Asics Love?!? Where is it?

Gonna pass on the three GRs that are available but as soon as those navy joints and the black mints drop, I'm grabbing em right away.
Which ones are those again? I know about the Mint Sagas, are those the ones you're talking about? 
in the back, 2nd from the left;


They look alright, ngl its a very childish shoe.  Just looks like something a 7 year old would wear.  The only gt-cool I would wear is the white, purple, and emeraldish CW, other than that I'm gonna stick with gt iis, gl3's, and possibly branch it gl speeds.
yeah, have no idea what you're talking about...

love the shape and everything... def way better than the saga's...

it's all a matter of opinion tho...
It just looks a little cartoonish, the shape at least, it's very round, lol it might just be the picture cause its a huge blowup of a shoe that appears so small to me.  I'll have to see it in person though, just doesn't seem like my type of shoe in the picture though.  Can't really explain it lol
Anyone know where I can get those black/mint sagas from when they drop , they look dope IMO . 
They were delayed, the pairs that were "accidentally" released had a nylon tongue which wasn't part of the original design so Hal wanted a fix. It's supposed to be canvas I believe from the pics. I hear they'll be coming out in the next few months or so. Not sure though
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