Basically this sums up my man in a nutshell. Vol. 0bama'12

Some people refuse to realize that he only wants to help us. He sticks his hand out and it gets smacked back at him, and then blame him in the end.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

He will get reelected.. And go down as a decent president, but one who squandered his opportunity to be a great president through nonsensical economic adviser choices and an absurd pursuit of bipartisanship with a party that does not believe in the idea..
He will get reelected.. And go down as a decent president, but one who squandered his opportunity to be a great president through nonsensical economic adviser choices and an absurd pursuit of bipartisanship with a party that does not believe in the idea..
Originally Posted by ploisback

He's dropped unemployment since he's been in office. Not to the level it needs to be but its getting there. Example we were losing about 750k jobs a month at the end of Dubya's term. We are only gaining about 100k a month average *this month it was only 50* and we still need 350k a month for natural growth

Taxes are the lowest they have been since the great depression yet the top %1 still complains and wants more. Wealth has significantly shifted in their favor in the last 50 years., the middle class and lower class have been squeezed more than ever. They pay more payroll and state taxes percentage wise than their upper class counterparts, and we all have experienced the money it can cost to be broke. Predatory lending, etc.

On top of that Obama has got the world back on our side. Bush flipped the bird to everyone and you can't be an effective leader and do that. You have to build bridges not burn them. Two wars we didn't need to fight and trillions wasted over there in bribes and monies given to military contractors. It's not like Obama can just pull the plug on Iraq and Afghan...

He tries to help the right side in Libya and he's condemned.

Passes health care reform (albeit crippled by GOP) which no president has done, then when this budget crisis comes along GOP proposed some of the same things they lobbied against when Obama proposed them. On top of that a single payer system would assure lower costs to everyone yet that didn't pass because the insurance lobby is a mofo.

You have to understand, Bush screwed things up for 8 years. It takes at least half that long to get back to where we should be.
Let's be fair, his unemployment rate was greatly helped by temporary government jobs, and the world is certainly not back on our side. If anything they see us as more of a pushover than ever before. Flip flopping on policy depending on world perception. The healthcare reform is a huge cluster **!! not Obama's fault at all, but the budget crisis did not come up after HE pushed it through congress. I do agree healthcare needs reform but, in my opinion he hastily pushed healthcare without having full policy in place. I like what Obama is about but he could have been much more thorough in his approach. We need a private and public sector in healthcare IMO. 
Originally Posted by ploisback

He's dropped unemployment since he's been in office. Not to the level it needs to be but its getting there. Example we were losing about 750k jobs a month at the end of Dubya's term. We are only gaining about 100k a month average *this month it was only 50* and we still need 350k a month for natural growth

Taxes are the lowest they have been since the great depression yet the top %1 still complains and wants more. Wealth has significantly shifted in their favor in the last 50 years., the middle class and lower class have been squeezed more than ever. They pay more payroll and state taxes percentage wise than their upper class counterparts, and we all have experienced the money it can cost to be broke. Predatory lending, etc.

On top of that Obama has got the world back on our side. Bush flipped the bird to everyone and you can't be an effective leader and do that. You have to build bridges not burn them. Two wars we didn't need to fight and trillions wasted over there in bribes and monies given to military contractors. It's not like Obama can just pull the plug on Iraq and Afghan...

He tries to help the right side in Libya and he's condemned.

Passes health care reform (albeit crippled by GOP) which no president has done, then when this budget crisis comes along GOP proposed some of the same things they lobbied against when Obama proposed them. On top of that a single payer system would assure lower costs to everyone yet that didn't pass because the insurance lobby is a mofo.

You have to understand, Bush screwed things up for 8 years. It takes at least half that long to get back to where we should be.
Let's be fair, his unemployment rate was greatly helped by temporary government jobs, and the world is certainly not back on our side. If anything they see us as more of a pushover than ever before. Flip flopping on policy depending on world perception. The healthcare reform is a huge cluster **!! not Obama's fault at all, but the budget crisis did not come up after HE pushed it through congress. I do agree healthcare needs reform but, in my opinion he hastily pushed healthcare without having full policy in place. I like what Obama is about but he could have been much more thorough in his approach. We need a private and public sector in healthcare IMO. 
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Your man? You think he gives a damn about you or anybody in your tax bracket?[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]And good riddance.[/color]
this smh
No politician does, so we just shouldn't vote? 
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Your man? You think he gives a damn about you or anybody in your tax bracket?[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]And good riddance.[/color]
this smh
No politician does, so we just shouldn't vote? 
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