Black Berry Messenger....Have you friends been afflicted?? Vol. Get off the damn phone!!!

Originally Posted by Big J 33

People who always claim, well Android and Apple can do x,y,z, better than BB, therefore it's an outdated device and you're an idiot for using it
No BB owner should deny the impressive features of Android and Apple high end phones, but MAYBE we don't need/want some of the extra bells and whistles. I don't need HDMI out, I don't need video chat, I don't need or have a desire for a few extra features. Maybe people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim, and there are apps for most things I have a need for (banking, movie tickets, restaurants, etc.)

Bunch of elitists with their nose in the air who love to try to mock another person's purchases just because it's not top of the line or doing all the great things their phone can. IT'S A DAMN PHONE... and this isn't high school anymore where you get cool points or you're popular if you have the latest and greatest... nobody cares.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

People who always claim, well Android and Apple can do x,y,z, better than BB, therefore it's an outdated device and you're an idiot for using it
No BB owner should deny the impressive features of Android and Apple high end phones, but MAYBE we don't need/want some of the extra bells and whistles. I don't need HDMI out, I don't need video chat, I don't need or have a desire for a few extra features. Maybe people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim, and there are apps for most things I have a need for (banking, movie tickets, restaurants, etc.)

Bunch of elitists with their nose in the air who love to try to mock another person's purchases just because it's not top of the line or doing all the great things their phone can. IT'S A DAMN PHONE... and this isn't high school anymore where you get cool points or you're popular if you have the latest and greatest... nobody cares.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

People who always claim, well Android and Apple can do x,y,z, better than BB, therefore it's an outdated device and you're an idiot for using it
No BB owner should deny the impressive features of Android and Apple high end phones, but MAYBE we don't need/want some of the extra bells and whistles. I don't need HDMI out, I don't need video chat, I don't need or have a desire for a few extra features. Maybe people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim, and there are apps for most things I have a need for (banking, movie tickets, restaurants, etc.)

Bunch of elitists with their nose in the air who love to try to mock another person's purchases just because it's not top of the line or doing all the great things their phone can. IT'S A DAMN PHONE... and this isn't high school anymore where you get cool points or you're popular if you have the latest and greatest... nobody cares.
Pretty freaking much. Cosign everything.

Point, set, match

And I'm a beast on that BB Keyboard. Nothing is touching that when it comes to texting.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

People who always claim, well Android and Apple can do x,y,z, better than BB, therefore it's an outdated device and you're an idiot for using it
No BB owner should deny the impressive features of Android and Apple high end phones, but MAYBE we don't need/want some of the extra bells and whistles. I don't need HDMI out, I don't need video chat, I don't need or have a desire for a few extra features. Maybe people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim, and there are apps for most things I have a need for (banking, movie tickets, restaurants, etc.)

Bunch of elitists with their nose in the air who love to try to mock another person's purchases just because it's not top of the line or doing all the great things their phone can. IT'S A DAMN PHONE... and this isn't high school anymore where you get cool points or you're popular if you have the latest and greatest... nobody cares.
Pretty freaking much. Cosign everything.

Point, set, match

And I'm a beast on that BB Keyboard. Nothing is touching that when it comes to texting.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim

Are you serious with that?  You just took everything that I said I can do with my phone, and simply said "BB's can't do it as well as Android or apple"  THATS your argument?  How exactly do you know this?  How exactly is the texting on an iPhone better than my 9700?  Or twitter? or weather? Or phone calls?

Yes, I'm well aware and admit that web browsing on BB's are subpar, especially with the native browser... but guess what?  Just like you can download apps and new programs, so can I on my Blackberry.  Opera Mini serves my needs perfectly, or for some there's Bolt, or Uzard, etc. And they're coming out with a new browser soon.  And yeah, youtube isn't as good on BB's, but I can still watch them in good quality without any trouble, so who cares if someone can do it slightly better.  Facebook chat and AIM?  I use Trillian and it works flawlessly and without any delay or lag.  What exactly is so great about Android or Apple's weather?  That you can have widgets?  Yeah that's cool, but it's the same weather as any number of BB's weather applications, I get the same info you do.

You don't seem to read well, as I said.. no one denies the impressive features and capabilities of Apple or Android, but BB's do their functions very well and for those who use them, it's great.  It doesn't matter if someone can do it slightly better, WE buy our product and YOU can buy yours.  You're always trying to put down other people's purchases with their money like they're doing something wrong... it's just a phone.

Do you get some bizarre satisfaction by blindly following a brand or company,?  This thread wasn't even about Apple vs. BB vs. Android, it was about a BLACKBERRY APPLICATION SPECIFICALLY, yet you come in here predicting the end of RIM like some crazed stan like anyone cares in this thread. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim

Are you serious with that?  You just took everything that I said I can do with my phone, and simply said "BB's can't do it as well as Android or apple"  THATS your argument?  How exactly do you know this?  How exactly is the texting on an iPhone better than my 9700?  Or twitter? or weather? Or phone calls?

Yes, I'm well aware and admit that web browsing on BB's are subpar, especially with the native browser... but guess what?  Just like you can download apps and new programs, so can I on my Blackberry.  Opera Mini serves my needs perfectly, or for some there's Bolt, or Uzard, etc. And they're coming out with a new browser soon.  And yeah, youtube isn't as good on BB's, but I can still watch them in good quality without any trouble, so who cares if someone can do it slightly better.  Facebook chat and AIM?  I use Trillian and it works flawlessly and without any delay or lag.  What exactly is so great about Android or Apple's weather?  That you can have widgets?  Yeah that's cool, but it's the same weather as any number of BB's weather applications, I get the same info you do.

You don't seem to read well, as I said.. no one denies the impressive features and capabilities of Apple or Android, but BB's do their functions very well and for those who use them, it's great.  It doesn't matter if someone can do it slightly better, WE buy our product and YOU can buy yours.  You're always trying to put down other people's purchases with their money like they're doing something wrong... it's just a phone.

Do you get some bizarre satisfaction by blindly following a brand or company,?  This thread wasn't even about Apple vs. BB vs. Android, it was about a BLACKBERRY APPLICATION SPECIFICALLY, yet you come in here predicting the end of RIM like some crazed stan like anyone cares in this thread. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Blackberries will never die.


they are and they will....

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim

You posted a graph of future smart phone buyers. If you posted that same chart about 7-8 years ago it would probably look exactly the same. During both periods, blackberries were still prevelant in the corporate world. A company isn't going to switch an account with 2000 lines on it to an iphone or android device, because it will lose conrol of its users email services(among other things). Now yeah blackberry got hot for a second for the average consumer, but the average consumer isn't RIM's target market. They are doing just fine in the lane they are in. So for those reasons I stand by what I said earlier, blackberries will never die.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Blackberries will never die.


they are and they will....

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim

You posted a graph of future smart phone buyers. If you posted that same chart about 7-8 years ago it would probably look exactly the same. During both periods, blackberries were still prevelant in the corporate world. A company isn't going to switch an account with 2000 lines on it to an iphone or android device, because it will lose conrol of its users email services(among other things). Now yeah blackberry got hot for a second for the average consumer, but the average consumer isn't RIM's target market. They are doing just fine in the lane they are in. So for those reasons I stand by what I said earlier, blackberries will never die.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Blackberries will never die.


they are and they will....

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim
Man you still are not getting it. If you want a simple phone that makes phone calls, receives email's instant, send receive messages you can't beat a Blackberry.

Sidekicks are better if simple is da case u makin for blackberry..better keyboard, better browser, better aim.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Blackberries will never die.


they are and they will....

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim
Man you still are not getting it. If you want a simple phone that makes phone calls, receives email's instant, send receive messages you can't beat a Blackberry.

Sidekicks are better if simple is da case u makin for blackberry..better keyboard, better browser, better aim.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Blackberries will never die.


they are and they will....

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim

Blackberries were never meant for casual consumption though. That graph is useless. RIM got some mainstream appeal and ran with it.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Blackberries will never die.


they are and they will....

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim
Man you still are not getting it. If you want a simple phone that makes phone calls, receives email's instant, send receive messages you can't beat a Blackberry.

Sidekicks are better if simple is da case u makin for blackberry..better keyboard, better browser, better aim.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Blackberries will never die.


they are and they will....

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim
Man you still are not getting it. If you want a simple phone that makes phone calls, receives email's instant, send receive messages you can't beat a Blackberry.

Sidekicks are better if simple is da case u makin for blackberry..better keyboard, better browser, better aim.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Blackberries will never die.


they are and they will....

blackberry phones do none of this better then a android or apple phone..especially youtube and web browsing..and let's not even get into maps...its like comparing a NES to a Ps2
people just want a reliable phone with a physical keyboard that can make calls, text, email, internet, twitter, maps, weather, I can watch youtube videos, facebook chat, aim

Blackberries were never meant for casual consumption though. That graph is useless. RIM got some mainstream appeal and ran with it.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Sidekicks are better if simple is da case u makin for blackberry..better keyboard, better browser, better aim.
[h4]T-Mobile kills off current Sidekicks, Kin says 'welcome to the club'[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted Jul 1st 2010 3:49PM

Breaking News

It's truly remarkable to see almost every trace of a successful, well-established Valley start-up's work wiped out in the span of 24 hours, but here we are: T-Mobile's discontinuing the Sidekick line as of tomorrow, July 2, which effectively means that the Sidekick LX 2009 will no longer be available. As a refresher, the latest Sidekick LX was the last product holistically engineered by Danger as it got shoehorned into Microsoft -- square peg in a round hole, as it were -- before repurposing the team to work on the just-killed Kin line. In a way, it's a miracle that the LX ever went back on sale following the nightmarish data issues they'd gone through last year, so we suppose it's a silver lining that they made it this far -- but still, it's sad to see Danger's years of design effectively vaporized without a trace like this. For what it's worth, T-Mobile says that it's working "on the next chapter of [its] storied Sidekick franchise" and to "stay tuned" for a "fresh" experience, but since T-Mobile owns the Sidekick brand (not Danger / Microsoft), we've got every reason to believe these new products will be based on Android considering the carrier's huge investment in its myTouch line. Adios, Sidekick -- we'll do one last screen flip in your honor.

Phone Scoop



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Please shut up.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Sidekicks are better if simple is da case u makin for blackberry..better keyboard, better browser, better aim.
[h4]T-Mobile kills off current Sidekicks, Kin says 'welcome to the club'[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted Jul 1st 2010 3:49PM

Breaking News

It's truly remarkable to see almost every trace of a successful, well-established Valley start-up's work wiped out in the span of 24 hours, but here we are: T-Mobile's discontinuing the Sidekick line as of tomorrow, July 2, which effectively means that the Sidekick LX 2009 will no longer be available. As a refresher, the latest Sidekick LX was the last product holistically engineered by Danger as it got shoehorned into Microsoft -- square peg in a round hole, as it were -- before repurposing the team to work on the just-killed Kin line. In a way, it's a miracle that the LX ever went back on sale following the nightmarish data issues they'd gone through last year, so we suppose it's a silver lining that they made it this far -- but still, it's sad to see Danger's years of design effectively vaporized without a trace like this. For what it's worth, T-Mobile says that it's working "on the next chapter of [its] storied Sidekick franchise" and to "stay tuned" for a "fresh" experience, but since T-Mobile owns the Sidekick brand (not Danger / Microsoft), we've got every reason to believe these new products will be based on Android considering the carrier's huge investment in its myTouch line. Adios, Sidekick -- we'll do one last screen flip in your honor.

Phone Scoop



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Please shut up.
Ninjahood is so delusional. Its like we understand how great and better the iPhones & Android phones, and even ur highly esteemed Sidekick are than a BB, but some people just prefer how the BB format works.

Dude wants everyone to follow his suit, if that was the case than everyone would be walkin around wit the same thing, that's why we have choices.

I had a BB since 06, got the first Android (G1) on release and regretted everyday of it til the 9700
Dropped. Its easier for me to have someone BBM me there email, then send that person an email attaching a document, adding that persons email to their contacts in my addy book, then confirming if they got it in under 2 mins, then it would take me on another platform.

Cliffs: Android & iPhone do a lot of +@!@ better, some just like the way BB's operate.

Stop tryna make everything a debate.
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