Bill Maher calls himself a House N during an interview.....

Notice I said a concert and a specific example. In that DMX song it's damn near impossible to expect the crowd NOT to say it. In that situation, I get it.

If I'm riding in the car with somebody white and they saying N with a song they getting checked.

so one white guy hyped off DMX is unacceptable, but a ocean of em is fine? :lol:

Like I said **** is simple.

If I'm at concert and b**** is the chorus of a song I'm saying it. If I'm riding with a female I'm not saying it.
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Like I said **** is simple.

If I'm at concert and b**** is the chorus of a song I'm saying it. If I'm riding with a female I'm not saying it.
So because you are saying it with the song the word no longer can be offensive? Or you don't care if it's offensive or not?
You riding 4 deep with ya white friends to a concert turning up in the car, they censoring themselves from dropping the n-word in the car. You get to the show and it's cool now? I see why they stay confused about it, so many passes and what-ifs. :lol: :smh:

Cube going to be on Maher to "discuss" this with him, wonder which cube is gong to show up. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
You riding 4 deep with ya white friends to a concert turning up in the car, they censoring themselves from dropping the n-word in the car. You get to the show and it's cool now? I see why they stay confused about it, so many passes and what-ifs. :lol: :smh:

Cube going to be on Maher to "discuss" this with him, wonder which cube is gong to show up. [emoji]129300[/emoji]

You riding with a bunch of white folks was the first mistake. :lol:

It really ain't confusing at all. People just make it confusing.
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You riding 4 deep with ya white friends to a concert turning up in the car, they censoring themselves from dropping the n-word in the car. You get to the show and it's cool now?
This is a good example. In talks of at a concert, at what point does the n-word lose it's horrible past? Venue parking lot? At your seats? Getting snacks or merch?
Leaving the concert everybody is still pumped from the show, you see a group of white guys re-enacting DMX's performance word for word, they good or because the show is over it's back to normal?
Leaving the concert everybody is still pumped from the show, you see a group of white guys re-enacting DMX's performance word for word, they good or because the show is over it's back to normal?
this is the dilemma with us and white folks.. You wanna know how i dont get worked up about people outside of blacks using the word?... I just dont care.
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Like I said **** is simple.

If I'm at concert and b**** is the chorus of a song I'm saying it. If I'm riding with a female I'm not saying it.
I actually didn't read  this part of this post. So is this because of fear of how she would react?
Not caring actually saves me the headache
I've heard it enough in my life, although not an astronomical amount, that it just doesn't have any significance to me. You can say what you want about me and mine but your best option is to keep it verbal. Attempt to make it kinda physical and that's when the real problem starts
I've heard it enough in my life, although not an astronomical amount, that it just doesn't have any significance to me. You can say what you want about me and mine but your best option is to keep it verbal. Attempt to make it kinda physical and that's when the real problem starts
Facts bro
Leaving the concert everybody is still pumped from the show, you see a group of white guys re-enacting DMX's performance word for word, they good or because the show is over it's back to normal?

interesting. in the scenario you described, Me personally... i wouldnt say they are good but I also wouldnt feel a need to approach dudes and shut it down, if Im still pumped myself and trying to end my night on a positive note. yelling across the parking lot "Ayy bros show is over, put the N word away!!" not my style lol

Id much rather have the memory of how much i enjoyed the show than a memory of having a confrontation behind overhearing the N word after a DMX show.

now if a random white dude ran up on me in a friendly manner after the show and got his reenactment on... im shutting that down cuz he should know better

what are you doing if you are in the crowd at the DMX show?

what are you doing if you overhear a group of dudes calling a random female all types of B's and H's?
this is the dilemma with us and white folks.. You wanna know how i dont get worked up about people outside of blacks using the word?... I just dont care.

Stay that way!
This is your time on earth and last time I checked you aren't
racially obligated to be on N word patrol because you're black.
interesting. in the scenario you described, Me personally... i wouldnt say they are good but I also wouldnt feel a need to approach dudes and shut it down, if Im still pumped myself and trying to end my night on a positive note. yelling across the parking lot "Ayy bros show is over, put the N word away!!" not my style lol

Id much rather have the memory of how much i enjoyed the show than a memory of having a confrontation behind overhearing the N word after a DMX show.

now if a random white dude ran up on me in a friendly manner after the show and got his reenactment on... im shutting that down cuz he should know better

what are you doing if you are in the crowd at the DMX show?

what are you doing if you overhear a group of dudes calling a random female all types of B's and H's?
So basically you'd only take offense if it said in your direction but not in general?

I wouldn't care in either situation. I was in Austin on 6th street bar hoppin' with my homeboy and while standing in line waitin' to get into a bar 3 middle eastern guys were talkin' jokin' along and one of em said "Blah blah blah n-word". I just turned around and looked at em. They looked up at me then looked at each others feet and stood quietly. I didn't say anything, didn't get mad, just stared at em for a bit then turned around.

They knew they were wrong because if not they wouldn't have stopped talking and looked all guilty.

Which is one of the reasons I don't understand this logic of specified "passes" based on situations regarding a slur. You know damn well this word pisses some people off but you use it because "I'm singing a song".
A concert is the only time I can understand white people saying it. I still get goosebumps watching the this DMX performance.

But the **** is simple. If I'm at concert and a rapper says b**** in the song Ima say it but that don't mean I'm gonna go up to a female like "Wassup b****". Some white people play dumb and act like they don't know the difference. Cuz it's in a song that means they can just throw it around. Nah.

Imagine all these white ppl catching the fade for saying the n word :lol:

I love DMX's music but I would not feel comfortable in that setting.

He must've been on that water to zone out and ignore/overlook all those white ppl
It does make me cringe when a White person says it, but I still think they and whoever else should be free to say it. Just be prepared for the potential consequences.
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Ice Cube gonna be on Maher's show on Friday.

I'm disappointed in the BS Killer Mike said. I'm a huge fan and he's smart so that's some BS.
So did she say anything when he did?

Ice Cube gonna be on Maher's show on Friday.

I'm disappointed in the BS Killer Mike said. I'm a huge fan and he's smart so that's some BS.

and I'm disappointed in Ice Cube period

The past 25 years since Death Certificate :smh: It will be interesting what he says.

and Killer Mike was just on Real Time a couple of weeks ago, so I wasn't shocked. He keeps saying the we need to worry about other stuff as an excuse, to take away the blame from rap music.

I'm still wondering how hip hop has brought us together? Relations are so much better over the past 30 years? Inviting others to disrespect us.

Like I said previously, that dude you're allowing to call you the N word, is he marching for Tamir and Alton, against Trump or when it's an issue concerning us. The ones you actually see marching with us, are the ones who wouldn't defend it and say it.
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