Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

[quote name="Mister Friendly"]Are people taught to be atheists? To reject God?
No one is born believing in God.

We aren't taught to be atheists; we are born that way, and then indoctrinated not to be.[/quote]

No you dont know about God when you are born

You are neither accepting or rejecting it

Atheists have heard of God and reject it

I'm going to conveniently disappear for a few hours( hang out with my wife)
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"God" is a really misleading word imho.

they very first peoples on earth buried themselves with things for the "afterlife"

who taught them about the afterlife? the FIRST people here?

and no it wasn't aliens.

it was this incoherent knowledge that we all have, that there is something bigger than human beings.
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[quote name="Mister Friendly"][quote name="DarthSka"][quote name="Mister Friendly"]Are people taught to be atheists? To reject God?[/quote]No one is born believing in God.

We aren't taught to be atheists; we are born that way, and then indoctrinated not to be.[/quote]No you dont know about God when you are born

You are neither accepting or rejecting it

Atheists have heard of God and reject it[/quote] If I may blend this and PLVN's wording:

[quote name="PLVN"]You are not born with knowledge of a God concept.[/quote]You are not born with knowledge of a God concept.

You are neither accepting or rejecting it

Atheists have heard of God and reject it.
"God" is a really misleading word imho.

they very first peoples on earth buried themselves with things for the "afterlife"

who taught them about the afterlife? the FIRST people here?

and no it wasn't aliens.

it was this incoherent knowledge that we all have, that there is something bigger than human beings.

Ehh, the reason of doing so is only speculation for one thing. Another thing is that "the first people"? That's just false.

Human have always been curious but egocentric beings. Speculation also suggests that religion was a platform to proclaim that the universe was created for the sole purpose of mans existence.
the first people is not false.

the first people buried on this planet buried themselves with trinkets and things for the "afterlife"
thats a fact.

way before the egyptians.

and who is to say that things above us are egocentric?

all of them??
Where's the fact that they were even the first people to bury themselves? They may have been just the oldest they could find. Where's the proof of the purpose of what they were buried with? What if those were just their belongings this since they were dead they wanted to bury "every part" of them?

Your last question I don't understand
I was an avid reader as a kid, I'm sorry you weren't raised that way. I read biblical stories as a child and thoroughly enjoyed them. I'm sorry you have low expectations for your children.
Damn was saying a joke to lighten the tension in here. You can't tell sarcasm too :smh:. I came up in a excellent home with caring loving parents. Working on myself before wife and kids I'm only 23 maybe in three years
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Where's the fact that they were even the first people to bury themselves? They may have been just the oldest they could find. Where's the proof of the purpose of what they were buried with? What if those were just their belongings this since they were dead they wanted to bury "every part" of them?

Your last question I don't understand

man its like this whole argument is based on things that none of us really understand completely

including myself.
i am not trying to argue. thats not my thing anymore.

believe whatever the **** u want to.

i believe believe that....they believe this...etc

but you cant believe in nothing man. i dunno maybe u can lol.

but it don't make sense to me.
Watch this when you have time.
Its an hour long, but I wanna hear you guys opinion on it.

Former atheist Lee Strobel, Master of Studies and Law Degree from Yale
former Legal Editor for the Chicago Tribune, talks to philosophers,
biochemists, and astronomers about science pointing to intelligent design.
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and no it wasn't aliens.
can you prove it wasn't aliens? 
[quote name="HTG Designs"]Watch this when you have time.
Its an hour long, but I wanna hear you guys opinion on it.

Former atheist Lee Strobel, Master of Studies and Law Degree from Yale
former Legal Editor for the Chicago Tribune, talks to philosophers,
biochemists, and astronomers about science pointing to intelligent design.[/quote]"5 years later, Leslie, an agnostic, became a Christian. 'And I thought, 'This is divorce. This is gonna be the end of our marriage.' But, all of the negative things I expected to happen in her as a result of her newfound faith, they didn't happen. And instead I saw positive changes in her values, in her character, in the way she related to me and the children. And I thought, 'Wait a minute, she's attributing this to god, and I don't think god exists.'"

First women to ever get a guy to find faith.

Oh wait, that's not true at all. :lol:

*still watching*
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what hasn't been revealed is a whole ******* lot tho.
this is true

the way i see it, there are a bunch of things that wont be explained in the near future 

because i there is currently no way of finding out I'm not going to make up a lie to make me feel better, i accept there are things i will never no and i go about my life not worrying about it

like if you have a box and inside the box can be literally anything, it seems like a waste of time for me to guess what's in the box and even more of a joke to not only take a wild guess on something i have no way of knowing but live life thinking what I want to believe is a fact
So an interesting point in the video HTG posted is this: reducing the entire history of life as we have discovered it into a 24-hr comparison, life was nothing but single-celled organisms for the first 18 hours, and then in the next 2 minutes, there was an explosion of small life forms with backbones and what not. This debunks Darwin's theory, as Darwin's theory suggested that the move from single-celled organisms to complex life took forever, yet our discoveries have shown that it happened in 2 minutes when measuring our known history of life in a 24-hour period.

One scientist went on to say (and I'm not quoting him) that there's no way that stage of evolution happened a Darwin described.

My take:

And? That doesn't mean 'God.'

Yet I think that most Christians at this point go, "See?! That's so crazy! Scientific findings were wrong! SEEEE?! It's GOD, bro!"

Being incorrect is not evidence of God.

Proving God did it is evidence of God.
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There's a reason only religious people believe in intelligent design. The problem is that its proponents presuppose the universe must have been designed and then they build their arguments around that assumption. Whether you believe in god or not, intelligent design actively discourages thought and exploration, which goes against what science stands for. 
not sure why people point out facts that discredit darwin's theory of evolution

he created the first blueprint

since then (like all scientific theories) additional information has been discovered and current evolutionary theory is quite different than what darwin came up with

ironically religious folk get excited when a scientific study disproves a scientific theory 
So an interesting point in the video HTG posted is this: reducing the entire history of life as we have discovered it into a 24-hr comparison, life was nothing but single-celled organisms for the first 18 hours, and then in the next 2 minutes, there was an explosion of small life forms with backbones and what not. This debunks Darwin's theory, as Darwin's theory suggested that the move from single-celled organisms to complex life took forever, yet our discoveries have shown that it happened in 2 minutes when measuring our known history of life in a 24-hour period.

One scientist went on to say (and I'm not quoting him) that there's no way that stage of evolution happened a Darwin described.

My take:

And? That doesn't mean 'God.'

Yet I think that most Christians at this point go, "See?! That's so crazy! Scientific findings were wrong! SEEEE?! It's GOD, bro!"

Being incorrect is not evidence of God.

Proving God did it is evidence of God.

The way it's explained is also a misrepresentation of the Cambrian explosion.

The Cambrian period took place over 25 million years and the creatures that appeared in that time didn't exactly materialize from thin air. Lifeforms were steadily evolving during the Precambrian period and by the time the Cambrian arrived they had started to diversify into different forms. A concrete explanation for the relatively quick divergence hasn't been agreed upon, but there are a ton of theories that fit better within the realm of plausibility than intelligent design. Keep in mind that not every lifeform will leave fossilized remains and that there are still some tremendous gaps in the fossil record.

Also, here's an interesting quote from the guy who was speaking during that segment, Jonathan Wells:

"Father's words, my studies, and my prayers convinced me that I should devote my life to destroying Darwinism, just as many of my fellow Unificationists had already devoted their lives to destroying Marxism. When Father chose me (along with about a dozen other seminary graduates) to enter a Ph.D. program in 1978, I welcomed the opportunity to prepare myself for battle."
Idk why and sorry for getting a bit off topic, I thought you were in your mid twenties lol.

Also l, as others have said this is the most civil religious thead I've seen on NT
Are people taught to be atheists? To reject God?
Didn't know you could be taught to be something that you naturally are when you are born. Think about that question you just asked. Are people taught to NOT believe in something that they naturally don't believe in until they are indoctrinated. 

Let that sink on
Are people taught to be atheists? To reject God?
Didn't know you could be taught to be something that you naturally are when you are born. Think about that question you just asked. Are people taught to NOT believe in something that they naturally don't believe in until they are indoctrinated. 

Let that sink on

When a person is born they don't know God, atheism knows about God and rejects God. That's the difference
Didn't know you could be taught to be something that you naturally are when you are born. Think about that question you just asked. Are people taught to NOT believe in something that they naturally don't believe in until they are indoctrinated. 

Let that sink on
you arent born rejecting the idea of God, you are born ignorant of it. Theism and atheism aren't natural states, they're chosen paths.
I am looking at athiesm as the absence of belief in a higher being. When you are born, you have an absence of belief in a higher being.

The rejection part might not exist, you are correct.
If an elderly person who has suffered from Alzheimer's dies, do they go to heaven back to how they were before the disease took hold?

What about when an infant dies who doesn't even know of The bible, religion, God, etc, where does this infant go? They haven't had the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their savior so what happens to this infant? It obviously will be going to hell since it can't accept Jesus as its savior and hasn't yet.
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