Black Culture Discussion Thread

I'm taking a race and gender in media class and we had a lecture on Bruce Lee and martial arts and its impact on black culture.

I thought that was really interesting. Wanted to know if it applied to anyone here
I'm taking a race and gender in media class and we had a lecture on Bruce Lee and martial arts and its impact on black culture.

I thought that was really interesting. Wanted to know if it applied to anyone here
How so? I don't remember exactly how he impacted through media in anything direct, I jst remember him making martial arts cool and being the personification of a badass. The respect for him was shared with the martial arts culture, you'd see the influence in some clothes, music/entertainment fads. Not sure if it was solely him but he's definitely the biggest name to hit home in most black communities, stil have his Jeet Kune Do book my brother use to try to get me to read lol

He speaks about this a lot, having "F U" money. Can't wait for the day when I can say I got my "F U" money so I can move differently
13th has been getting alot of praise lately and I'm gonna watch it this week to see what all the hype is about. I've been studying subjects close to this for awhile now and I'm curious to see if the film mentions people like Stokely Carmichael(Kwame Ture), COINTELPRO, or sheds light on the growing imprisonment of black women. I'll share my thoughts here once I watch it.
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Colin Kaepernick hosted a "Know Your Rights Camp" for more than 100 kids
So I follow all these pages on IG that's pretty much for the uplifting and betterment of black people, and a lot of them are just going all out against black folk who are voting saying things like "You're ancestors died for you to have the RIGHT to vote, but you don't have to and that you're a fool if you participate in the system that oppresses you and all that". How do you guys, as black people, feel about voting?
So I follow all these pages on IG that's pretty much for the uplifting and betterment of black people, and a lot of them are just going all out against black folk who are voting saying things like "You're ancestors died for you to have the RIGHT to vote, but you don't have to and that you're a fool if you participate in the system that oppresses you and all that". How do you guys, as black people, feel about voting?

If you refuse to choose when a choice has to be made, don't complain about the way things are after choices are made for you.

White supremacy would love nothing more than seeing all minorities self eliminate from the political process because it would make governing for their benefit (and likely at the expense of non-WASPs) much, much easier. Why do you think the Right cheered when the expiration of the voting rights act was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2013? Just take a look at what Ann Coulter said today about who should vote.
So I follow all these pages on IG that's pretty much for the uplifting and betterment of black people, and a lot of them are just going all out against black folk who are voting saying things like "You're ancestors died for you to have the RIGHT to vote, but you don't have to and that you're a fool if you participate in the system that oppresses you and all that". How do you guys, as black people, feel about voting?
They've got no business giving anyone a moral obligation
They've got no business giving anyone a moral obligation
You could at least still vote to shake up the status quo. Go third rail or fourth rail. You don't have to go with the 2 candidates the media feeds you. That goes the same for local races. Even if it is just 2 candidates you go with the non-incumbent/ new comer instead of us spinning our wheels doing the same ol' same ol'. Just by shaking things up could later lead to changes, and a need for the polititians to deliver concrete results to us, if we were to ever even sort of even move this way as a collective. Do something different than what hasn't been working the past centuries.
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So I follow all these pages on IG that's pretty much for the uplifting and betterment of black people, and a lot of them are just going all out against black folk who are voting saying things like "You're ancestors died for you to have the RIGHT to vote, but you don't have to and that you're a fool if you participate in the system that oppresses you and all that". How do you guys, as black people, feel about voting?
They've got no business giving anyone a moral obligation

All those people are going to regret not voting when that idiot gets in office.

People act like choosing presidential candidates is the only thing on the ballot.

You can leave that part of the ballot blank if you wanted and vote on the rest of things that will most likely have a bigger effect on your community.
any books similar to Malcolm X Autobio

the best book i ever read, i'll like to see another book give me that kind of insight on black culture 
You should read Malcolm X speaks. It contains all of his speeches including the last eight months of his life.
any books similar to Malcolm X Autobio

the best book i ever read, i'll like to see another book give me that kind of insight on black culture 
I consider these essential:

I haven't had a chance to read this yet but I've heard good things:

This is a film which might be for free on the internet but its essential as well:

Not really an autobiography but I can't emphasize this book enough:
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