Black Culture Discussion Thread

People are just people.

There were goofys in every generation going all the way back to the dawn of time :lol:

Technology is just a modern way of telling the goofys apart from everyone else.

New tool, same craftsman.


The irony of this happening at the same time folks like Deion Sanders are facing backlash for their comments is crazy.

Monique tells young ladies what comes with wearing bonnets in public = backlash.

Kevin Samuels tells men and women what comes with making poor life choices - backlash.

There has always been a cost associated with telling the truth.
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Ja Morant is showing out because he don't want black social media to view him as corny like Michael B Jordan.

As a corny, lame guy myself there's plenty of room on this bus if Ja want to come.

This tough guy/gangsta act that has been socialized as "swag" and attractive to black women is/has been played out.

It seems like everything is upside down in our community right now.

If a black man has standards in women it's an issue but if black women has standards she is told to never settle and to know her worth.

If you as black person wants to advocate for a two parent home, you get ripped by the strong, independent crowd. That same independent crowd has the most degrees, most student loan debt and the highest rate of eviction in the country.

We went from it takes a village and each one teach one to don't tell me about my mf'in kids.

Stay lame and corny brothas. It's where all the longevity is at.
Maybe its just proof that life experience is shared to an extent and individual as hell in others.

Cuz I get both sides. My mom wasn't against me having braids, but that's probably because I walked around with my hair nappy as all get out. So one unprofessional look was a better option than the other.
My mom always embraced my hair. I had breads, dreads, etc.

It’s ironic that nowadays people wear tattoos and all types of hair styles and colors.

People talk about “unprofessionalism” while the majority of Wall Street does cocaine and you’ve got guys like Bernie Madoff and Jordan Belfort running around in those same circles that stereotype you for you how look, yet stole millions.

Look at TV now and you see dudes wearing suits with sneakers… you go to stores nowadays and the employees literally have their cellphones having full conversations while working or browsing social media. It’s crazy
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Men are generally the ones who are against guys with longer hair,braids or locs. At least openly/directly. Even with the natural movement there's still a lot of men/women who are against it. Questions like how long will you grow your hair sometimes translates to you should cut it.

The comments under this is tweet is pretty close to what people think but don't always say.

The lack of communication from FATHER TO mother is the biggest red flag. The fact that he thought he had the right to do that without consulting with her was foul man.

Also, I don't like how the family business made the internet.
The lack of communication from FATHER TO mother is the biggest red flag. The fact that he thought he had the right to do that without consulting with her was foul man.

Also, I don't like how the family business made the internet.

There's no communication that can solve this. His backwards opinion matters more than kids feelings and what the mom thinks. A lot of dads are like this with hair, clothes etc. It's not like there's any real compromise with this he'd rather the kid have a bad hair cut than twists.

Social media is a part of life. Even message boards/forums wouldn't be the same with out it. It's the family photo album/gossip. Been that way for a long time. A lot of people still have primarily family and real life friends on their social media.

Now person who screen shot it posted it elsewhere that's an issue especially with a minor. But calling out the dad among family/friends is ok.
The Father is 100% correct and did the right thing.

The Mother is 100% wrong.


Father says "I told you I didn't want his hair twisted, braided, or dreaded".

End of story.

Mother did what she wanted to do anyway and caused this whole mess.

Mother has the kid's priorities all messed up.

Dropping the "He doesn't want to go to school" bars proves that the Father is 100% correct.

Also - "Savage/self-made" hoodie on a young black boy is crazy. :lol: :smh:
Nah man, you can't pull stunts like that as the parent that doesn't have primary guardianship of the child.

You also don't do something like that and THEN decide to have a "convo" with the other parent. Have that convo beforehand instead of just deciding, "I'm doing it."
I see it differently.

Primary custody is set by a Court.

Manhood is set by a Father.

If a Father tells a Mother that he does not want his son to have dreadlocks, twists, or braids and the Mother decides to ignore the Father's words and do it anyway then she is 100% in the wrong.

What type of message is she sending to her son?

I come from the "Wait till your Father gets home" era and it saved my life many times over.

What are we talking about here? Braids? Twists? For real? :lol: :smh:

We should be talking about respect, discipline, authority, consequences, and manhood.

If your Father said you aren't getting twists then you aren't getting twists.

If you show up with twists anyway, then this is what happens.

End of story.
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P Present "

Father says "I told you I didn't want his hair twisted, braided, or dreaded".
End of story.
Mother did what she wanted to do anyway and caused this whole mess."

Correct. They should have come to an understanding here. You are right, they both did what they wanted to do here. Lack of respect for eachother and a lack of effective communication.
Self Made Savage is the name of one of mall store clothing brands. :lol:

The kid's hair was growing for awhile this wasn't a new thing. The mom didn't make the kid grow his hair or twist it.

Anyone who prefers a patchy haircut over twists instead of just taking the twist out is an idiot and can't be reasoned with.
P Present "

Father says "I told you I didn't want his hair twisted, braided, or dreaded".
End of story.
Mother did what she wanted to do anyway and caused this whole mess."

Correct. They should have come to an understanding here. You are right, they both did what they wanted to do here. Lack of respect for eachother and a lack of effective communication.

Father would not have anything to cut off if the Mother never allowed it to grow in the first place.

The Father is talking about more than just hair, the Mother is too blind/selfish to see it.

The son is unfortunately caught in the middle.

Hopefully, the Father explained to his son what was going down and why.

Those job interview folks certainly aint gonna tell him :smh:
Self Made Savage is the name of one of mall store clothing brands. :lol:

The kid's hair was growing for awhile this wasn't a new thing. The mom didn't make the kid grow his hair or twist it.

Anyone who prefers a patchy haircut over twists instead of just taking the twist out is an idiot and can't be reasoned with.


I 100% agree with you about the patchy hair.

Father should have taken his Son to a barber but something tells me the Father was reacting out of anger/frustration.

We cant speculate as to the last time the Father saw his son's hair. We didn't get that part of the story.

What we do know is the Father made it known that his son was not to have braids. twists, or locs and the Son shows up with twists - whipping his hair like Willow Smith all up in his Father's face like it aint nothing :lol: :smh:
Men are generally the ones who are against guys with longer hair,braids or locs. At least openly/directly. Even with the natural movement there's still a lot of men/women who are against it. Questions like how long will you grow your hair sometimes translates to you should cut it.

The comments under this is tweet is pretty close to what people think but don't always say.

Most those older guys be against it because they’re either balding or losing hair…. It’s jealousy.

Trust me. It’s not about the hair length
Ironically, the boy is going to grow up and GROW his hair out anyway.:lol: :lol: :lol:

He’s definitely going to resent the father in the future because of this. Something like that will anger him for the rest of his life.

My dad use to get mad at my mom buying me new shoes and would literally try and step on my brand new shoes.

Plenty evil, nasty and disgusting men have SHORT hair or clean cuts, and are terrible humans so it doesn’t matter.

I can bet $100 that the father has, or is okay with tattoos though.

Again, most older men are either jealous that they’re bald, balding or can’t grow a full head of hair anymore. End of story.

Hair length has nothing to do with masculinity:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Plenty long hair dudes can hunt, change a tire, do hard labor, yard worker, any demanding job….. and will also knock a dude out. Whether long hair or short hair :lol:
Most those older guys be against it because they’re either balding or losing hair…. It’s jealousy.

Trust me. It’s not about the hair length

Length definitely plays a part. White dudes refer to guys with with long hair as hippies. Sometimes it's characterized as effeminate

It's deeper than that though. Like the thug/street narrative or being unemployable/unprofessional

I 100% agree with you about the patchy hair.

Father should have taken his Son to a barber but something tells me the Father was reacting out of anger/frustration.

We cant speculate as to the last time the Father saw his son's hair. We didn't get that part of the story.

What we do know is the Father made it known that his son was not to have braids. twists, or locs and the Son shows up with twists - whipping his hair like Willow Smith all up in his Father's face like it aint nothing :lol: :smh:

The name of the brand/company is SELF MADE SAVAGE it's not a slogan or a one off piece

If a guy hasn't seen his kid in person or via a picture or video call over the months at the very least it takes to grow that length....that severely hurts your argument especially that whole custody/manhood part.

Like I said a reasonable person would have taken the twists out but its probably more about longer hair in general. He's a dad not a drill sergeant and he doesn't have final say.
I’d rather my son have long hair than an alcohol or drug problem…. I swear human beings have the worse priorities

What’s the point of looking “professional” when you’ll never get the big promotion anyway, you’ll also reach that glass ceiling and never matriculate up the job hierarchy anyway….?

Get it?

You can be as clean cut as you want…. Yet they’ll still pigeonhole or discriminate against you anyway:lol:
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Just wanted to add my two cents on the subject of braids, dreads, non-low Caesar’s etc with a quick story and diatribe, then im out lol … I was a senior in HS with Braids down to my shoulders and my pops wanted me to cut them before I graduated, I wasn't ready for that change because I had braids for like 5 years atp and I aint wanna new look for fear of change, plus this was 08/09 braids were still poppin and shordys was feeling the kid with the braids in. Anyway I defied him and refused to get a cut, that led to us not speaking for 2-3 months, he was furious with me. He explained that he didnt want me out here lookin like a hood rat, thug etc. , saying Id never get into college id never get a job and whatnot… I kept my hair braided until 2010 as I was a year into college, and had a lil part time job but I cut my hair on my on terms.

I say that to say this, as i rock a low Caesar with few waves at 32, I dont believe we should be demonizing traditional black male hair styles or making them relegated to just being youthful hair styles, again talking about braids, dreads, etc. The deeper problem is that we don't allow our traditional cultural customs to be looked at as that but we have it looked at as thuggish or hood looks, even by our own admission and thats not fair, we should embrace that which is within our culture.

people on the whole been had issues with how black peoples hair is perceived and what is deemed professional or unprofessional

my concern with those who are raising black kids is them legit investing in that child and knowing you can’t care for our hair in the same manner as white kids especially for girls.. but you can’t just take the kid to a Supercuts and expect that to go well

Also don’t get why that mother felt the need to put all that business on social media

but since we on the topic of hair

Length definitely plays a part. White dudes refer to guys with with long hair as hippies. Sometimes it's characterized as effeminate

It's deeper than that though. Like the thug/street narrative or being unemployable/unprofessional

The name of the brand/company is SELF MADE SAVAGE it's not a slogan or a one off piece

If a guy hasn't seen his kid in person or via a picture or video call over the months at the very least it takes to grow that length....that severely hurts your argument especially that whole custody/manhood part.

Like I said a reasonable person would have taken the twists out but its probably more about longer hair in general. He's a dad not a drill sergeant and he doesn't have final say.

We don't know that part of the story so why speculate?

He could have been deployed and seen his Sons hair growing but couldn't do anything about it.

The bottom line is we don't have that information, nor is it relevant to the subject.

A Father has the right to cut his son's hair and not be concerned with what the internet, the Mother, or the Son thinks or feels about it.

There's a reason stuff like The CROWN Act exists:

"The Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act of 2022, known as the CROWN Act of 2022, is a bill in the United States Congress intended to prohibit discrimination based on hairstyle and hair texture by clarifying that such discrimination is illegal under existing federal law."

Unfortunately, most States are "At Will" employment which means discrimination is exceedingly difficult to prove and courts cannot legislate people out of their own prejudice/bias.

The Father could be simply looking out for his Son by not wanting him to lower his ability to find gainful employment/face stereotypes from cops/white folks and that's his right as a Father regardless of what other people think/feel.

Once the kid becomes an adult/leaves his Father's care then he can do what he wants with his life.

For now - teaching his son respect, discipline, authority, and consequences = manhood.

Ex: None of us Men should be calling out of work for two weeks because a barber messed up our hairline. :lol::smh:

Hairstyles don't turn boys into men.

What are we even talking about here? :rofl:

A Father's job is to tell it like it is and maximize his children's success rate.

Life is not fair. Dreads, Braids, and Twists all come at a cost in this white man's world. If you can pay for it then cool...but don't cry about it.

Also - If I had a son I wouldn't put a "Savage" or "Self Made" hoodie on him no matter who made it - but that's just me. :lol:
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