Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

in a bit of a need for a good chopper gunner for PC

if you are interested and know you can handle the position, add me: x_yn0t
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

DICE, how about PC? 

Still no mention about PC VOIP, despite the its status as the "top platform". 
Doesnt everyone on PC just use Skype?
TeamSpeak, actually. Haven't tried it personally, though. But built-in VOIP should be mandatory, since we already have it on console. I really don't know why they took a step back with this. This makes playing with randoms suck.

Damn i'm quite suprised that my W/L is 0.97. BTW has anyone problems with battlelog? I doesn't show my famas kills?
Same here. I think they're holding back the stats until Karkand is released for everybody.

GOTONE wrote:
in a bit of a need for a good chopper gunner for PC

if you are interested and know you can handle the position, add me: x_yn0t

If you mean for the gunships (AH-1Z and the like), I'm down with that. I'm not that good at being a chopper gunner for the UH-1Y or KA-60. But then again... I live on the other side of the world, so time zones are an issue. Oh well.
no fan boy opinions please.. but is this game funner than mw3? ive been a big cod fan since cod4 but mw3 feels like such a let down. what makes this game better?
Originally Posted by Grimey

no fan boy opinions please.. but is this game funner than mw3? ive been a big cod fan since cod4 but mw3 feels like such a let down. what makes this game better?

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]better weapons, better graphics, better sound, bigger maps, rush mode, cooler attachments, vehicles you can drive, destructive environments, squads, classes actually being able to do certain things, TACT LIGHTS![/color]
Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

Just had a game where 6 guys just waited for a chopper. Like really. No wonder we lost.


i don't get that, if you're lucky to get it good. don't wait 10 fracking minutes to get in the chopper!
i hate it when they do this!
Originally Posted by Grimey

no fan boy opinions please.. but is this game funner than mw3? ive been a big cod fan since cod4 but mw3 feels like such a let down. what makes this game better?

There's Team deathmatch like MW3.

Then there's conquest & rush where you take over bases and fight in huge maps. Lots of teamwork is involved. If you have crap team it can be frustrating.

Better graphics engine than MW3.

There's vehicles like jets, boats, helicopters, tanks.

Desructible buildings and walls.

Man when I first got this game all I did was play Rush and I became decent. After that I switched to TDM and got good at that usually top 3 in the team alot of times. Now I switched back to Rush/Conquest I ##*@+%* suck lmao. What's even worse is when you team don't know what their doing smh.
Back to Karkand just released on PC. Wow. Having a lot of trouble hopping onto a server since there are LOOOOOONG queues. Everyone's playing. Wake Island is
so far.
Here's a screenshot I took earlier. Used Fraps... but the color seems a bit off. Definitely looks better than that. Settings are on Ultra, btw.


Here's the uncompressed version:
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by sladewilson

you dont use FFAA injector ?

I use the FXAA injector I saw on the EA UK BF3 Forums. I think it's the only one out. 
theres 3 dif ones, the FXAA is sharper an more FPS

to bad they didnt make this map

^ I see. It makes the game a little easier on the eyes so far.
The amount of Flags to capture on PC conquest 
So I took a bad photo... it was practically against the sun so the colors were washed out.

Here's a better one, with my back turned to the sun, so you get to have an idea how it looks like with the FXAA Injector added. Note the bad FPS (my GPU (GTX 560 Ti) can barely handle Ultra, but it's playable (until something explodes beside you.
). Trying to overclock my system bit-by-bit for now (CPU @ 4.0 GHz/ GPU @ 882MHz).

Ninjahood-sized photo below.
Spoiler [+]

Also, this video is just

I didn't see anything about nerfing on the list of the updates on the Battlefield blog, so maybe the patches for other platforms are indeed platform specific. If anything, they've increased the utility of jets and helis by increasing their power against infantry and slightly reducing the effectiveness of anti-air. Also, less damage from Stinger missiles
I'm currently downloading the update, so this is all based on the info DICE has provided here:'

Balance Changes
Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns, AA guns, and Jet Cannons against infantry
Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns against jeeps
Reduced the physics impact of AA guns and Jet Cannons, players under attack from these weapons should no longer lose control
Increased the damage of the 44 Magnum slightly
Increased the range and minimum damage of the .357 Round from the MP412 Rex
Increased the range of all .45cal and 9mm weapons
Slightly increased the range of the P90 and MP7 and PDW-R
Slightly increased the range of the 5.56mm PDW-R and decreased the minimum damage at long range
Slightly increased the minimum range of the Mk11, SVD, and M39 EMR 7.62mm rifles
Decreased the maximum damage and maximum range of the G3 and SCAR-H 7.62mm weapons
Reduced the damage from FIM-92 and SA-18 IGLA missiles against aircraft
Increased the damage and range of the 40mm BUCK rounds
Reduced the damage .50cal weapons do against Helicopters
Updated T90 canister shell tweaks to match Abrams canister shells

edit: Sweet baby Jesus, that F-35 handles like it's stuck in mud
. Went 12-2 first time using it. If you're against a somewhat competent pilot that knows how to outmaneuver you (which, if you're in an F-35 and he's in a Flanker, is child's play) you're done. It just won't turn 
 It is fun to use it though.
So my Xbox tray is stuck with mw3 :-( paper clip trick isn't working either and I can't buy a new Xbox till after Xmas unless I get one for Xmas :smile: this sucks
@ That was a dope video


I saw the Update of 2gbs and was like Holy Moly 


Im glad everything is still running smoothly on the 360 with this huge update...

Alot of dope stuff added

Unlocked the Famas... As i said before.. its 
Originally Posted by Lpheat22

So my Xbox tray is stuck with mw3 :-( paper clip trick isn't working either and I can't buy a new Xbox till after Xmas unless I get one for Xmas :smile: this sucks

the rubber band in your drive is loose. the best option is opening the drive cleaning the rubber band and the cogs around it with rubbing alcohol
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Lpheat22

So my Xbox tray is stuck with mw3 :-( paper clip trick isn't working either and I can't buy a new Xbox till after Xmas unless I get one for Xmas :smile: this sucks

the rubber band in your drive is loose. the best option is opening the drive cleaning the rubber band and the cogs around it with rubbing alcohol

Possible YouTube video?
Originally Posted by Grimey

no fan boy opinions please.. but is this game funner than mw3? ive been a big cod fan since cod4 but mw3 feels like such a let down. what makes this game better?

you dont die with 3 seconds of spawning 

im not big on these games, i bought both, MW3 campaign > battlefield. Online though, i prefer bf3. Theres strategies to the games. not just killing people like arcade games.

Everyone in the squad can be assigned different jobs and if done correctly, games like squad rush can be so fun 
Originally Posted by Lpheat22

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Lpheat22

So my Xbox tray is stuck with mw3 :-( paper clip trick isn't working either and I can't buy a new Xbox till after Xmas unless I get one for Xmas :smile: this sucks

the rubber band in your drive is loose. the best option is opening the drive cleaning the rubber band and the cogs around it with rubbing alcohol

Possible YouTube video?

Try these.

After accidentally dodging a missile, I've unlocked the secret to actually dodging them (finally). Took a bit of trial and error in a previous match but I finally got the hang of it. I dodged 7 missiles in around 45 seconds (they were separated by a few seconds each), it's like the whole other team was targeting me (if only I got this on video, i nearly %!$* my pants lol). I didn't pop flares once that match; overall I dodged maybe 20 missiles, not a single hit. I've not tried this yet on Air to air missiles:

To illustrate, it's basically an upside down Immelmann turn (word to Starfox) See here:

Instead of going straight (in the first part of the maneuver), try and gain some altitude by slightly pointing your jet up ( so you don't hit the ground when you come back around). You don't need to do a barrel roll when you come out of the turn (unless you wanna be fancy).

Slightly more detailed explanation:

Spoiler [+]
Gauge the general direction of who is locking on to you. If you think you are heading toward the person locking on to you, then turn around immediately and head the other way. Your objective is to make as much space b/w you and the main battlefield as you can (by heading away from the battlefield). Try and gain altitude as well because you need a lot of ground clearance for this to work. Wait for the frantic beeping that tells you that a missile is tailing you. Flip your jet upside down, count to 3, and make a loop while braking. 3/4 of the way through the loop (just slightly after you aren't perpendicular to the ground), hit the throttle. You should hear the missile go right past your plane. Keep in mind, this isn't a loop-the-loop, it's a very sharp turn, all you're doing is making a loop so you can head the other way. Basically what you're doing is making the missile trail you just enough, and then putting distance b/w you and the missile as quickly as possible. Exaggerate the portion of the turn when your just starting to go perpendicular and when you are perpendicular to the ground to maximize the distance b/w you and the missile. To estimate, the missile should be around 1/2 way to you when you start the turn. 
I made a little doodle in paint. It gets the point across 
 Red is where you start braking (continue until the green), green is where you hit the throttle. 

^ Can't believe someone posted about ACM on NT.
Good stuff, sir.

Will try that upside-down Immelman Turn later. This seems more useful on open maps like the Gulf of Oman. Personally, on maps like Kharg Island, I just fly NOE / as low as I can and just duck behind mountains to evade a lock-on.

I wish the flight ceiling was raised a bit more than it currently is. 700m isn't much, and that fake $&@£ stall crap DICE put can be annoying at times.
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