Black Culture Discussion Thread

Like finessence finessence said we still need slavery content cuz it be some of our own ppl saying WILD stuff about it…they be sounding like straight up racist white folks talking about it or the ppl that are actively trying to erase or water down the history of slavery now :smh:

We can’t treat that as a joke or something to brush under the rug and not talk about
Thats fine but Movies made by white men is not going to solve that issue or educate people on it, especially when the majority of those films have undertones of always turning the other cheek or needing a white savior to help us out the situation.

Those attitudes are exactly why ****** stuck in this endless loop now, hell i wouldn't even be upset if there was some sort of balance but its endless examples of black creators from any art form who explain how they don't get funding from these corporations unless its the same tired old troupes.

Slavery is a part of our history, it isn't are ONLY history but you let these people tell it & in the 2020's they have you believe it was the end all be all.

expecting the descendants of the same people who put us in slavery to then turn around & administer the knowledge on it is some real asinine actions man.
I’m sure it’s non white produced slavery content out there if you look for it…Thinking those folks won’t have their hand in anything mainstream in this country is a pipe dream tho
The OTHER "Birth of a Nation". Probably shouldn't have named it that but I get what they were trying to do.
Its amazing to me how, I'll go ahead and say ALL minorities, no longer find teenage or early pregnancy' an issue. Its gotten to the point to where if you don't have any "Oopsie Babies" something is wrong with you.

Among race/ethnicity between 2021 and 2022, the provisional number of births declined 3% for American Indian/Alaska Native and white women and by 1% for Black women from 2021 to 2022.

However, birth rates rose 2% for Asian women and 6% for Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic women.


Could it be that people don't talk about it because the long-term trend of teen pregnancy is negative (which is a positive)?

How about we don't let perception (social media posts/YouTube researchers) drive reality?
tomdiginson tomdiginson

Mali's military leadership has said presidential elections could not be held on schedule due to "technical" reasons. Since taking power in 2020, the junta has promised to hold elections, but has repeatedly issued delays.

See what I meant by protecting their self-interest? New circus, same old act: oust unpopular leader, promise imminent elections to "restore democracy," and delay, delay, delay :lol:.

And when elections are finally organized, the junta leader runs and wins "legitimately"

Mali's military junta on Monday said it would postpone presidential elections planned for February 2024, citing "technical reasons."

The elections were meant to be held on February 4, 2024, with a second round two weeks later. No new date was provided.

Cited reasons for the delay included new rules from the constitution that was approved at a referendum in June and a review of the electoral roll.

Mali is also locked in a dispute with French company Idemia that operates the country's census database.

"The new dates for the presidential election will be communicated later," said government spokesperson Abdoulaye Maiga.

More context on the Idemia dispute with the Malian government. However, note the last paragraph:
On September 14, Malian activist Adama Diarra, known as "Ben Le Cerveau," was sentenced to two years in prison, with one year suspended, for "harming the state's credit." This conviction came after he publicly called on the transitional authorities to honor their commitment to hold elections according to the planned schedule.

We know how this goes...
In July 2023

The military government in Mali has adopted a new constitution that enhances the powers of the president and the armed forces.
It also creates a senate and demotes French from an official to a working language.
Mali has been ruled by a junta since 2020.
The opposition movement has denounced the reforms, which the electoral commission says were backed by 97% of votes cast in last month's referendum.
The official body said turnout was 38%.
Critics fear these changes make it easier for generals to break their promise of handing power back to civilian leaders after a presidential election in February 2024.

The new constitution means Interim President Col Assimi Goïta can now dictate government policy and has the power to dissolve parliament.
A legal case to have the referendum results annulled, because the vote was not held in all parts of Mali, was rejected by the constitutional court.

In a presidential system, the head of state has the power to appoint all judges, including those in the Constitutional Court (equivalent to our Supreme Court). If Goita can do that AND dissolve parliament, what are the chances that he won't leave when his time is up?
tomdiginson tomdiginson

See what I meant by protecting their self-interest? New circus, same old act: oust unpopular leader, promise imminent elections to "restore democracy," and delay, delay, delay :lol:.

And when elections are finally organized, the junta leader runs and wins "legitimately"

More context on the Idemia dispute with the Malian government. However, note the last paragraph:

We know how this goes...
In July 2023

In a presidential system, the head of state has the power to appoint all judges, including those in the Constitutional Court (equivalent to our Supreme Court). If Goita can do that AND dissolve parliament, what are the chances that he won't leave when his time is up?
Were you expecting something else or do you think this a gotcha moment? I'm not surprised. Cesar crossed the Rhine and secured power to carry out the necessary changes he believed were crucial for Rome's success. It's unlikely that those who risked their lives to stage a coup would step aside a few months later and let someone else reap the benefits of their hard work.
Were you expecting something else or do you think this a gotcha moment? I'm not surprised. Cesar crossed the Rhine and secured power to carry out the necessary changes he believed were crucial for Rome's success. It's unlikely that those who risked their lives to stage a coup would step aside a few months later and let someone else reap the benefits of their hard work.
Sounds like you admit they are grifters.

Since the military took power and the French left, those three countries have seen an increase in jihadist violence, to the point that the islamists are in the best position they've ever been to replicate what they did in Syria. Particularly, the new Nigerien government has undone all the progress that was achieved by the president they ousted.

Burkina Faso thwarted another coup attempt yesterday (three attempts in just as many years). None of this looks like a positive development for the region to me.
Like finessence finessence said we still need slavery content cuz it be some of our own ppl saying WILD stuff about it…they be sounding like straight up racist white folks talking about it or the ppl that are actively trying to erase or water down the history of slavery now :smh:

We can’t treat that as a joke or something to brush under the rug and not talk about

I often wonder do people hate slave movies, or the SLAVES. Because the ignorance I see on the subject is astounding.

Granted I had to seek out my own education regarding the subject. But I've legit been around other Black people who are visibly uncomfortable talking about slavery.
He's mostly correct. Deion should've stayed if his conviction was that strong. Year or 2 at least.

“Everybody can tell you how to do it……they NEVER did it”. Deion did what he could for not only Jackson State University and it’s players…..but for the city as well. Black folks think other black people are suppose to suffer just like them or not progress……just like them. You’re suppose to live life and live life more abundantly.

It was time for Deion to move himself, his sons and anyone else who is talented enough up to the next level. Deion gave JSU the blueprint to run with… it’s up to JSU to continue that. Deion moved up to the big stage…more power to him.
Sounds like you admit they are grifters.

Since the military took power and the French left, those three countries have seen an increase in jihadist violence, to the point that the islamists are in the best position they've ever been to replicate what they did in Syria. Particularly, the new Nigerien government has undone all the progress that was achieved by the president they ousted.

Burkina Faso thwarted another coup attempt yesterday (three attempts in just as many years). None of this looks like a positive development for the region to me.
I feel like you may not fully comprehend my point. I believed my reference to Ceasar and the crossing of the Rubicon would provide clarity. It's important to consider the bigger picture in these situations, especially since political transitions can be chaotic and military takeovers can result in complicated aftermaths. Additionally, it's worth noting that the jihadist violence isn't solely related to the change in leadership, as we previously discussed that they existed prior to the coup.
“Everybody can tell you how to do it……they NEVER did it”. Deion did what he could for not only Jackson State University and it’s players…..but for the city as well. Black folks think other black people are suppose to suffer just like them or not progress……just like them. You’re suppose to live life and live life more abundantly.

It was time for Deion to move himself, his sons and anyone else who is talented enough up to the next level. Deion gave JSU the blueprint to run with… it’s up to JSU to continue that. Deion moved up to the big stage…more power to him.
He was meant to not only give them the blueprint, but set it as well. And that takes time, years. Which therefore, was naturally expected from him.
I mean I get the whole semantics surrounding his departure, and I don't blame him(entirely) for dipping.
But I believe he conveyed the wrong impression off the jump, set expectations real high, which he didn't meet.
Do I blame him for taking the talent n running? not entirely. Easy to call it from the outside looking in, but you can't deny the bad optics.
He was meant to not only give them the blueprint, but set it as well. And that takes time, years. Which therefore, was naturally expected from him.
I mean I get the whole semantics surrounding his departure, and I don't blame him(entirely) for dipping.
But I believe he conveyed the wrong impression off the jump, set expectations real high, which he didn't meet.
Do I blame him for taking the talent n running? not entirely. Easy to call it from the outside looking in, but you can't deny the bad optics.

What do you mean by “naturally expected from him” ?? Deion did the work and was doing the work and business that the University should have taken care of. Not just talking about getting new uniforms but run down facilities and structures that staffers didn’t attend to. Deion got sponsorship with Walmart, Under Armor, and other companies for JSU that JSU can carry to this day and beyond. Deion laid the foundation and gave JSU the Blueprint for JSU to succeed. Now it’s up to the University to do right by the kids and right by themselves by not relying on somebody else and do the heavy lifting and hard work themselves.

If Charleston White, Umar Johnson or any other fake revolutionary brotha sitting on the sidelines wants to criticize Deion for what he did let them. They ain’t paying Deion bills and dam sure ain’t paying no bills at any HBCU. Let Charleston White and Umar Johnson sponsor a HBCU and let’s see them make some sort of progress with that.
That n_ DEADASS wrong about Deion it’s HILARIOUS

Charleston White is a FELON…. Wtf has he done for the community except cause mayhem (according to his criminal record).

Deion has inspired young black boys and men for over 30 years. I don’t even understand why you posted buddy.

He said he’s not even a sports fan, so why the f*** is he speaking on Deion? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess he’s supporting “whitey” like he accused Deion of, by purchasing all those guns that are made by white manufacturers:lol: :lol:

Deion has done for his community thrice times over, this is exactly I don’t deal with certain black people. Charleston is funny in his own right, dude genuinely makes me laugh but I bet Charleston’s on male relatives look up to Deion, more than they do him :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Charleston mad as hell that his family members keep bringing up Deion’s successes or talking about him in every family dialogue. That boy SEETHING mad :lol: :lol: :lol:

Got steam coming out of his ears

That boys was a failure as a crook, now he’s a community activist. Get the hell out of here man

Dude was on the chain gang getting rocks thrown at his skull.
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Thing with him is he's focused on the negative without acknowledging the positive.
His point would get across better if he acknowledged the cons as well as pros. Heck, suggest a solution even. Otherwise, it's just plain hating. He's entertaining though, and i suspect that's his m.o.
Thing with him is he's focused on the negative without acknowledging the positive.
His point would get across better if he acknowledged the cons as well as pros. Heck, suggest a solution even. Otherwise, it's just plain hating. He's entertaining though, and i suspect that's his m.o.

On certain topics, he’s really just trying to rile people up, which is what he’s attempting to do, with his Deion comments.

Again, I strictly listen to dude for the comedic factor. Dude is funny as hell. He’s the dopehead uncle version of Katt Williams, who’s considered a habitual criminal.

He’s just mad that Deion has inspired damn near two generations of black men.

Like you said, he’s clearly hating because he doesn’t like the fact that Deion’s reputation and credentials are damn near Teflon
deuce king deuce king and on topic of them business deals, endorsements, etc they are business after all; in it to sell. They banked on Prime sticking around, so the most butts in seats, most eyes and attention on jsu, hence more folks to hawk n advertise their products to. Now with Prime gone, he took said attention with him.
Now how many of said deals would've gone thru had they known of his premature departure?
In a way, Deion is the blueprint.
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