Ask a Guy Who Got Circumsized Today Anything vol. IT'S DONE!!! UPDATEpg16

Before my procedure I tried the steroidal cream and stretching and eventually over time it tighten up again. You can only use the cream 6-8 weeks I think and once the cream stopped then the skin would tighten again. So I said eff it and did it. Like I mentioned earlier, not a single regret has been given.

Yeah man, thats been my experience. There have been times when it loosens up almost to the point where I can deal with it. But it always tightens up again. I just don't see the cream stretching it enough to make it permanently better but I hadn't even heard of the cream til last night so what would I know. I just felt the doctor wasn't being totally open, not saying his decision wasn't the correct one but I kinda felt in the dark about everything. I may still go ahead and do it, kinda regretted canceling honestly.

Let me ask you this tho since I haven't really gotten a clear answer about this. Does the sensitivity go away quickly? How long would you say? I tried to wear it back for most of the day yesterday with boxers and jeans on and it was uncomfortable and had me squeamish all day every time it would rub. Can you talk about that a little more?
i dont care about another man fap session but... if your snipped wouldnt you have to use a lot of lotion? the foreskin takes care of all that..

damn no jason collins..but do ya ****** apparently need wiki instructions to operate your **** or something?

when you pee and you uncircumcised you posed to peel it back, THEN fire...sounds like ya cats been peeing thru da closed

hood like a blocked off garden hose, stream looking a stepped on super soaker....

and when ya **** you posed to get fully erect, pull back put da rubber on or not THEN splash off in da vagina...alot of ya ****** is doing

da equivalent of pulling out da hammer and lickin shots with da holster still attached. :smh:

:rofl: :rofl:

My aim was terrible before. Figured this out few years ago. LMFAO.

also Bluexsneakerhead we gonna have to see some pics of u. :nerd:
Thought the doctor took your top off OP.

Glad you decided to remain a part of TeamUncut. :smokin
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I thought of maybe letting my future son keep his slide cover, but after one page of what comes with that. Nah. I'm cool. :x :smh:

He'll just rock that German helmet like his pops.
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I never really knew about an uncircumcised thing until I saw one in porn :/

I couldn't really think about having some extra skin down there. I've been cut since I was born.
The cheese story 
Depends on where you live and how many uncut dudes theyve been with. They may not know that it comes naturally like that. srs

But yo I been thinking bout doing it too just for future health concerns.

I dont wanna be an old man 70-80yrs and get infections if I forget to clean it and shiii

Son, like George Carlin said, you don't even have to take a shower every day. You just have four vital places to clean -- mouth, armpits, butt and crotch. Repeat it with me - mouth, armpits, butt and crotch. I don't care how old you are, how much of your memory is failing, don't ever forget to clean those four places. My man talking about how he forgetting to clean his peepee off some day. Scrub that thang with soap every single day. Like an ACL is to an athlete, yo' dingaling is your moneymaker when you ain't caking like an athlete.

:rofl: Ya'll have me dying with all the nicknames and pseudonyms and **** you coming up with for the all-naturale joint. The one that gets me is the aardvark, ze German helmet and this muhfff put up What the hell is so nasty about leaving the joint in tact the way you're born with it? I've never heard of phimosis but good looks to Rex for putting NT on some real medical knowledge. Of course ninjahood comes through and provides a layman's article on the uncircumcised penis. :rofl: Literally the first time I heard supersoaker, garden hose, gat and holster used in a single explanation as to how to operate the weiner. :lol:

When I was a younging, I always thought the foreskin was a lil' too tight and hurt too much for my liking whenever I tried to let my boy breathe a bit. Starting having sex a young age got me peeling the thing back and as you use it more, you eventually can pull it back with ease and don't feel a damn thing. Just stay cleaning it ferociously, let it play, pet it once in a while and you'll be fine.
I went to China when I was in 1st grade and my dad was talking about circumcision to his sister. I asked what was that and he told me the doctor would snip my pee pee. I begged them not to cut it and wept like a girl. Scariest thing to me as a child were knives, scalpels and needles. Fast forward till now I honestly never had a problem. No girl ever brought up the whole uncircumcised thing. Received oral, hit it raw and with a rubber and no complaints. Most of the time the girl won't see it once you're wearing a rubber anyway.
damn im a little freaked out right now. i guess i've been ignorant to the situation but reading that cheese story has me tripping right now. i was chopped at birth, so im completely ignorant to the cleaning methods one must go through when not being chopped. when my son was born he had some health stuff and was not able to get chopped. at first they were like dont worry we can do it later after he is stable but that time never came and eventually i was talked out of it due to the potential for infection and with regards to his health issue it wasnt a smart bet.

fast forward to now, he is 6 years old and ive never taught him anything on how to care for his little hooded friend and now that ive read this im tripping like yo do i gotta go and help him out?

i never even knew anything about the health issues one way or another and i simply wanted him clipped so he never had any issues with chicks later on in life. by now its considered cosmetic, wont be covered by insurance and i dont want to put him through any pain.

i better re-read the pages i missed in this thread, holy ****!


Just read pages 2-7 to catch up. Didnt learn much other then to teach him to roll it back before he pees. (which i hope he does already :smh: :x )

But this thread delivers immense lulz, some of the stuff stated in here :rofl:

Also I had no idea so many ppl were uncut, got me feeling like the minority out here :lol:
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Team anteater ftw
My mom had to get my brother circumsized when he was around 15 bc he messed up his foreskin rubbing one off. One drunken night I saw it and I almost died laughing of how small and funny it looked, he's like 6'4, 265lbs.
As a member of Team Semi, I think I get the best of both worlds.

When my dude is laying in the cut, he rocks the style kinda like when dudes rock a hoody half way on the back of their head.

Then when it's time for action he transforms into one piece and all the excess get's stretched out like saran wrap.

I think it's more comfortable and more sensitive. But I also hate dome cuz if the teeth touch at all it's the worst :x, so I guess that's a minus, or maybe it's just me.
Team anteater ftw
My mom had to get my brother circumsized when he was around 15 bc he messed up his foreskin rubbing one off. One drunken night I saw it and I almost died laughing of how small and funny it looked, he's like 6'4, 265lbs.
  he must be a violent fapper if he messed up his foreskin
Damb famb!

You are about to be laid up in bed for a minute.
Nah. I had it done @ 17 and I missed one day of school. No mo cheese

Funny story: I was playing hoop a week after getting snipped. The bandage and wrap must have fallen off my dink and out of my shorts. Some dude picks it up not knowing wtf it is, studied it, and starts asking everyone on the court if it's theirs.

Gave him the ol
Circumcision threads deliver consistently. I never knew having half circumcised junk was so common. And yall got dudes over here googling cheese pieces :lol:
damn im a little freaked out right now. i guess i've been ignorant to the situation but reading that cheese story has me tripping right now. i was chopped at birth, so im completely ignorant to the cleaning methods one must go through when not being chopped. when my son was born he had some health stuff and was not able to get chopped. at first they were like dont worry we can do it later after he is stable but that time never came and eventually i was talked out of it due to the potential for infection and with regards to his health issue it wasnt a smart bet.

fast forward to now, he is 6 years old and ive never taught him anything on how to care for his little hooded friend and now that ive read this im tripping like yo do i gotta go and help him out?

i never even knew anything about the health issues one way or another and i simply wanted him clipped so he never had any issues with chicks later on in life. by now its considered cosmetic, wont be covered by insurance and i dont want to put him through any pain.

i better re-read the pages i missed in this thread, holy ****!


Just read pages 2-7 to catch up. Didnt learn much other then to teach him to roll it back before he pees. (which i hope he does already :smh: :x )

But this thread delivers immense lulz, some of the stuff stated in here :rofl:

Also I had no idea so many ppl were uncut, got me feeling like the minority out here :lol:

Most def get him in the routine of peeling it back and cleaning and to pee. Get your hands on it if you have to show him, he's 6 it aint weird.
Most def get him in the routine of peeling it back and cleaning and to pee. Get your hands on it if you have to show him, he's 6 it aint weird.
Agree, my parents taught me that when I was around the same age, never had any hygiene problems.

Is it possible to get a semi circumcision done? Alot of dudes here talkin about team semi. Did you get that done or is it natural? If so, OP have u considered a semi? I fell like just snipping the little flesh that connects the foreskin to helmet would be a much easier process.

I'm surprised by alot of the members posting that they feel way better after going thru with the operation than before because from what I've read before I came to understand that you lose sensation when losing the hood. It's like that for me because when I have the helmet on it feels better, more sensitivity.

Any suggestions on which steroidal cream to use? I'm going to give it a try
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I heard that sex is bomb for the girl, to the point where they're showering you with gifts and affection, if you're uncircumcized :nerd:
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You can't ask someone who was too young to experience foreskin.

and you can't ask anyone who never got circumcised if it feels better :lol:

a bunch of ********. it's the exact same thing b. straight up. you just have a better look, and easier time when you're circumcised
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