Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

fine. i work in columbus ohio, a national test market because of how accurately our numbers reflect the entire nation

so im gonna go ahead and assume my experiences are pretty close to the norm around the entire country.

i worked at the poorest and richest schools in columbus public.

the biggest issue in reforming education isnt "weeding out bad teachers"

its amazing that people support charter schools....when they dont even require teachers to be certified.

they see more success because, unlike state funded public schools, they are free to teach however their student needs to be taught

whereas in public schools, you are placed on a strict pacing guide, literally telling you what to teach kids hour to hour....

anyone in the public school system will agree, it needs to be reformed

i think we just differ in what the top priority of the reforming should be.

i apologize for the tone at the end of my response, i am being defensive, cause, well, look at the company i have in this thread

again, i think the funding and stardardized testing is why public schools are failing, not...bad teachers

while bad teachers are there...i think they're grossly overestimated and scapegoated to keep broken policies in place....

because the money matches up.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24


Sigh.....  Less of this nonsense and more posts about facts and educated opinions 
That wasn't directed at you, but in case you haven't noticed, you aren't allowed to have an opinion in here if it differs from that clowns.  He will then proceed to attack you with the "
and some asinine condescending statement he has mad 10 times already in the past 2 pages

bro, ksteezy already has a girlfriend.

you're going to make her jealous.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Amere Stoudemire needed 0$ to make the NBA, and he's a millionaire!!!!! The system works!!!!! OMG. Palease. Fact is Zuckerberg needed his connects at Harvard to get where he is. How many poor people go to Harvard?

You can only go to Harvard if you are rich??? cereal bro?
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Sigh.....  Less of this nonsense and more posts about facts and educated opinions 
That wasn't directed at you, but in case you haven't noticed, you aren't allowed to have an opinion in here if it differs from that clowns.  He will then proceed to attack you with the "
and some asinine condescending statement he has mad 10 times already in the past 2 pages

bro, ksteezy already has a girlfriend.

you're going to make her jealous.
lol I'm not defending him in any way, I'm pointing out how utterly stupid you look with your responses to not only him but anyone else whos opinion differs from yours.
Thanks for further proving my point.  Sad that there are kids who "want you to be their daddy"
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Amere Stoudemire needed 0$ to make the NBA, and he's a millionaire!!!!! The system works!!!!! OMG. Palease. Fact is Zuckerberg needed his connects at Harvard to get where he is. How many poor people go to Harvard?

You can only go to Harvard if you are rich??? cereal bro?
ugh you wanna look at reality any time soon? 

the naiveness has to stop. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Amere Stoudemire needed 0$ to make the NBA, and he's a millionaire!!!!! The system works!!!!! OMG. Palease. Fact is Zuckerberg needed his connects at Harvard to get where he is. How many poor people go to Harvard?

You can only go to Harvard if you are rich??? cereal bro?
ugh you wanna look at reality any time soon? 

the naiveness has to stop. 
Or you can go if you are EXTREMELY poor & get aid.  Nothing for the people in the middle.

I feel for this movement, but I think they need to turn their attention to Washington.  They are the ones who should provided the necessities - healthcare, cheaper education....What's Wall St. going to do?

**Edit: The education system is messed up.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Amere Stoudemire needed 0$ to make the NBA, and he's a millionaire!!!!! The system works!!!!! OMG. Palease. Fact is Zuckerberg needed his connects at Harvard to get where he is. How many poor people go to Harvard?

You can only go to Harvard if you are rich??? cereal bro?

yet another example of how poor your reading comprehension is.

thats not what he said, at all.

Originally Posted by kix4kix


yeah man, its that type of party in here.

i made fun of a kid for riding someone else so hard

and he said i further proved his point about how i ridicule whoever doesnt agree with me

meanwhile, im having a meaningful discussion with someone i disagree with about education reform.


their parents raised great children.


Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

fine. i work in columbus ohio, a national test market because of how accurately our numbers reflect the entire nation

so im gonna go ahead and assume my experiences are pretty close to the norm around the entire country.

i worked at the poorest and richest schools in columbus public.

the biggest issue in reforming education isnt "weeding out bad teachers"

its amazing that people support charter schools....when they dont even require teachers to be certified.

they see more success because, unlike state funded public schools, they are free to teach however their student needs to be taught

whereas in public schools, you are placed on a strict pacing guide, literally telling you what to teach kids hour to hour....

anyone in the public school system will agree, it needs to be reformed

i think we just differ in what the top priority of the reforming should be.

i apologize for the tone at the end of my response, i am being defensive, cause, well, look at the company i have in this thread

again, i think the funding and stardardized testing is why public schools are failing, not...bad teachers

while bad teachers are there...i think they're grossly overestimated and scapegoated to keep broken policies in place....

because the money matches up.
I think education represents a good microcosm of what's wrong with the the economy in general. I guess me saying it's all on the bad teachers, is like people blaming only the stock brokers for All of America's problems. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm
I think education represents a good microcosm of what's wrong with the the economy in general. I guess me saying it's all on the bad teachers, is like people blaming only the stock brokers for All of America's problems. 

well, like i said, i think the "bad teacher" is being scapegoated...just like the "over paid and super benefit-recieving state worker"

its a scapegoat to keep the system as is.....its the "bad teachers"

not the bad policy.

im sure ive been lucky to be surrounded by amazing teachers at both schools...

i just dont see it being as big as the media and government portrays.

nice talking with you tho

(p.s. im not just blaming stock brokers, btw, but that is probably the biggest swindle of our generation...our taxed labor funding 10 million dollar cash bonuses....i cant name anything more ridiculous in my 27 years on earth. saddest part is, people aspiring to be the scum that pockets 10 million from taxed labor are in here defending it, poorly.)
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

fine. i work in columbus ohio, a national test market because of how accurately our numbers reflect the entire nation

so im gonna go ahead and assume my experiences are pretty close to the norm around the entire country.

i worked at the poorest and richest schools in columbus public.

the biggest issue in reforming education isnt "weeding out bad teachers"

its amazing that people support charter schools....when they dont even require teachers to be certified.

they see more success because, unlike state funded public schools, they are free to teach however their student needs to be taught

whereas in public schools, you are placed on a strict pacing guide, literally telling you what to teach kids hour to hour....

anyone in the public school system will agree, it needs to be reformed

i think we just differ in what the top priority of the reforming should be.

i apologize for the tone at the end of my response, i am being defensive, cause, well, look at the company i have in this thread

again, i think the funding and stardardized testing is why public schools are failing, not...bad teachers

while bad teachers are there...i think they're grossly overestimated and scapegoated to keep broken policies in place....

because the money matches up.
I think education represents a good microcosm of what's wrong with the the economy in general. I guess me saying it's all on the bad teachers, is like people blaming only the stock brokers for All of America's problems. 
Sounds familiar... Let me check a little back in the thread.
"People are making it into a microeconomics issue, when in reality it is a macro-economics issue. "-pg. 20
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by kix4kix


yeah man, its that type of party in here.

i made fun of a kid for riding someone else so hard

and he said i further proved his point about how i ridicule whoever doesnt agree with me

meanwhile, im having a meaningful discussion with someone i disagree with about education reform.


their parents raised great children.


, the killer part is that they choose the arguments that they "think" have holes in them, all while obviously ignoring the 100% truthful ones with no room for argument. 

We use emoticons, because words can't explain how hilarious some of these viewpoints are. I dead *$% made that face too. 
I really hope this leads to political revolution in this country. This  protest is long overdue. Ralph Nader was talking about this stuff in 2008 and not enough people listened because some tried to marginalize him (plus there was the joke that is "Yes, we can").

Ideally, this will lead to more people casting votes for 3rd party candidates. I mean why complain about the Wall Street crooks then vote for Republicans or Democrats? Our esteemed president is the most corporate president in US history if campaign donations are any indications (and we know how he hates to meet with citizen groups in favor of fat cat CEO's).
America's growing anti-intellectualism
"We are watching the beginnings of the defiant self-assertion of a new generation of Americans, a generation who are looking forward to finishing their education with no jobs, no future, but still saddled with enormous and unforgivable debt... Just as in Europe, we are seeing the results of colossal social failure. The occupiers are the very sort of people, brimming with ideas, whose energies a healthy society would be marshaling to improve life for everyone. Instead, they are using it to envision ways to bring the whole system down.

"But the ultimate failure here is of imagination. What we are witnessing can also be seen as a demand to finally have a conversation we were all supposed to have back in 2008.

"There was a moment, after the near-collapse of the world's financial architecture, when anything seemed possible. Everything we'd been told for the last decade turned out to be a lie...

"It seemed the time had come to rethink everything: the very nature of markets, money, debt; to ask what an 'economy' is actually for. This lasted perhaps two weeks. Then, in one of the most colossal failures of nerve in history, we all collectively clapped our hands over our ears and tried to put things back as close as possible to the way they'd been before."
-Anthropologist David Graeber
LMAO, he's not in the 99%?

um....he just said he lives meager...he's definitely in the 99%

you morons speaking out against it have no idea what its about

people arent protesting to get their debt forgiven...LMAO

thats the only point people speaking out against the protests try to make, and its not even the basis of the movement LMAO

how in the world can you be against protesting money that was taxed from your own labor going into the pockets of banking CEOS?

thats ******ed...

hes working minimum wage job @ 30 hours a week and he's not part of the 99%?

good lord.


(also, there arent enough scholarships for everyone to "work so hard at my minimum wage job" to cover TEN PERCENT of your total cost of college. WHAT A BIG STRONG MAN, PAYING 10 PERCENT ALL ON HIS OWN! he has 90 percent of his schooling paid for by who? GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE VIA AN ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP LMAOOOOOO WHICH IS GOING TO BE REDUCED, YEARLY, BECAUSE THAT MONEY IS NOW A CASH BONUS FOR SOME SLIMEBALL LMAO 3.8 GPA BUT LOGICALLY ******ED, I LOVE IT)
Whole thread of you're you're dumb

Fact is the rich will continue to get rich.  The 1% of the US that controls all of the wealth will continue to do so.  Everyones goal is to get into that 1% instead of being content with making enough to live comfortably.  There is no honesty in business these days.  The entire American culture is make as much money as you can by any means necessary.

And when the US government (federal reserve) have the same mentality it effects the citizens.  Our money is becoming worthless we are in giant amounts of debt as a nation.  I know it sounds dumb.  But if people actually cared about each other and it wasn't all about money the world would be a better place.  I know this will never happen.  But imagine if for example Bank of America said o well we pay a fee for Debit transactions....its 40 cents per month on we will charge the customers that 40 cents a month so we can keep our profit margins were they are for now....nope we will charge them $5 per month for debit transactions.....over 1000% increase of the cost.

I know the world revolves around money but when our money becomes worthless what do we do?  Better get your horticulture game up
"the 99%" has become a label. it no longer represents the people, it is now just a trend.

Curb this is what I meant, the fault in our country is that often times noble causes become novelty and a trend.

look at obama's campaign in '08, it became the cool thing to do rather than a true movement.

While i get the symbolism of 99% it loses its purposes when people do not actually educate themselves to the failures in policy and systems.

I see broke kids in my town sayin' I'm the 99% and I'm mad as hell. Bro, stop smoking piff all day and do something about it.

Then you have idiots that are like yo we out to chicken and rice and then to wall st to check out dam mamis.

Revolution can only occur when action goes beyong occupation. Movement is required.
i can understand feeling like whats going on isnt enough

but still, thats not reason enough to actualy talk down about the people doing something

im just happy to see SOMETHING...even if it is baby steps

like i said, in other countries, the CEO's houses would be getting overtaken by mobs of people

we dont have it that bad...yet, at least...

out there, dictators with ak47s TAKE the wealth from the people


guys in suits who want you to think they worked their butts off to be able to pocket 10 million off your labor so you can keep working and they can keep pocketing a percentage of your labor.......take the wealth from the people...

and we idolize them

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