Black Culture Discussion Thread

finally watch The Birth of A Nation, and I dont understand why it got such a low rating....pretty well rounded movie if you ask me. Its a shame Nate Parker is getting "blackmail" in the industry, cuz that brother got a lot of talent.

Yea, if you asked me Nate Parker depiction was relatively tame in showing the actual rebellion. The more violent parts of the movie were actually against black people. But it was still a decent movie that deserved to be supported. It's almost like the black community needed the "mainstream" stamp of approval to watch this movie.

It just goes to show that black people are still not ready for any type of revolution. The first revolution takes place in the mind and the minds of many black folks are gone. They let the fake black feminist and the mainstream media deter them from watching. I've even had people in my family say they weren't going to see the movie becasue they didn't support rapist??!! :smh:

He was cleared of all charges and yet he's still a rapist? It's just sad really. My people are lost man...
Yea, if you asked me Nate Parker depiction was relatively tame in showing the actual rebellion. The more violent parts of the movie were actually against black people. But it was still a decent movie that deserved to be supported. It's almost like the black community needed the "mainstream" stamp of approval to watch this movie.

It just goes to show that black people are still not ready for any type of revolution. The first revolution takes place in the mind and the minds of many black folks are gone. They let the fake black feminist and the mainstream media deter them from watching. I've even had people in my family say they weren't going to see the movie becasue they didn't support rapist??!!

He was cleared of all charges and yet he's still a rapist? It's just sad really. My people are lost man...
I think the issue came from the debate on how do you separate an artist and their behavior from the art they create. From what I understood about that case, although he was cleared it wasn't clearly not rape
I think the issue came from the debate on how do you separate an artist and their behavior from the art they create. From what I understood about that case, although he was cleared it wasn't clearly not rape

Yea and no.... I get you have to sometimes separate an artist from their behavior, but in this case Nate's behavior shouldn't have been an issue. He has always presented himself as a upstanding guy.

Nate Parker was accused of raping a white women and was cleared of all charges with a mostly white jury in a very "conservative" area. We all know we live in a system of white supremacy and if they could've they would have put that brother in prison. Black men get thrown in jail for a lot less. The fact is there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. That should be enough for black folks.

We as a community should give our people the benefit of the doubt, especially when so much is at stake. Too many of us don't think for ourselves and still get our cues from the dominant society. Sure that's the case for damn near everyone living in America, but we can't afford to keep doing that. We're getting killed and are targeted.

We didn't support our brother and let the dominant society kill what should have been a great moment for black art. Support ourselves or die. It's that simple.
Yea and no.... I get you have to sometimes separate an artist from their behavior, but in this case Nate's behavior shouldn't have been an issue. He has always presented himself as a upstanding guy.

Nate Parker was accused of raping a white women and was cleared of all charges with a mostly white jury in a very "conservative" area. We all know we live in a system of white supremacy and if they could've they would have put that brother in prison. Black men get thrown in jail for a lot less. The fact is there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. That should be enough for black folks.

We as a community should give our people the benefit of the doubt, especially when so much is at stake. Too many of us don't think for ourselves and still get our cues from the dominant society. Sure that's the case for damn near everyone living in America, but we can't afford to keep doing that. We're getting killed and are targeted.

We didn't support our brother and let the dominant society kill what should have been a great moment for black art. Support ourselves or die. It's that simple.
Being found not guilty/being cleared doesn't equal the sex was consensual. Lucky enough he got off without being hung in the town square but because he portrays himself as an upstanding guy does not make him an upstanding guy. I don't know anything that can paint him in a different light but I'd think we'd all know that a person can present themselves clean but dirty in their own ways

Idk about giving our people the benefit of the doubt right out. Not all cases will require a "give a brother a shot" moment. We do get a lot of influence from the majority and will take time to really get behind the idea we are in this together but sometimes these things happen
finally watch The Birth of A Nation, and I dont understand why it got such a low rating....pretty well rounded movie if you ask me. Its a shame Nate Parker is getting "blackmail" in the industry, cuz that brother got a lot of talent.

Yea, if you asked me Nate Parker depiction was relatively tame in showing the actual rebellion. The more violent parts of the movie were actually against black people. But it was still a decent movie that deserved to be supported. It's almost like the black community needed the "mainstream" stamp of approval to watch this movie.

It just goes to show that black people are still not ready for any type of revolution. The first revolution takes place in the mind and the minds of many black folks are gone. They let the fake black feminist and the mainstream media deter them from watching. I've even had people in my family say they weren't going to see the movie becasue they didn't support rapist??!! :smh:

He was cleared of all charges and yet he's still a rapist? It's just sad really. My people are lost man...

there definitely were a good deal of press around homie and his rape case, which certainly didn't help him but i feel like the easiest explanation is just that there may be fatigue for these historical biopics (i can say that is the case for myself at the least)...people go to the movie to be entertained first and foremost, and any way you slice these flicks they tend to be heavy movies combined with the fact that the nat turner story isn't all that well known & for all the hype around the film, nate parker isn't exactly a big movie star that has carried films at the box hindsight it definitely looks like he should have made the netflix move, got to respect his grind & passion to make this film though
there definitely were a good deal of press around homie and his rape case, which certainly didn't help him but i feel like the easiest explanation is just that there may be fatigue for these historical biopics (i can say that is the case for myself at the least)...people go to the movie to be entertained first and foremost, and any way you slice these flicks they tend to be heavy movies combined with the fact that the nat turner story isn't all that well known & for all the hype around the film, nate parker isn't exactly a big movie star that has carried films at the box hindsight it definitely looks like he should have made the netflix move, got to respect his grind & passion to make this film though
totally agree....i think people would rather watch this at home, than at the movie theatres because of the background of the film. And in all honestly, the movie wasn't THAT VIOLENT, i thought it was going to be a lot more gory. Espically when I heard that a lot of white people that went to go see the movie, left before the film ended 
, DJANGO was a lot more gory.

Thanks for the info man. That's a tough situation. I would also like to know, seeing as Cameroon and Togo were German colonies, we're they ceded to the British and French after WW2? I know Germany lost a lot of territory after the war. Was it specifically after WW2 that those African nations we repartitioned to different colonial powers?
After WW1, the Germans lost all their colonies.

Thanks for clarifying, I remember we had spoke about this earlier but forgot exactly which time period it occurred.


I should clarify something about the referendum I mentioned earlier too: the 1961 referendum was properly organized; it was the 1972 referendum that was rigged.

As I told you before, between 1961 and 1972, Cameroon was a federation of two states (each one was headed by a prime minister and a president as the head of the federal republic, kind of like in the US). At the head of Western Cameroon (anglophone) was PM Foncha, who was against reuniting both Cameroons and refused to organize a referendum on that question. Ahidjo (president at the time) decides to nominate Mouna (who was for the reunification), and sets up a national referendum that asks whether Cameroonians in both states would like a united Cameroon, knowing that the decision from the more populous french-speaking Eastern Cameroon would dominate the "no" coming from Western Cameroon. That's what happens in 1972 and it is the basis for the current demands for a return to federalism or full blown independence.
gry60 gry60

Interesting, so the west wouldn't have had a chance any way. I would like to ask you, as a French speaking Cameroonian, how would you like for this to proceed? I mean the inclusion of the west is completely necessary for economy of the country, but how would you quell the situation? I think more representation in government should be obligatory but that doesn't change the sentiments of the majority that seem to not have a problem marginalizing the minority.

tommyicerocking tommyicerocking

Man, I watched the entire vid and it still doesn't sway my thoughts. Our problem with the Chinese isn't that they are getting rich off the continent (well, some do feel this way) but the fact that they don't put anything back into the continent is what's troubling for some of us.

These dudes literally come and spend the bare minimum on African products. I'm glad they are employing Africans but all of their food, all of the money they make, all of that is going back to help China. Africa isn't like the west where we have safeguards in which even illegal immigrants have to somehow pay into the system. Many African nations are much less restricted in that regard.

Imagine living in a foreign country where your toothbrush and vegetables are coming from back home. You don't pay taxes, except for every once in a while when the tax collectors tell you what you owe and you only pay 1/3.

Your one trick is employing natives and that's only due the fact that its cheaper than employing other expatriates for low skill labor.

Its primarily an African leadership problem but please don't act like you are doing me any favors or that I benefit from your presence. If it wasn't you, it would be someone else.
[QUOTE]Its primarily an African leadership problem.[/QUOTE]

This is the fundamental cause of the ills of many countries on the continent.

In the case of Cameroon, one solution would be decentralization. I have an older relative who is very familiar with the inner workings of our government, so I get to pick his brain a lot about what's going on locally. He told me that an extremely disproportionate amount of the national budget gets spent IN Yaounde: something like 20% only is left for the other regions. The other issue is that administrators for all the ten provinces are picked in the capital instead of being chosen locally, which is not in accordance with our most recent constitution. In essence, the demands expressed by the anglophones are demands that have been made by the other seven provinces that have been hurt by the concentration of political power in Yaounde.

I have little hope that any of this will come to pass because it goes against the main policy of the current government: maintaining order by any means necessary. The old lion (Biya) wants to die in power, and he doesn't care what his people do as long as they do not threaten that objective.
He told me that an extremely disproportionate amount of the national budget gets spent IN Yaounde: something like 20% only is left for the other regions. The other issue is that administrators for all the ten provinces are picked in the capital instead of being chosen locally, which is not in accordance with our most recent constitution.

This part really stood out to me. WTF? In such a large country, I was sure you were going to say 20% in Yaoundé and 80 in the rest of country. Also how can your local or provincial elected officials be elected elsewhere? They are basically saying they know what is good for the people in places that they don't even reside and perhaps haven't even visited. Wow man...

Does Biya have a son or someone he will be putting in place that will continue with same ideals? Or will it be a power grab?

You know how it is in EG, no one here even questions who will be the next president. Shoot Im only talking about this due to being out of the country.
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Is it going to be one of the Obiang Nguemas? [emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji] How you gonna give your whole name to everybody in your family? That's the epitome of narcissism.

The lion is ruling as if he is going to live forever, so it is unclear who will take over once he is gone. It is not something people talk openly about within the country though; that lands you in plenty of trouble with the authorities.

Regarding the administrators, they're not elected at all: they're nominated by presidential decree, without any confirmation process, and they still do it by announcing it on the radio. You got people who became ministers by surprise! And because they don't know when they'll be sacked, the first priority is to fatten their bank accounts as much as possible and as fast as possible before the next decree is announced on the radio.[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

The place is a political mess...
Is it going to be one of the Obiang Nguemas? [emoji]128513[/emoji][emoji]128513[/emoji]

The place is a political mess...

Yea man, it's going be his first son who has the same exact name but with the last names switched. [emoji]128529[/emoji]

For whatever reason I thought it was better over there. Nepotism in africa is something else.
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A video I did recently for a project I'm working on. Shot out to Blue Pill and Bro Rich for allowing me to use their facilities and platform.
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