Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by kickstart

I knew it was a matter of time before someone wrote something like this. 
Originally Posted by kickstart

they aren't making any point besides the fact that they blindly support a cultured based on exploitation, injustice, and miseducation...
people keep simplifying this to 'your just blaming wall street and the government'...its pathetic....this is the ego of the fake $%% European American...everything is ok for it should be for you to. 

No effort to look outside their own point of view or perspective at all. 
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

"the 99%" has become a label. it no longer represents the people, it is now just a trend.

Curb this is what I meant, the fault in our country is that often times noble causes become novelty and a trend.

look at obama's campaign in '08, it became the cool thing to do rather than a true movement.

While i get the symbolism of 99% it loses its purposes when people do not actually educate themselves to the failures in policy and systems.

I see broke kids in my town sayin' I'm the 99% and I'm mad as hell. Bro, stop smoking piff all day and do something about it.

Then you have idiots that are like yo we out to chicken and rice and then to wall st to check out dam mamis.

Revolution can only occur when action goes beyong occupation. Movement is required.

perhaps i might have explained myself wrong from the jump, alot of times i do, specially when im being attacked for what i feel is my opinion and i apologize....but THIS is exactly what i mean from the bottom of my heart, im aware there are people directly affeted by the greed of these CEO's, people who got laid off, with no means to support their families, but im gonna go on a limb and say that this is a minority compared to the number of lazy bum $$% hypebeast individuals who are there for all the wrong reasons, matter of fact they are pointing fingers just because everyone else is, as hard as it is for many of you to admit, blindly choosing a career because your heart tells you to, is not a smart move, specially when you are well aware that you are going into a huge debt by doing so, there are always consequences to your actions, like i said before...although my wife is not thousands in debt, shes still struggling and after years of ignoring my advice which would have placed her/us in such a better life now, shes finally listening...i just cant go blaming the system for her stubborness....yes the system is flawed, but how can you sit there and tell me that people just cant do better for themselves because of it?????.....this is the same system that provides people with free food, free healthcare, nearly free housing, things that in ther countries is impossible to have, when i visit my country or even my wives, im saddened by the amount of poverty, the amout of children out in the streets begging for money, things that i donot see that really that hard to comprehend?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Amere Stoudemire needed 0$ to make the NBA, and he's a millionaire!!!!! The system works!!!!! OMG. Palease. Fact is Zuckerberg needed his connects at Harvard to get where he is. How many poor people go to Harvard?

You can only go to Harvard if you are rich??? cereal bro?
ugh you wanna look at reality any time soon? 

the naiveness has to stop. 

You don't have to be rich to go to Ivy league school

Dude in my graduating class, not even top 10% got in to Cornell, he wasn't rich, middle class.
I wish the OWS was a bit more organized, the message is scattered and people will not take the movement seriously until they become a little more organized and have a clear message.

As far as the few here who are saying people should just shut the !+%# up and bend over,

It's called short sightedness, ignorance and conformity. 

I've said it before in this thread, life is good for me right now, it isn't a reason to turn a blind eye to the problems plaguing our society.  Just because America is better than 2nd and 3rd world countries doesn't make the actions of the elite (1%) excusable.  Gaining wealth off the backs of the working poor.  If it's your choice to quietly be a slave to the clock, then so be it, but do it in silence.  Don't be angry at those that are trying to change a country that has lost it's way, being controlled and manipulated by those that continue to plunder it's resources.

The "I made it happen, figure it out, tough +$$*" argument is just as dumb as those in the OWS movement looking for a handout/bailout instead of systematic change.  Working three jobs, holidays, lacking sleep, working stupid hours just to have the latest luxuries?  People shouldn't go through that much to enjoy luxuries.  I'm not taking shots either, because I was that guy.  The "always busy", "always working", "always grinding".  I looked at myself and asked myself what the !+%# am I doing, chasing the almighty dollar and not enjoying life.  My girl being patient while I made +$$* happen, but always throwing out her concerns.  Mainly:  "Do it now, 'cause I don't want you to be like this if we have a family".  I would snicker, but then it made sense.  I don't want to be a workaholic my whole life.  I don't want to slave away, making a decent amount of money but not enjoying life on a daily basis....oh you get a 7-14 day vacation once a year.... !+%# that.

Last year, I dialed it down.  Made about $5k less at this point, but would do it again in a heart beat.  I'm enjoying life, take off to random places on weekends, live it up.  Girl is happy, been hanging out with my boys more, playing golf, road trips, still buying the +$$* I like (It helps that Jordan/Nike is realeasing nothing but garbage lately).

Steezy, do it while you can, but the burnout is going to hit you one day.  It hit me, and just said "!+%# the money, I want my life back".  Going to grad school, enjoying student life once again and working a regular ol' 9-5 making good money.  When you are single and spending Holidays on the job (been there), it's whatever.  However, when you have a family, that +$$* is going to kill you.  No amount of zero's in that check is going to compensate for lost time.  I figured that much out.  I don't even have kids yet, and even then I felt like I was missing out.

Work to Live
Don't Live to Work

That's the problem, people are subjected to living just to work as opposed to the other way around.  Many don't even want to be rich, they just want to be comfortable without slaving away at two jobs, and even that is hard to attain nowadays.  Look at the dude with the notepad.  Props for doing what you have to do, but who really wants to live that way?  Bare bones, paycheck to paycheck, stressed out, unhealthy... just to say "I'm not complaining".  That is a fool's mentality.

Think about it.

There needs to be change, not the Obama @+@*%!#% "change".
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You can only go to Harvard if you are rich??? cereal bro?
ugh you wanna look at reality any time soon? 

the naiveness has to stop. 

You don't have to be rich to go to Ivy league school

Dude in my graduating class, not even top 10% got in to Cornell, he wasn't rich, middle class.
Off the top of my dome I can name over a dozen people I know who go to an Ivy league or an equivalent (Stanford, CalTech, MIT, etc) Yeah, sure being rich and being a legacy will get you in...but al ot more kids these days actually get in based on merit. Most of the griping comes from people who went to stupid high schools and so have no idea what it takes to get into a good school. Just my thoughts though. 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio
 when i visit my country or even my wives,

how many you got total?

damn fam i typed this whole response tyo IRON and yuku !+#@** ill try again.Iron - trust me bro, i see what you are saying....i know im not living life like i should be and i told myslef the second my wife and i come out pregnant, i will work through her pregnancy, stack as much and then go on with one job 3 nights a week, i can live on that, i never said having a partime on the side was something i needed to survive...just that at the moment, i dont see why i cant grind, pay off debt that i put myself in, build a savings and give my wife a good life, helping her through school....I feel having a child will be the only incentive ill have to change my lifestyle at the we gotta be real with ourselves, how is the working class going to benefit from any positive that MIGHT come from OWS?...the only benefit i see is some tax breaks, i cant see my job giving me a raise because of this, i cant see my medical benefits being better because of this, i cant see my shift being cut down from 12 hours to 7 hours and still getting the same pay...i honestly feel that if the CEO's dont rob us, the government will, either way we still get shorted....idk man, thats just me...
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ugh you wanna look at reality any time soon? 

the naiveness has to stop. 

You don't have to be rich to go to Ivy league school

Dude in my graduating class, not even top 10% got in to Cornell, he wasn't rich, middle class.
Off the top of my dome I can name over a dozen people I know who go to an Ivy league or an equivalent (Stanford, CalTech, MIT, etc) Yeah, sure being rich and being a legacy will get you in...but al ot more kids these days actually get in based on merit. Most of the griping comes from people who went to stupid high schools and so have no idea what it takes to get into a good school. Just my thoughts though. 
they may let in a few outsiders but they largely remain institutions of exclusivity...many people in positions of power hold an Ivy League education...but how many black CEOS have they produced? These institutions are established to maintain European dominance and to keep blacks and ethnic minorities subordinate. 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

lol i thought you was serious too

i was like say word steezy?
Dominicans dont play that ***@, id be neutered by
honestly i think i just have that 1st Gen immigrant state of mind, ive experienced the harships of a reality where you are born poor, you more than likely will die although it may seem like i lack perspective, i actually feel that things are not as bad as they could be and we still can get ahead trough sacrifice and hard work...hopefully those who lost their jobs due to lay-offs can somehow benefit from this, though.....those people really had no control over their misfortune.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by Sneaks23

How my son got a BA and a MA but still taking classes at a communtiy college????
I'll wait
People are known to take classes to better themselves and obtain more knowledge. It's not uncommon. 
Not everyone goes to school just for a shiny degree. 
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