Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Most of the griping comes from people who went to stupid high schools

 black mother sentenced to jailtime for falsifying her daughter's addresses to her father's address so they could go to a better school


nice arguments, b.
but if youre taking classes for fun and not utility arent you being a wasteful spoiled american living beyond his means with luxuries 3rd world countries arent afforded with?

yes, sarcasm.
Citizens should also be occupying D.C. for other reasons. How about infrastructure crumbling (lol at our public transit systems) and rising education costs coupled with faltering education quality?
ksteezy you should enjoy this

(credit to ShadyKay NT from the other OWS thread)
Originally Posted by Al Audi

ksteezy you should enjoy this

(credit to ShadyKay NT from the other OWS thread)

he got sonned

but the camera mans points were weak

how corporations actually pay that 35% lol very few
Originally Posted by Al Audi

ksteezy you should enjoy this

(credit to ShadyKay NT from the other OWS thread)

Theseeeeeee individuallllsss right hereeeeeee are the ones I have a problem with!!!!....I bet the majority of protestors are out there with the same idea.... That #!++ craaaaay, I'm about to jump ok the bandwagon and get my apartment, car and my wife's car paid for too, thats what I want b.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

shot & edited this myself. This was in atlanta. let me know what u guys think!

good vid, should have interviewed someone more outspoken tho, shoulda interviewed the white guy in the suit too
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

...but you have two cars.

NO, I have a car and my wife has a car....but what's your point??...oh wait, once again you missed the sarcasm in my post.In before we engage in a third grade level argument with over use of smileys and condescending posts
Originally Posted by ksteezy

why do you think I must be mad ?



Originally Posted by ksteezy

NO, I have a car and my wife has a car....but what's your point??...oh wait, once again you missed the sarcasm in my post. In before we engage in a third grade level argument with over use of smileys and condescending posts

, that sounds pretty mad, b.
this is also the second time you've tried to say something non-sarcastic was sarcasm...LMAO

yes the "i want my two cars paid off" was sarcasm

but you having two cars isnt sarcasm.

imma let you live tho, ok?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by ksteezy

why waste time tryig to change a system that won't change???.

Mental slavery.
Dudes are the type of black people that wouldn't go out and rally during the 50s/60s because they didn't want to "upset people" or "drawn attention" 
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