At possibly the lowest point I've ever been

What's doing Blink? Keep up any good vibes you have going, it will help in the long run.

I'm going through some family issues myself, but the only thing I can do at this point is keep calm like I have been, because it helps my mother keep calm/from stressing the way she is. The same for my father, but my calm personality comes from him.

It's sad to bring this up, but think of it this way: there is someone out there who is far worse off than you are right now. It's unfortunate, but that's the truth.

Get through this man, you're young, you have many better days ahead of you. Getting through this rough patch will only make you appreciate the good times when they are consistently there for you.
Hold your head fam. We all go through times like this, it's not how hard we get knocked down, but how fast we get up. As a human being Blink, you have the strength, will, and knowledge to find a way to remain strong and positive. Just put it to use fam!
"It wasn't that I wanted to kill myself. What I really wanted was to end my life. That realization changed everything." -Burroughs
You got a lot of support and valuable advice given from NT. Take it and run with it. There are others that have it much worse than yourself. God bless man.
Psalm 231 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.Read some psalms bro they always help me in the good and bad. Even King David had some pretty dark timesGod Bless
I want to thank you for making this thread because I'm going through it too and you've provided something to relate and unwind to.'ve already had a positive impact on me and other people browsing this thread through the simple act of venting your problems on NT, thanks bro and thank you to everyone else offering their perspectives on dealing with life, NT is an amazing place.

Although I struggle with staying positive on a daily basis.....for me, the key to happiness is having the ability to, at any given moment, count my blessings and also have the ability to avoid falling into the habit of counting my problems. Life is hard and one of the biggest things I've had to mature with is being able to accept the good and bad and look at it all as one long beautiful journey. Another thing that has been absolutely essential is having structure and an overall purpose in life.

I'm going through it everyday- problems w/ women, struggles at work in a very demanding / high pressure environment, family problems, insecurities, feeling inadequate, living a life too focused on expectations and outcomes, all causing everything to fall out of balance and ultimately feeling lost, empty, and lonely.

At my worst, when I hit rock bottom, I had a terrible drug problem where I lost control and became dependent on substances, lost 30 pounds, fell out of an amazing relationship, lost once in a lifetime friendships, hurt people in my family and completely messed up at my old job. Prior to messing up at my job, I had worked my butt off, took the CPA exams, passed and became a CPA (I'm an accountant), had an amazing girl, and built a strong network, only to let all these issues put all that I had worked for at risk. Somehow I was able to leverage my connections that I worked so hard for to land a pretty amazing job today, but till this day all the bridges I burned in my personal life and career in my past haunt me, and I still can't over the lady who has, in her own right, moved on. It's a painful feeling to carry everyday and sometimes I let it consume me, but what keeps me going is knowing that there is still so much out there for me to learn, grow, and achieve, that all of this is worth it. Also, going through this has helped me take appreciation in the things that really matter, my family, who loves me unconditionally, and my true friends, as well as the little things in life.

You have so much to live for and so much to contribute to this world. You seem like a really smart dude, stay up my man.
Originally Posted by DC SOUNDS

I want to thank you for making this thread because I'm going through it too and you've provided something to relate and unwind to.'ve already had a positive impact on me and other people browsing this thread through the simple act of venting your problems on NT, thanks bro and thank you to everyone else offering their perspectives on dealing with life, NT is an amazing place.

Although I struggle with staying positive on a daily basis.....for me, the key to happiness is having the ability to, at any given moment, count my blessings and also have the ability to avoid falling into the habit of counting my problems. Life is hard and one of the biggest things I've had to mature with is being able to accept the good and bad and look at it all as one long beautiful journey. Another thing that has been absolutely essential is having structure and an overall purpose in life.

I'm going through it everyday- problems w/ women, struggles at work in a very demanding / high pressure environment, family problems, insecurities, feeling inadequate, living a life too focused on expectations and outcomes, all causing everything to fall out of balance and ultimately feeling lost, empty, and lonely.

At my worst, when I hit rock bottom, I had a terrible drug problem where I lost control and became dependent on substances, lost 30 pounds, fell out of an amazing relationship, lost once in a lifetime friendships, hurt people in my family and completely messed up at my old job. Prior to messing up at my job, I had worked my butt off, took the CPA exams, passed and became a CPA (I'm an accountant), had an amazing girl, and built a strong network, only to let all these issues put all that I had worked for at risk. Somehow I was able to leverage my connections that I worked so hard for to land a pretty amazing job today, but till this day all the bridges I burned in my personal life and career in my past haunt me, and I still can't over the lady who has, in her own right, moved on. It's a painful feeling to carry everyday and sometimes I let it consume me, but what keeps me going is knowing that there is still so much out there for me to learn, grow, and achieve, that all of this is worth it. Also, going through this has helped me take appreciation in the things that really matter, my family, who loves me unconditionally, and my true friends, as well as the little things in life.

You have so much to live for and so much to contribute to this world. You seem like a really smart dude, stay up my man.

What's your age again? You're young man, just like myself. So much time left to correct mistakes. So much time to turn things around. So much time to enjoy life.

Start setting goals for yourself, small and big, short-term and long-term. All the small things you accomplish on a day-to-day basis will have you feeling this sense of productivity and self-worth. You seem to have forgotten that your existence matters. You need to remind yourself everyday that it does. And you do that by doing things. By feeling emotions. By talking to others. By going to rock shows! Also, make sure some of those small goals help with your bigger ones.

Another thing you should do is talk to someone in person and be unabashedly honest. Let it all out and seek feedback.

4 Blink references just for you.
Take it one step at a time brotha, life is truly a roller coaster. These tough times will eventually pass. And don't forget to pray every night, even if it seems like there's no hope left. Prayers are strong my friend. Remember that everything happens for a reason, and at the end of all of this, you're going to be a much stronger and wiser person. Don't lose faith and stay strong, i'll be praying for you tonight. 
And if you feel like you have to, rub one out man NOHOMO, forget No Lotion Motion May. Keep your head up son
I read through this thread teary-eyed as I am in a similar boat as you.

Thank you blink for making this thread because it gives me strength to keep going and push through these hard times.

Financial issues, where I'm at in life issues, pride issues, weight issues, etc. They're not forever, and I realize this now.

I truly appreciate this thread and every single person that has given quality advice in here. We're a brotherhood and I'm grateful to be apart of it. If you need to talk bruh, I'm here.

This goes for anybody...PMs are an open door.
I think switching schools was a good move. Just keep goin man, and just remember this world is a big place with infinite possibilities. Just think outside the box
I'm glad this thread has helped others as well. It's reminded me that I'm not the only person with troubles. But like many have said, NT's here to show us that there are others out there who are willing to lend a shoulder to cry on as well as a helping hand. All the advice given in here as given me hope that things will turn around. I hope that everyone going through rough times will find the strength to keep their heads up
You arent the only one man .... and I'm glad that you made this thread, and reached out to NT, because there is always love bhind the jokes on here ... I think somebody on the first page said it best, "GOD doesnt give you anything that you can not handle".  Those are real words.  Embrace this period bro, you will come out ten times stronger, and more appreciative of life itself. 
As I have gotten older I have definitely learned to keep a well balanced equilibrium.  Do not get to low on the lows or too high on the highs as things tend to shift and move in cycles.  At such a young age if you limit yourself and stay down, you never know what the next new day could bring.  You could meet an amazing person by just being out and about or stumble across an awesome job opportunity.  The potential of a new day beats the pain of the past/present day. 
This is definitely not going to help your school situation, but go shoot some Zombies instead... Eff b's, kill zombees
in the end, everything will be okay. keep your head up, God put you in these situations for a reason, and this is your time to pull yourself out of the desert. i dont know if you believe in God, but trust me He will bring you out of your deserts. ill pray for you, and dont be ashamed to reach out to your friends/family/brothers/anyone even me - that's what community is for. they will be delighted that you reached out to them. it can be scary to be vulnerable especially since you distanced yourself from them for a while, but that's what your homies and family are there for. if you wanna talk, PM me. it can be about anything. peace.
One day you'll look back on all the @+#$ you're going through and be thankful it made and didn't break you.

Life is no joke for most of us. Just keep your head up and focus on something positive that you know you can accomplish. Then take it one step at a time and don't be too hard on yourself. Don't expect things to change over night and when another bump in the road comes, don't view it as the end.

You'll get through it.
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