Black Culture Discussion Thread

We say hey the Jewish community has a business of it's antisemitism
We say hey, i'm living in an Asian community & i endure a lot of racism from that community, it's asianhate

speaking up against are abuses isn't hate speech & i'm sick of this BS narrative

Watch all of it.

I've become wary of elevating Africa's strongmen in general.

The thing about Gaddafi is the same thing that plagues most revolutions that end in failure: the inability to separate the leader from the movement. In the case of Libya, Gaddafi was the Jamahiriya, and the Jamahiriya was him, which means that he never made sure that his political movement would live beyond him (unlike revolutionaries like Ataturk or Jerry Rawlings).

And honestly, I think some of his poor decisions in foreign policy had a lot more to do with his death than his desire to create a unified Africa: in addition to funding terrorist groups in the MENA region (some of which are now placing bombs in African cities and kidnapping kids), nothing was said about him allegedly financing Sarkozy's last election in France.
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No different than America….

this is partially the difference:

The thing about Gaddafi is the same thing that plagues most revolutions that end in failure: the inability to separate the leader from the movement. In the case of Libya, Gaddafi was the Jamahiriya, and the Jamahiriya was him, which means that he never made sure that his political movement would live beyond him (unlike revolutionaries like Ataturk or Jerry Rawlings).

it might be fair to say that some aren't able to make to this point of establishing institutions that will last beyond them due to the interventionist nature of foreign powers but the point remains that because the plan/vision is dependent on the guy in charge & not any kind of lasting institution, most moves made by such 'strongmen' can be short-sighted/lack contingencies in their absence/deposition such that when their eventual absence does come the plan/vision goes with them
this is partially the difference:

it might be fair to say that some aren't able to make to this point of establishing institutions that will last beyond them due to the interventionist nature of foreign powers but the point remains that because the plan/vision is dependent on the guy in charge & not any kind of lasting institution, most moves made by such 'strongmen' can be short-sighted/lack contingencies in their absence/deposition such that when their eventual absence does come the plan/vision goes with them

Definitely untrue… you’re basically calling the civilians of Libya unintelligent….

Americans have entrusted the likes of Bernie Madoff… Sam Bankman Fried, Jeff Epstein, etc with their money. So who really is the unintelligent republic?

You’re basically saying certain countries can’t function without their domineering leaders, but the American public isn’t ANY better :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

American arrogance will forever be it’s downfall. Especially nowadays.
Definitely untrue… you’re basically calling the civilians of Libya unintelligent….

Americans have entrusted the likes of Bernie Madoff… Sam Bankman Fried, Jeff Epstein, etc with their money. So who really is the unintelligent republic?

You’re basically saying certain countries can’t function without their domineering leaders, but the American public isn’t ANY better :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

American arrogance will forever be it’s downfall. Especially nowadays.
You're missing the point.

The institutions of Libya under Gaddafi were weak, that is why there were protests demanding that he leave. And when he left, his system left with him.

Few revolutionaries are statemen, and it takes statemen to implement the ideas of the revolution in a lasting way, hence why I mentioned the likes of Ataturk of Turkey and Rawlings of Ghana (to avoid American examples).
Definitely untrue… you’re basically calling the civilians of Libya unintelligent….

Americans have entrusted the likes of Bernie Madoff… Sam Bankman Fried, Jeff Epstein, etc with their money. So who really is the unintelligent republic?

You’re basically saying certain countries can’t function without their domineering leaders, but the American public isn’t ANY better :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

American arrogance will forever be it’s downfall. Especially nowadays.

you are making an assertion that i didn't...i was not meaning or trying to insinuate that any populace is more intelligent or unintelligent, just pointing out that the political implications of a singular leader (be it a benevolent one or a dictator) is what ever plans they have tend to be tied explicitly to their own singular leadership, whatever they specific motivations are, & not to an institution or even a plan of succession for that plan to executed in the eventual certainty of their absence; which often inevitably leads to a vacuum of power and a loss of stability
I always said how the HELL did Norman Leer direct and produce all those African American shows.

I knew what the jugg was
I take DAILY naps. I get my good 8+ hours of sleep. Sleep is IMPORTANT for the body. It’s a reason lions sleep like 14 hours out the day.

I get my rest. F*** a grind culture

Im the living definition of anti-work and anti-hustle culture. Our PEACE and MENTAL HEALTH should come first. During Covid pandemic time I was lucky to be off work for roughly 2 years. I had my bill paid, but damn near every day I was at the park chilling with the ducks and turtles. My mental health is so much clear now because of that time off. Its really a blessing.
Im the living definition of anti-work and anti-hustle culture. Our PEACE and MENTAL HEALTH should come first. During Covid pandemic time I was lucky to be off work for roughly 2 years. I had my bill paid, but damn near every day I was at the park chilling with the ducks and turtles. My mental health is so much clear now because of that time off. Its really a blessing.

Peace and blessings brothers! Sleep deprivation is REAL.
Let some NTers tell it black people are responsible for the lack of consequences white people face when they step out of line.

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