ESL

nevermind that 2/3rds of your kids come in multiple grade levels below

if they dont score 75% on a test, funding literally gets taken from the school.

so now, you dont teach your kids based upon what they dont know

now you teach kids based upon what theyll be asked on a test...literally.

which would be fine, if you didnt have 4th graders coming in on a 1st grade reading level...

you get that 4th grader up to a 3rd grade reading level, 2 grade levels, in one year, and you still fail...currently there is absolutely no measurement of yearly growth as it relates to school funding.

even worse, schools that meet the cutoff, even if they do numbers close to 95%....are expected to improve by a percentage, OR THEIR FUNDING IS TAKEN AWAY....i.e. we had 98 percent of kids pass last year, they want 99.2 or our grade will go down and we will lose funding....

not only do you fail, but now, aides and tutors that worked with those kids one on one, are now layed off from that school and placed at another school which is 98 percent sit on twitter all day.

there are bad teachers...but the overwhelming majority care....and dedicate their lives to the profession. every single teacher in both buildings i worked at spent money out of their own pocket for supplies for their kids.

every single one.

The one "bad teacher" i came in contact with in my 3 years in the system actually ended up quitting. the principal was on her !@+ so hard everyday, she quit. went to another district. that's how you get rid of bad teachers...not through funding and legislation.

this incentives-based funding of public schools is ridiculous. the whole NCLB was a lowkey way to redistribute funds from old inner city, mostly minority schools to newer, suburban schools with a majority of white students.

i literally lived through it.

i was laid off from an inner city school (which was mostly poor white kids)

and got transfered in another position to a school in the suburbs that is 98 percent proficient.

i went from teaching kids the concept of the number making copies for teachers.

hopefully you read what ive typed and change your outlook on the whole situation

but i assume you're going to have some pseduo-witty response to zing me with

based upon something you read or heard

when im telling you the reality of the school system.

you're just on the defensive my dude. Everything you said I agree with. I have worked in the school system as well as NCLB so I know what's going on. I've been in the school system for man than your 3 years pal. The system is flawed and is really more of a real estate investment scheme shuffling kids to higher taxed communities just so the parents feel like their children are getting adequate education. But what is really going on is that more and more families are taking their children out of the broken public school system and going to charter schools where the success rate for children their makes the public school systems appear to be more and more of a joke. I'm not here to zing anyone, write "pseudo-witty responses, pat anyone on the back or scratch anyone's balls. Just because you've run into "one bad teacher" doesn't make yup for the kids " which are the actual product in education, running into 10 - 20 throughout their school career and not accounting for administration as well. Truth is, a lot of teachers have had it too easy in this system of mediocrity. It's cool to make 40K for lackluster work. You may be in  a different more affluent part of the states than I, but in my demographic it's pretty bad. So don't act like what you've experienced represents the norm for the rest of the country because it simply does not.  

The true problem is that the education system will not adapt. It's essentially based on the tracking of different racial and social economic groups and placing them based on grading and class ranking into their perspective fields in the working world. It is still based on educated people at the height of the industrial revolution, when we are pretty far into the information age already. 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Son I'm bragging!!????...are you !%$@!$ serious!!???? you never enjoyed the luxuries of this country???...come back here wen you want to keep it real...i don't know what goes on outside of my "perfect" world, in reality you have no clue what goes on outside of the states borders besides what you see on TV, if you did you'd be a bit more grateful to have the things you have, even if that's a smart phone or computer to browse NT from, these are things that are luxuries in other places and here are nothing, you got 5 year olds getting ipads for Xmas, yeah this is a terrible place to live in.
No, fool. Enjoying the luxuries your life affords you is damned near sacred and should be reveled in any chance you get.
Posting this:

but I won't complaint about this nation while I collect almost 4k every two weeks, drive a 40k car, go out regularly blowing 50$ on dinner, while I have family and friends back home who can only dream of the luxuries I have, you ##+%!! ingrates.
... and you still haven't responded to this little gem of a post. Just bringing it up incase you might have missed it or tried to dodge it hoping nobody would catch it. 

What is there to respond??...that I lack perspective??...ok...sure, I've never lived outside this country to comprehend that things are not as bad as you guys make it sound, I NEVER not once said there wasn't a problem, I just don't think it's anything beyond each individual's control, like it is in other places, where you can be the smartest, make every right decision and the system is designed for you not to make it, people make it here everyday...just because you didn't, doesn't mean you were owed anything....just because you've invested in an education doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job, that's just reality....btw I don't know the whole facebook story, but didn't Mark Zuckerberg start off FB with 1000$ ??....that's not a fortune you know?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

No, fool. Enjoying the luxuries your life affords you is damned near sacred and should be reveled in any chance you get.
Posting this: a thread debating corporate great and wealth is not only bragging, but downright disgusting. Of course you wouldn't see it that way... like many others have said, you have zero perspective outside of what happens in your world.
... and you still haven't responded to this little gem of a post. Just bringing it up incase you might have missed it or tried to dodge it hoping nobody would catch it. 

What is there to respond??...that I lack perspective??...ok...sure, I've never lived outside this country to comprehend that things are not as bad as you guys make it sound, I NEVER not once said there wasn't a problem, I just don't think it's anything beyond each individual's control, like it is in other places, where you can be the smartest, make every right decision and the system is designed for you not to make it, people make it here everyday...just because you didn't, doesn't mean you were owed anything....just because you've invested in an education doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job, that's just reality....btw I don't know the whole facebook story, but didn't Mark Zuckerberg start off FB with 1000$ ??....that's not a fortune you know?


This guy is so dumb


This guy is clueless


This guy has no idea what they are even protesting about


I'm going to keep having my condescending attitude towards everyone whos opinion is different than mine


These kids say they want me to be their daddy


You work at hospital, I am better than you

Amere Stoudemire needed 0$ to make the NBA, and he's a millionaire!!!!! The system works!!!!! OMG. Palease. Fact is Zuckerberg needed his connects at Harvard to get where he is. How many poor people go to Harvard?
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

... and you still haven't responded to this little gem of a post. Just bringing it up incase you might have missed it or tried to dodge it hoping nobody would catch it. 

What is there to respond??...that I lack perspective??...ok...sure, I've never lived outside this country to comprehend that things are not as bad as you guys make it sound, I NEVER not once said there wasn't a problem, I just don't think it's anything beyond each individual's control, like it is in other places, where you can be the smartest, make every right decision and the system is designed for you not to make it, people make it here everyday...just because you didn't, doesn't mean you were owed anything....just because you've invested in an education doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job, that's just reality....btw I don't know the whole facebook story, but didn't Mark Zuckerberg start off FB with 1000$ ??....that's not a fortune you know?

Sigh.....  Less of this nonsense and more posts about facts and educated opinions 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by ksteezy

What is there to respond??...that I lack perspective??...ok...sure, I've never lived outside this country to comprehend that things are not as bad as you guys make it sound, I NEVER not once said there wasn't a problem, I just don't think it's anything beyond each individual's control, like it is in other places, where you can be the smartest, make every right decision and the system is designed for you not to make it, people make it here everyday...just because you didn't, doesn't mean you were owed anything....just because you've invested in an education doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job, that's just reality....btw I don't know the whole facebook story, but didn't Mark Zuckerberg start off FB with 1000$ ??....that's not a fortune you know?

Sigh.....  Less of this nonsense and more posts about facts and educated opinions 
That wasn't directed at you, but in case you haven't noticed, you aren't allowed to have an opinion in here if it differs from that clowns.  He will then proceed to attack you with the "
and some asinine condescending statement he has mad 10 times already in the past 2 pages
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