Asics Love?!? Where is it?

10-20 is nothing, if somebody were to pick up a pair of shoes for me that's the least I would give them. If ur holding out to save a measly ten dollars u must have some problems
In your scenario, I agree...your qualifying your statement, not just throwing out nonsense.
not trying to take any sides here but if you are taking financial advice from a sneaker head, your gonna have a bad time. $20 is $20 and knowing that makes you one step closer to being smart with your money. no one visiting these forums is in any position to give financial advice. including myself. I consider myself very capable to spend the money i do on shoes but still consider it very un-wise investment to say the least. to be frank, I believe most people on here are not old enough for it to be a wise decision to spend the money they do on shoes. Just putting that out there. 
not trying to take any sides here but if you are taking financial advice from a sneaker head, your gonna have a bad time. $20 is $20 and knowing that makes you one step closer to being smart with your money. no one visiting these forums is in any position to give financial advice. including myself. I consider myself very capable to spend the money i do on shoes but still consider it very un-wise investment to say the least. to be frank, I believe most people on here are not old enough for it to be a wise decision to spend the money they do on shoes. Just putting that out there. 
I'm speaking from a business standpoint. If someone were to argue over 10-20 bucks it's bad business and foolish. If I'm willing to spend 250 on a pair of sneakers and someone tells me 260, I would pay it no problem. Also if I'm selling something I'd take ten bucks off no problem(unless I'm already giving a great deal and just dealing with a cheapskate). Of course if you buy a two dollar slice of pizza and the guy says 12 then that's a different story :lol:
I'm speaking from a business standpoint. If someone were to argue over 10-20 bucks it's bad business and foolish. If I'm willing to spend 250 on a pair of sneakers and someone tells me 260, I would pay it no problem. Also if I'm selling something I'd take ten bucks off no problem(unless I'm already giving a great deal and just dealing with a cheapskate). Of course if you buy a two dollar slice of pizza and the guy says 12 then that's a different story
I understand and agree with that. It's all relative. if you are worried about an extra $20 increase on some shoes, you need to honestly assess whether or not you can afford them. Not being able to afford them and passing on them makes you smarter and more ahead of the game than most. Trust me. 
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I'm speaking from a business standpoint. If someone were to argue over 10-20 bucks it's bad business and foolish. If I'm willing to spend 250 on a pair of sneakers and someone tells me 260, I would pay it no problem. Also if I'm selling something I'd take ten bucks off no problem(unless I'm already giving a great deal and just dealing with a cheapskate). Of course if you buy a two dollar slice of pizza and the guy says 12 then that's a different story
That's my mentality too. If you're eyeing a pair retailing at the creeping near $200 mark $10-$30 dollars diff. isn't a big deal at all. I think a lot of folks have the .99 cent mentality. As in if things are $9.99 it's a deal! If it's seen as tipping it up to $10.00 then it's a HELL NO, lol.
After seeing them in person, the Santas are the best. Was so disappointed in the Rudolphs. I swear I picked those things up like 5 times and was like mehhh.

If I have to debate it, I really don't like em. I just expected them to feel better to the touch. Some sagas look good more rugged, but these needed to feel premium.
After seeing them in person, the Santas are the best. Was so disappointed in the Rudolphs. I swear I picked those things up like 5 times and was like mehhh.

If I have to debate it, I really don't like em. I just expected them to feel better to the touch. Some sagas look good more rugged, but these needed to feel premium.
Damn that's a shame. I'm a big materials guy but can love a pair if the cw/cb is just there. I do think the Rudolphs scheme is so top notch, I mean it's basically RUDOLPH if you glance at them from the nose to the browns to the 'antlers' lol. I'll wait to check them out in person now. Recent GR GLIII's for me were the Urban Camo's/Maroons/BlackTans which were all ok, loved the colors but the materials were general at best for me with the BlackTans probably feeling better and more polished to me then the other two.
Since we're having a discussion, here's my take on this whole 10- 20 dollar thing.  

If someone passed on a 100 dollar shoe because a store was charging $115, that's cool and it's what most would consider a smart move (myself included).  

The thing is, you cant pass on the $115 and then glue yourself to forums/ig/twitter and store sites for hours while striking out hoping to save that $15.  By then, your time spent has far exceeded the extra $15 said store was charging.

"Time is money" is not just a figure of speech, at least for me it isn't.

This is just my view, not looking for the whole "Don't tell me how to spend my money!" nonsense from anyone.
Too bad Rudolphs couldn't have a glow in the dark red on the "nose" part of the outsole at the toe. I've personally never seen glow red but it'd be a nice touch on these if it were available.
What's the overall opinion of the Elves? How's the leather? Someone needs to post an in-hand shot. Contemplating grabbing them. 
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I'm speaking from a business standpoint. If someone were to argue over 10-20 bucks it's bad business and foolish. If I'm willing to spend 250 on a pair of sneakers and someone tells me 260, I would pay it no problem. Also if I'm selling something I'd take ten bucks off no problem(unless I'm already giving a great deal and just dealing with a cheapskate). Of course if you buy a two dollar slice of pizza and the guy says 12 then that's a different story
Agreed, It's all relative, $250 vs. $260 = 4% difference, $100 vs. $120 = 20% difference, to say that 20% difference is not significant is inaccurate. To say that for you it's worth an extra $20 because it's a hot shoe/you really want/better to pay $20 now than spend another 2 hrs still looking to buy etc. then okay. I just take umbrage with a blanket statement that if you "don't/can't pay an extra $10 or $20" you shouldn't be a sneakerhead, that's all.
FeatureLV must have gotten quite a few pair of copperheads.

They just sent me a invoice for a single order pair sz 10.5 (I wasn't interested if I had to get the cottonmouth too)

Couldn't pass doubling up on them at $133 shipped
Agreed, It's all relative, $250 vs. $260 = 4% difference, $100 vs. $120 = 20% difference, to say that 20% difference is not significant is inaccurate. To say that for you it's worth an extra $20 because it's a hot shoe/you really want/better to pay $20 now than spend another 2 hrs still looking to buy etc. then okay. I just take umbrage with a blanket statement that if you "don't/can't pay an extra $10 or $20" you shouldn't be a sneakerhead, that's all.

I didn't mean that someone shouldn't be a sneakerhead because of $10-$20 but back to my original point...if that's a deciding factor on a pair that's selling out everywhere that release's them, then and as I stated "in my opinion" you probably shouldn't be purchasing anyways and therefor putting that money to something more beneficial.

Now again that's just my opinion what people spend their money on is their business.
I didn't mean that someone shouldn't be a sneakerhead because of $10-$20 but back to my original point...if that's a deciding factor on a pair that's selling out everywhere that release's them, then and as I stated "in my opinion" you probably shouldn't be purchasing anyways and therefor putting that money to something more beneficial.

Now again that's just my opinion what people spend their money on is their business.
If that was the only reason, i.e cash-flow, then I agree with you. However there is such a thing as principle.



@thejacobsharp the leather ain't bad, not the best I've ever had on a shoe but I'm not mad about the purchase at all. If you can get em and you like em grab em!! They low key remind me of the leather on the Steel Jordan 10s... Sorry for the low quality iPhone pics
Your info says VA. . .

IDK how close you are to C'monwealth but they'll probably have them

If $10-$20 is a deciding factor for people IMO they prob shouldn't be buying the shoes in the first place

This. Especially if you want the pair and have missed multiple times at retail or less.

not trying to take any sides here but if you are taking financial advice from a sneaker head, your gonna have a bad time. $20 is $20 and knowing that makes you one step closer to being smart with your money. no one visiting these forums is in any position to give financial advice. including myself. I consider myself very capable to spend the money i do on shoes but still consider it very un-wise investment to say the least. to be frank, I believe most people on here are not old enough for it to be a wise decision to spend the money they do on shoes. Just putting that out there. 

C'mon wealth is about 45 minutes away. I figured they have them, but like major, they tend to raise the price. I remember when major was selling the red safari Roshes for $200 -_-

Maaaan $125 would be an easy cop, but on eBay I see a bunch of $165+. It's not that I can't afford it, it's that they haven't completely sold out yet, so I don't see the point in paying that much over retail. I'm also old enough to know when to pass. $20 or $200, i know when to spend and not to. Yes, I want them a lot, but I can live without them. When you get accustomed to spending over retail, resell price won't phase you anymore. Whether it be $100 or $200 over, you'll start thinking its acceptable and therefor you have the vicious cycle of why resellers think it's ok to ask for those prices. Just saying...

Patiently waiting for the FNL drop though!
@thejacobsharp the leather ain't bad, not the best I've ever had on a shoe but I'm not mad about the purchase at all. If you can get em and you like em grab em!! They low key remind me of the leather on the Steel Jordan 10s... Sorry for the low quality iPhone pics
quality looks just like the blue leather GT2 that's just dropped. I ordered from PYS, like Cman stated, nothing amazing, but overall decent. The blue GT2 were actually pretty comfy to wear.
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